Thursday, October 24, 2013

How the hatred against Japan grew in Korea?

There are some reasons why Korean people/ government have to keep lying.

As already explained, Korean people hate Japan
only because they are educated in that way.

So actually, most people ain't lying,
but just saying what they've learned in school;
that means, what they've learned are just full of lies.

Then, who implemented such biased education?
=>Of course, Korean government did.

Then, why Korean Government started such biased education?
=>There are three major reasons, I say:

#1. To "hide" the real history and cheer up themselves and keep their ethnic pride.
To "find an enemey" outside, and mislead the domestic complaint or disaffections.
Also, the mentality of Koreans were suitable for that kind of education.
#1 is the fundamental, and critical problem of Korea, I think.
And because it's so important, it's explained in other entries:
=> Basic reson why Koreans hate Japan in order to hide their history

In order to hide thier real, miserable history, they had to make Japan as an enemy.

#2 is easy. That's what so many countries did /do, even US.

Only the problem is, Korea could NOT simply "find" an enemy,
ant thus, had to "create" an enemy by lying.
(Well, they could call China as an "enemy" because
China was the country who had been treating Korea
 as a "slave" for thousand years, however,
they decided NOT to do so, because of #1.)

#3 may be a bit hard to understand at first, but not really.
Things are explained in another entry.

Anyway, following facts were very suitable for Korean government to create/conduct such biased, Japan-hating education.
- Korean people tend to lie.
- Especially around the period of annexation, many Korean people lied and pretended as if their assets were robbed by Japan, even though they had none.

Above are the reasons why Korean goverment had to, and was able to keep lying that far.

How the hatred against Japan grew in Korea?
2012/03/18 17:29

Thru my studying, I've found that there are 3 major roots and routes
that "Hatred against Japan" grew and spread widely in Korea:
(a) Korean habit of lying
(b) The strong rancor that "real rotten noble class" had

(c) Biased, full-of-lies education

(a) Korean habit of lying.
It was world-widely known that Koreans were tend to lie.
Let's see some sources.

Hendrick Hamel (1630–1692)'s narrative of captivity and travels in Korea:
 "The Koreans are very much addicted to stealing,
 and so apt to cheat and lie that there is no trusting them."

A report on "The Outlook" by George Kennan, an American journalist
written in 1905:
  "The Koreans are mostly exaggerators or barefaced liars,
 by heredity and by training, 

 and it is impossible to accept without careful verification"

North China Herald 5 May 1905, (Esson Third):
  "No land could possibly make a greater showing for bribery
 and corruption than Korea herself.
  On no piece of ground have men deceived and been deceived
 more univbersally than in this peninsula."

It is so obvious that Koreans had habit of lying
before being annexed by Japan in 1910.

And even now, it is already proven by facts (statistics) that
Korean people still have a habit of lying
(=> Statistics)

Now, let's go deeper.
The first "Korean Lie" was started by individuals while Korea was the slave of China.

Detailed explanation is in the other entry, but anyway, Korean's basic idea is

“I can become successful by lying and creating fake history!”

So each people, at first, lied because they wanted to be succesful in Korea;
 they wanted to pretend as if they were from "Noble" class, and wanted to get a better position.

However, you know,
"to claim that a person is from noble class" means
"to claim that a person (or his/her ancestors) had lots of assets before."

Thus, ofcourse, many people would ask

"If you are really from such 'Noble' class, why you are poor now?  What happened to your assets??"

This would be a hard question to answer;
someone might explained like they lost everything because of a fire,
while others might said that those were robbed.

However, this kind of question became so easy to answer during the period of annexation;
They just could tell lies, like
"On, everything was taken away by Japan!!
My life was so much better and richer before Japan came!!
I wanted to show you how rich I was before!!"

"to claim that a person is from noble class" meant
"to claim that a person (or his/her ancestors) had lots of assets before",
and then, it meant that
"to claim that Japan had taken everithing away."

This is what happened at the level of individuals.

Basically, the very same thing happened for the nation of Korea, too.

Korea wanted to "hide" their miserable history of being a "slave" of China for a thousand years.
They wanted to "feel like superior and special".

Thus, Korean Government started to tell lies, like
"Korea had been a great, independent country for 5000 years"
"Korean culture and civilization were the greatest all over Asia."

It's just like claiming that
"I was rich, I'm from the noble class"

Once the government start such education, of couse,
all the children would have the similar question, such as:

"Why our country is NOT as rich as Japan, then?"
"Why we are NOT as famous as China?"

The answer is,
"Oh, everything was taken away by Japan!!
Our life was so much better and richer before Japan came!!
We wanted to show you how rich Korea was before!!"

See how similar it is?

This is what's happening in Korea, and the reason why Koreans hate Japan.People lie easily, and in order to make it as "real", tell other lies to support it.

By the way, Korean goverment keeps hiding what they've learned or been given from Japan thoroughly,
and teach kids that all the current modernization has been done only by Korean efforts.

Even now, Japan is helping and inventing for Korea a lot
whenever Korea faces a big economic problem.

For example, Japan decided to swap Japanese Yen for Korean Won
by the amount of 5 TRILLION yen even in the year of 2011 when
 they had such a huge disaster, 
because the value of Korean Won went too low and Korea was in a serious toruble.
However, most of Koreans don't know such fact... it's NOT a story of a hundred years ago, but just last year.

This is Korea.

(b) The strong rancor that "real rotten noble class" had.
Let's start from an example at current.
First, imagine that UN has interfered in North Korea and defeated
 the current government under a military dictatorship of Kim family.

Yep, from the perspective of the whole world and also of the citizens in N. Korea, "Good thing" has been done and everyone will be happy.

However, how would Kim family and his cronies feel?
They would bear rancor until they die and even thier children will do so, too.
(Unless they get killed during the interference.)

That's what happened in South Korea at the period of annexation.

Japan let Korea become independent.
And also, Japan modernized Korea with huge efforts and investments;
they eliminated the "old" descriminative hierharchy and implemented modern "equality".

That was "good" for most of the citizens and also, was favorable for the other world.

However, how about the "rotten" noble class at the top of hierarchy?
They were fully enjoying their discriminative systems and exploiting,
but Japan destroyed such "good'n old" culture!

It is obvious that they would bear rancor until they die, or even after thay died.
Actually, modernization of Korea is NOT the result of revolution from inside of their country, but just a result of a treaty between Japan.
So, it was done quite peacefully and those exploiters could escape from getting killed by Korean citizens.
Needless to say, they were NOT killed by Japan, either, because it was NOT a military invasion. So those "rotten noble class" survived and got some position; sometimes, based on their existing assets or positions.

You see, it's just like the case that N. Korean goverment was defeated by outsiders but Kim family were not get killed, and even given a position somewhere.
(Of course, I suppose UN will NEVER give a position to Kim family now,
but at least, the leaders/managers in  their army/goverment may not be fully replaced.)

As mentioned above, originally, the Korean hatred against Japan came from:
- Liers at the normal (common) class (a)
- Real, real rotten and dirty noble class (b)

However, how about the people now, 60 years after the annexation was over?
Here comes the "Education."

(c) Biased, full-of-lies education
Detail is mentioned in the other entry

Education in Korea after WWII is full of lies, and especially, forcing all the Korean Kids to hate Japan (in order for the lies that Korean government made).

I believe there were many honest and clever people in both noble and normal (common) class at the period of annexation, however, most of them are already dead by now.

Thus, people born and grown in Korea recently don't know nothing but such biased (full-of-lies) education only.

As a result, the hatred against Japan is wide-spread in Korea now.


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