Saturday, October 26, 2013

5 Negara Dengan Jumlah Operasi Plastik Terbanyak

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Keinginan untuk selalu tampil sempurna membuat angka operasi plastik di berbagai negara di dunia melonjak dari tahun ke tahun. Berikut ini adalah 5 negara yang memiliki angka operasi plastik paling tinggi menurut

1. Korea Selatan
Ini sebetulnya tidak mengherankan lagi, Korea Selatan selalu berada di peringkat no.1 untuk urusan yang satu ini , The Economist melaporkan sebuah penelitian pada tahun 2009 menunjukkan hasil 1 dari 5 wanita di Korea Selatan pernah melakukan operasi plastik. Sebagian besar memilih untuk mempermak kelopak mata, hidung, dan sedot lemak. Dan pad atahun 2013 ini jumlahnya semakin meningkat drastis. 

2. Yunani
Menempati posisi kedua dalam daftar ini, banyak wanita dari negara asal legenda dewa dewi langit ini yang ternyata merasa insecure tentang ukuran dan bentuk payudara mereka. Meskipun demikian, fakta mengejutkan juga datang dari data jumlah operasi pembesaran penis yang mencapai 592 operasi dalam tahun 2010.
3. Italia
Kaget, Ladies? Kecantikan alami eksotis dengan kulit cokelat ternyata tidak membuat wanita-wanita di Italia puas begitu saja dengan penampilan fisik mereka, lho. Operasi suntik botox untuk mengencangkan kulit menjadi favorit para Italian women ini.
4. Brazil
Banyak wanita di dunia ini yang menganggap wanita Brazil seksi dan sensual secara alami. Meski begitu, nyatanya anggapan dunia ini tidak berlaku di Brazil sendiri. Operasi sedot lemak dan implant payudara adalah dua jenis operasi plastik yang menjadi primadona.
5. Columbia
Negara ini memang terkenal dengan murahnya biaya operasi plastik. Sekitar 90.000 operasi plastik telah dilakukan di negara ini pada tahun 2010 saja. Wow! Sebagian besar operasi yang dilakukan adalah operasi sedot lemak.
Nips and tucks are on the rise seemingly everywhere. While the U.S. is notorious for its beauty-obsessed culture, the country doesn't take the top plastic surgery spot in the world by percentage of population. That medal goes to South Korea, data reported by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
"The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has worked hard to share best practices," said Dr. Julius Few, director of the Few Institute for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. "This educational initiative combined with wider acceptance abroad has led to an increased acceptance in some cultures over others."
Read on for the top five nip/tuck nations that span the globe.


#1 -- South Korea
The plastic surgery industry has stormed Asia, and South Korea has the continent's biggest clientele. The Economist first reported that a 2009 survey by a market-research firm known as Trend Monitor found that about one in five women from Seoul have undergone some sort of plastic surgery.
According to the report, more than 360,000 total procedures were performed in 2010, with the most common procedures being liposuction, nose jobs and blepharoplasty, or double eyelid surgery. More than 44,000 double eyelid surgeries were performed in 2010.
"In Asia, it's very common for patients to want more Western-looking eyes," said Dr. Malcolm Roth, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. "So that's really no surprise there."


#2 -- Greece
"Greece is a head scratcher," said Roth.
With a floundering economy, Roth said it is surprising that the country came in second in overall procedures performed.
"A country's economy and the access to disposable income usually plays a big part in the demand of plastic surgery unless the government pays for it," said Roth.
But Few said it just goes to show that globalization is affecting the plastic surgery industry in unexpected places.
"There is little room to sit still when we consider innovation, domestic or international," said Few.
Breast augmentations took the top spot among invasive surgeries in Greece. Of note, a reported 592 penis enlargement procedures were performed in 2010, ten times more than the average of other countries that made the list.


#3 -- Italy
The Mediterranean boot came in third with a total of 815,745 procedures performed in 2010. Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Dysport) was the most popular procedure performed overall and liposuction was the most common invasive procedure with more than 69,000 reported.
Experts were surprised by Italy's placement over Brazil, and warned that the data should be taken with caution.
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons issued questionnaires to about 20,000 plastic surgeons throughout the world, requesting the number of surgical and non-surgical procedures they performed in 2010. Only 698 came back completed in the allotted time.
"I think clearly we have to take caution with this data, since we don't know how accurate it is," said Roth.


#4 -- Brazil
Brazil: Home to all people, places and things of hotness. Brazil took up fourth place in the list, and liposuction and breast implants were the most popular invasive surgeries among the population.
"Culturally speaking, Brazilians have no problem with plastic surgery," said Roth. "If anything, it's seen as a status symbol to have had it."
Few said he was surprised Brazil didn't make it higher on the list, especially because the country has "a number of government-based tax-deduction systems in place to support elective plastic surgery."
Earlier this year, the government made cosmetic surgeries deductible from income tax, and the discounts are backdated for surgeries as early as 2004. The government believes cosmetic surgery is in such high demand that the additional income to those in the industry will outweigh the money lost to deductions.


#5 -- Colombia
Coming in at a close second to its neighbor and fifth overall, Shakira's home country has a high demand for going under the knife. Liposuction was the most popular procedure, both among surgical and non-surgical procedures, with nearly 90,000 reportedly performed in 2010.
Colombia has become a hot spot for cosmetic tourism, where foreigners travel there to get a nip here and a tuck there.
While there are certainly an abundance of safe options in the countries listed, Roth said it's important to remember the trusty adage: "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."
Cosmetic tourism has become more popular along with higher demand, but Roth warned against going abroad to undergo surgery.
"People go other places because it's cheap, but you really have to do your homework, even more, if you decide to go abroad to get plastic surgery," said Roth. "There are absolutely safe procedures being done in other countries, but you have to be very careful. If something goes wrong, a lot of things can go worse when you're not in your own country with your own doctor."


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