Sunday, June 30, 2013


Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking.

Libra - Si Timbangan
23 September - 22 Oktober 

Karakter Libra

Romantis dan charming
Idealistik dan senang kedamaian

Di sisi lain...

Mudah berubah
Mudah dipengaruhi
Tidak Serius
Libra! Tentang bintang kamu...
Libra satu-satunya bintang yang bukan makhluk hidup, yang lain biasanya termasuk manusia atau binatang. Banyak pebintang modern mengatakan Libra mewakili tingkat tertinggi dari semua musim, ketika penuaian dari semua kerja keras yang dilakukan. Librans biasanya paling beradab dibandingkan keduabelas karakter zodiak dan biasanya berpenampilan menarik. Mereka elegan, dan memiliki cita rasa tinggi, biasanya baik, lembut dan pecinta kecantikan, harmonis.

Mereka sangat kritis dan dapat mundur dan melihat suatu masalah yang tidak adil. Namun mereka tidak menoleransi argumen dari siapapun yang bertentangan dengan opini mereka, saat mereka sudah sampai disatu kesimpulan. Karakter mereka biasanya seimbang, diplomatis dan terkadang temperamen.

Librans sangat sensitif terhadap kebutuhan terhadap orang lain, memiliki kebutuhan emosianal yang tinggi dari pasangannya. Pikiran yang dimiliki Libran biasanya artistik dibandingkan kecerdasan, meskipun biasanya mereka moderat dan lebih seimbang dari sisi artistik.

Dalam relasi personal mereka menunjukan pengertian terhadap pandangan orang lain, mencoba memecahkan semua perbedaan yang ada, dan seringkali mengijinkan kesalahan ditujukan pada dirinya yang menyebabkan kerugian pada dirinya sendiri.

Karakter negatif Libran adalah mudah dipengaruhi, tidak menyukai rutinitas.

Dalam pekerjaan sering dijuluki si "Libra malas". Librans terkadang dapat secara mengejutkan menjadi energik. Mereka dapat sukses sebagai administrators, pengarcara, dealer barang antik, bankers. Beberapa Librans memiliki bakat dalam desain fashion atau kosmetik; yang lain dapat sukses sebagai artis, penulis lagu, kritikus, penulis, interior design
Beberapa fakta menarik tentang bintang kamu:
Simbol yang diasosiakian ke bintang kamu adalah timbangan.
Mewakili keseimbangan yang secara terus menerus kamu cari dalam diri kamu dan kehidupan. 
Your ruling planet is VENUS

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.723
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.62 
Equatorial radius (km) 6,052
Polar radius (km) 6,052
Body rotation period (hours) 5823
(Retrograde) Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 2.12
Number of observed satellites 0

Warna untuk LIBRA adalah BIRU  
Batu bintang kamu adalah Sapphire yang berharga. Sapphire adalah salah satu dari batu yang paling menakjubkan. Dikatakan akan memberikan keberuntungan dan kesembuhan bagi beberapa penyakit. 
Libra Jantan

Kamu membuat waktu di ranjang menjadi pengalaman tak terlupakan. Kamu merasa perlu memuaskan pasangan kamu walaupun dibutuhkan sepanjang malam untuk itu. Kamu mencintai kecantikan di segala aspek kehidupan - termasuk wanita. Kamu menggunakan wibawa dan kepandaian luar biasa sebagai senjata dan kamu ahlinya dalam menjalankan peran. Ketika datang waktunya untuk mengambil tindakan, sikap yang tidak bisa memutuskan kamu sering muncul. Kamu mulai mempertimbangkan pro dan kotra dan jika memiliki keraguan kamu mulai bermain seakan-akan menjadi korbannya. Kamu sangat tidak suka menyakiti orang lain dengan sengaja yang menaruh kamu dalam belas kasihan pasangan. Kamu akan merespon dengan pujian. Kamu menyukai wanita di umur yang muda. Kamu biasanya memilih wanita dengan buasana menarik, berambut panjang dan berbibir basah. Hmm...

Kepribadian LIBRA (23 September – 23 Oktober) dan karakteristik zodiak lainnya

Sesuai dengan lambangnya (timbangan), Libra adalah type orang yang sering bimbang dalam mengambil keputusan. Libra sangat sulit ditebak, sangat teliti dalam menyikapi sesuatu, penuh rahasia dan lebih mempercayai buku harian sebagai sarana curhatnya dan mampu mengelabui suasana hati yang sedang dialaminya dalam penampilan sehari-sehari. Sekalipun humoris dan ceria, Libra lebih menyenangi kesendirian daripada bergerak secara bergerombol. Namun beda halnya dalam hal kerjasama, Libra adalah orang yang tepat untuk urusan yang satu ini. Selain adil, Libra juga jujur dan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk tidak mengecewakan rekannya.
Keingintahuannya yang besar didukung oleh kemampuan otak yang cemerlang, membuat Libra bisa dengan gampang menguasai bidang-bidang tertentu sekalipun itu sesuatu yang baru dan belum pernah disentuhnya. Itu sebabnya para Libra mampu mendahului rekan-rekannya yang terjun dalam bidang yang sama. Namun satu kekurangan dari diri Libra adalah ; mereka tidak begitu gigih dalam mempertahankan apa yang sudah mereka capai. Ini dikarenakan sifat mereka yang ambisius dan ingin mencoba segalanya. Bila sudah diraih, maka Libra akan mencoba hal baru lainnya.

Dalam pergaulan, Libra sangat disenangi oleh teman-temannya. Selain humoris dan ceria, Libra diam-diam juga memiliki sifat keibuan/kebapaan. Mereka bisa mengerti situasi rekan-rekan mereka dan mampu memberikan solusi yang tepat untuk membantu rekan-rekannya. Sesuai dengan pembawaannya yang blak-blakan dan ceria, Libra juga type pemarah yang menakutkan. Namun walaupun begitu, sangatlah sulit untuk memancing amarahnya. Bila sudah terlanjur marah, suaranya akan menggelegar bak petir menyambar.
Sifat Libra yang bimbang dan ragu-ragu sering merugikan dirinya sendiri. Tapi ini sudah tidak bisa dielakkan lagi karena memang sudah seperti itulah Libra pada umumnya. Dalam kesehariaannya, Libra tidak pernah berhenti berpikir dan dia juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menemukan jalan keluar sekalipun dalam keadaan genting. Hal ini membuat Libra bisa keluar dari kegagalan-kegagalan yang dialaminya.
Kehidupan Libra ibarat drama. Sedih, marah, kecewa, semua bercampur aduk di dalam satu penggorengan. Tak jarang, karena sifatnya yang jujur dan tidak ingin mengecewakan teman, membuatnya selalu menjadi korban. Tak sedikit orang yang memanfaatkan sifat Libra yang satu ini hanya untuk memperoleh kesenangan tanpa memperdulikan perasaan Libra.
Tekanan-tekanan hidup yang berat, kegagalan berturut-turut dan kekecewaan yang dialami membentuk kepribadian Libra menjadi sensitif dan pendendam. Libra selalu belajar dari kegagalan sehingga tidak mudah baginya untuk bisa menerima suatu tawaran/pendapat baru. Dia tidak bisa dengan gampang mempercayai apapun yang dikatakan kepadanya sebelum dia bisa membuktikannya. Sifat pendendam yang dimiliki Libra adalah dendam yang positif namun kebanyakan dendam yang tersimpan di hatinya adalah dendam yang negatif. Bila sudah tersakiti, tidak akan ada kata maaf bagi Libra. Palu sudah diketuk, waktunya untuk menjatuhkan hukuman.
Kehati-hatiannya acap kali menimbulkan kesalah-pahaman, khususnya dalam hubungan asmara. Pada dasarnya Libra tidak pernah memiliki niat untuk menyakiti, namun karena Libra adalah type yang semi-terbuka, dan lebih banyak men-judge di dalam hatinya, sehingga menimbulkan prasangka-prasangka yang bertolak-belakang dengan pasangannya.
Namun untuk urusan kesetiaan, Libra tidak perlu lagi diragukan. Keramahannya pada setiap orang yang dijumpainya, tidak menandakan bahwa mereka itu playboy/playgirl. Namun hal ini sering memicu kontroversi/cemburu bagi pasangannya.
Libra adalah artis/aktor sejati. Mereka bisa bermuka dua, memanipulasi orang sekitarnya namun hal ini dilakukan bukan untuk kepentingan jahat. Pada saat hatinya sedang berduka, Libra tidak akan pernah menunjukkannya pada setiap orang yang ditemuinya, itu dikarenakan Libra sangat berhati-hati dalam mengutarakan sesuatu dan memiliki gengsi yang teramat sangat tinggi. Namun walaupun begitu, Libra adalah teman/pasangan yang sangat menyenangkan karena dia bisa merubah suasana yang kaku menjadi meriah, ibarat gula, bila Libra sudah duduk, maka teman-temannya akan segera mengerubunginya hanya sekedar untuk mendengarkan cerita-cerita terbaru dan humor-humor terlucu darinya. Bila Libra menghilang, maka teman-temannya akan seperti anak ayam kehilangan induknya, bertanya-tanya “Dimana Libra?”
Pada saat sendirilah sifat asli Libra akan terkuak. Libra, dibalik keceriaannya adalah sosok yang merasa dirinya kesepian, dia juga suka merenungkan hidup dan terus-menerus berpikir tentang banyak hal. Ini dikarenakan sifatnya yang kurang terbuka sehingga segala permasalahan ditanggung sendiri.
Bagi ARIES sebagai pasangan serasi Libra, percayalah. Walaupun Libra terkadang sulit dimengerti dan terkesan diktator, pada dasarnya tidak sulit untuk menaklukkan Libra ; kelembutan. Cuma itu kuncinya. Dalam segala hal, jangan pernah menggunakan kekerasan untuk mendidik Libra, karena hal itu hanya akan membuatnya semakin tidak bisa dikendali dan malah menimbulkan niat di hati Libra untuk berbuat nekat.

Mengenal Karakter dan Sifat Cewek Libra

Selalu tampak tenang, elegan, dan menarik. Kaum Libra selalu berusaha menghadirkan harmoni di dalam setiap langkahnya. Mereka umumnya juga romantis dan selalu berusaha berada di tempat yang glamour dan “berbudaya”.
Love secret:
Kamu seringkali berharap ( dan kecewa ) pada pasanganmu bila mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu hal yang romantis untuk menyatakan cintanya. Kamu senang membuat pasangnmu cemburu hanya untuk menarik perhatiannya,
Siapa yang akan Jatuh cinta padamu?
Hampir semua orang dapat jatuh hati pada ketenangan dan gaya eleganmu. Mereka yang menghargai penampilanmu yang santun dan berkelas.
Siapa yang dapat membuatmu bertekuk lutut?
Jenius yang banyak memiliki uang dan banyak waktu untuk memanjakanmu, dan sapa saja yang menarik secara fisik ( klo yang ini hampir semua orang kali yaaa..~ ).
Kehebatanmu yang tersembunyi:
Kamu cinta damai. Kamu bahkan bersedia mengalah demi terciptanya ketentraman dalam segala hal.
Ciri khas :
Kurang berani berdiri sendiri selalu ingin bergantung pada orang lain dan gampang putus asa. Dalam bergaul warga Libra mudah menyesuaikan diri sehingga banyak memiliki kawan. Tapi, kalau marah lupa daratan, walaupun setelah sadar ia akan menyesal. Senang berpenampilan bagus dan daya tariknya juga besar.
Sifat – sifat Umum :
Warga Libra menyukai kebenaran. Walaupun tampak tenang, tapi juga mudah tersinggung. Perasaanya halus. Dan dalam mengambil keputusan kadang suka ceroboh ssehingga menyesal dikemudian hari.
Birth stone : Opal – Hope
Flower : Calendula
Colour : White & Yellow
Disease : Stomachace, yellow fever & Tonsil
Ideal couple : Aries, Leo & Aquarius
Hubungan dengan Zodiac lain:
Cocok: Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Perasaan kompleks: Aries, Libra
Hubungan aneh: Cancer, Capricorn
Tidak cocok: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces

Libra Characteristics and Profile

(September 23 - October 22)
Libra is the only zodiac symbol that's neither animal nor human -- but surely that doesn't make you any less human. In fact, Libra is among the most sociable of the signs. As scales of old were really "balances," so to do you seek balance in all that Libra does. You respond to situations with grace as Libra attempts to put others at ease. Artistically, Libra tries to balance form, content, colors and elements, and for this reason can be drawn toward creative endeavors.

The greatest balancing act is between self and others, and it is here that many Libras focus their energy. Here, in the realm of interpersonal relationships, you are a champion. Libra know how to be the charming host or hostess. Libra can sense what others want before they ask for it. And you can make the needs of others a higher priority than your own. In fact, Libra is the shuttle diplomats of the zodiac, going back and forth between the extremes until a solution is negotiated. 

The Libra motto might be "To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." It is your innate sense of cause and effect that makes you so effective as a strategist. Whether it's playing chess, relationship counseling or civic planning, you know how to be effective while staying in the middle of the road. Your easygoing attitude can serve you and others well, but don't forget that your needs cannot go totally unfulfilled or you won't have anything to give to others. 

Element: Air

The astrological element of air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind. 

Seventh House: Partners

If the First House represents the self, the Seventh House opposite it, represents the other. This can be a business partner, a spouse or any other type of relationship amongst equals. Most often, this is where we look to see how you relate to others in your life.

Key Planet: Venus

Venus is the planet of love and desire. She is in charge of romance and beauty. But Venus isn't only about physical love; she's also symbolic of the ideal love. When we see a beautiful painting or other work or art, Venus is present. She is the beauty of a rose as much as she is the attraction we have to someone we love. As the key planet of Libra, Venus is about the perception of beauty as an ideal. Here, she is the proper blend of colors, the right mix of music or the perfect poetic description of love, itself. 

Your Biggest Strength: Your grace and charm when helping others

Your Potential Weakness: Forgetting to take care of your own needs

Libra! About Your Sign...

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.
They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.
Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.
Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.
In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality. 
Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.
The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle.
In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.
Possible Health Concerns...
Libra governs the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. Its subjects must beware of weaknesses in the back, and lumbago, and they are susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, especially gravel and stone. They need to avoid overindulgence in food and especially drink, for the latter can particularly harm the kidneys.

  • The finer things in life
  • Sharing
  • conviviality
  • Gentleness
  • Violence
  • Injustice
  • Brutishness
  • Being a slave to fashion

As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Libran you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
Problem:   Finding yourself frequently trapped in situations that have no depth and little value to you or the other person.
Solution:   Try not to pretend feelings you do not have and find a way to back gracefully out of a superficial relationship; look before you leap.
Problem:  You find that you do not really like yourself and/or beating yourself up over not being able to please another.
Solution:   If you learn how to please yourself without depriving others, then you will be able to please someone else.
Problem:  The situations that make you ill at ease is only mildly irritating to another.
Solution:  Try to cultivate inner security through spiritual strength and awareness.
Problem:  Feeling like you are nothing: your actions being frustrating to others.
Solution:  Developing your feelings of self worth by expressing the positive in your nature and not letting your elitist, class consciousness show.
Your ruling planet is VENUS

Mean distance from the Sun (AU) 0.723
Sidereal period of orbit (years) 0.62
Equatorial radius (km) 6,052
Polar radius (km) 6,052
Body rotation period (hours) 5823
(Retrograde) Tilt of equator to orbit (degrees) 2.12
Number of observed satellites 0


Some more interesting facts about your sign:

The symbol associated with your sign is the scales of balance
representing the balance that you continually seek in your self and your life. The scales were also
adopted by our judicial system to symbolize a balance of fairness in the law which is emphasized by 'blind justice' holding them.

The color of choice for Libra is Blue

Your starstone is the precious Sapphire. The Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and sought after gems in the quartz family. It is considered good luck in many ways and one of the major healing stones.
Libra Betina

Kamu diperhatikan karena kecantikan kamu. Kamu selalu memperhatikan busana, sikap dan memberikan sentuhan elegan di sekeliling kamu. Tujuan kamu adalah lebih di puja oleh pria namun jika dia meneruskan menaikan egomu, kamu akan menunjukan kepadanya seberapa terlatihnya kamu dalam bercinta. Kamu cenderung memilih pria artistik, namun pasangan kamu harus pandai melumas kamu dengan pujian untuk membuat kamu tetap bahagia.
Beberapa Librians terkenal: 
September 23, 1920 - Mickey Rooney - Actor
September 23, 1943 - Julio Inglesias - Singer
September 24, 1896 - F.Scott Fitsgerald - Writer
September 24, 1942 - Linda McCartney - Paul's Wife 
September 25, 1897 - William Faulkner - Writer
September 25, 1906 - Dimitri Shotakovich - Composer
September 25, 1931 - Barbara Walters - Interviewer
September 25, 1932 - Juliet Prowse - Dancer 
September 25, 1944 - Michael Douglas - Actor
September 25, 1952 - Christopher Reeve - Actor
September 26, 1888 - T.S. Elliot - Poet
September 26, 1898 - George Gershwin - Composer
September 26, 1924 - Marcello Mastroiani - Actor
September 26, 1948 - Olivia Newton John - Singer 
September 26, 1956 - Linda Hamilton - Actress
September 27, 1920 - William Conrad - Writer
September 27, 1933 - Greg Morris - Actor
September 27, 1947 - Cheryl Tiegs - Model
September 27, 1958 - Shaun Cassidy - Singer
September 28, 1902 - Ed Sulllivan - TV Host
September 28, 1909 - Al Capp - Cartoonist
September 28, 1916 - Peter Finch - Actor
September 28, 1933 - Sylvia Kars - Sex therapist
September 28, 1934 - Bridgette Bardot - Actress
September 28, 1967 - Moon Zappa - Celebrity
September 29, 1901 - Enrico Fermi - Scientist
September 29, 1907 - Gene Autry - Singer
September 29, 1908 - Greer Garson - Actress
September 29, 1942 - Madeline Kahn - Actress
September 29, 1943 - Lech Walesa - Activist
September 29, 1935 - Jerry Lee Lewis - Singer
September 29, 1948 - Bryant Gumbel - TV Host
September 30, 1921 - Deborah Kerr - Actress
September 30, 1924 - Truman Copote - Writer
September 30, 1929 - Robert Duval - Actor
October 1, 1847 - Annie Besant - Occultist
October 1, 1888 - Mark E. Jones - Astrologer
October 1, 1920 - Walter Mathhau - Actor
October 1, 1921 - James Whitmore - Actor
October 1, 1924 - James Earl Carter - President US
October 1, 1928 - George Peppard - Actor
October 1, 1930 - Richard Harris - Actor
October 1, 1935 - Julie Andrews - Actress
October 1, 1941 - Randy Quaid - Actor
October 2, 1890 - Groucho Marx - Comedian
October 2, 1869 - Mahatma Gandhi - Pacifist
October 2, 1906 - Willie Ley - Science Writer
October 2, 1938 - Rex Reed - Journalist
October 2, 1951 - Sting - Musician

October 3, 1900 - Thomas Wolf - Writer
October 3, 1909 - Chuby Checker - Singer
October 3, 1925 - Gore Vidal - Writer
October 4, 1814 - Jean F. Millet - - Artist
October 4, 1822 - Rutherford Hayes - President US
October 4, 1923 - Charlton Heston - Actor
October 4, 1946 - Susan Sarandon - Actor
October 5, 1923 - Philip Berrigan - Activist
October 5, 1925 - Richard Gordon - Astronaut
October 5, 1951 - Bob Geldolf - Organizer
October 6, 1908 - Carol Lombard - Actress
October 6, 1820 - Jenny Lind - Singer
October 6, 1887 - Le Corbusier - Architect
October 6, 1906 - Janet Gainer - Actress
October 7, 1849 - James W. Riley - Poet
October 7, 1885 - Neils Bohr - Physicist
October 7, 1900 - Heinrich Himmler - Nazi
October 7, 1917 - June Allyson - Actress
October 7, 1927 - R.D. Laing - Psychologist
October 7, 1931 - Desmond Tutu - Statesman
October 7, 1943 - Oliver North - Celebrity
October 7, 1951 - John Mellencamp - Singer
October 8, 1890 - Eddie Rickenbacker - Military
October 8, 1985 - Juan Peron - President
October 8, 1941 - Jesse Jackson - Activist
October 8, 1936 - Rona Barret - Columnist
October 8, 1949 - Sigouney Weaver - Actress
October 9, 1835 - Camille St.Saens - Composer
October 9, 1890 - Aimee S. McPherson - Religious Leader
October 9, 1911 - Charles Jayne - Astrologer
October 9, 1940 - John Lennon - Beatle
October 10, 1813 - Guiseppe Verdi - Composer
October 10, 1900 - Helen Hayes - Actress
October 10, 1924 - James Clavell - Writer
October 10, 1954 - James Eshelman - Astrologer
October 10, 1955 - David Lee Roth - Musician
October 11, 1884 - Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady
October 12, 1875 - Aleister Crowley - Occultist
October 12, 1932 - Dick Gregory - Comedian
October 12, 1935 - Luciano Pavarotti - Singer
October 13, 1853 - Lillie Langtry - Actress
October 13, 1921 - Yves Montand - Actor
October 13, 1925 - Lenny Bruce - Comedian
October 13, 1925 - Margaret Thacher - Prime Minister
October 13, 1956 - Judy Blumberg - Skater
October 14, 1888 - Katherine Mansfield - Writer
October 14, 1890 - Dwight Eisenhower - President US
October 14, 1896 - Lillian Gish - Actress
October 14, 1894 - E.E. Cummings - Poet

October 14, 1916 - C. Everett Koop - Physician General
October 14, 1928 - Roger Moore - Actor
October 14, 1938 - John Dean - Attorney
October 15, 1917 - Arthur Schlesinger - Writer
October 15, 1959 - Sarah Ferguson - Royalty
October 15, 1844 - Friedrich Nietzsche - Writer
October 15, 1924 - Lee A. Iacocca - Corporate Figure
October 15, 1943 - Penny Marshall - Actress
October 16, 1854 - Oscar Wilde - Writer
October 16, 1886 - David Ben-Gurion - Political Leader
October 16, 1888 - Eugene O'Neill - Writer
October 16, 1923 - Linda Darnell - Actress
October 16, 1925 - Angela Lansbury - Actress
October 16, 1939 - Batya Stark - Astrologer
October 16, 1946 - Suzanne Somers - Actress
October 17, 1915 - Arthur Miller - Writer
October 17, 1918 - Susan Hayworth - Actress
October 17, 1920 - Montgomery Clift - Actor
October 17, 1931 - Jimmy Breslin - Politician
October 17, 1932 - Paul Anderson - Weight Lifter
October 17, 1938 - Evel Knievel - Dare Devil 
October 17, 1949 - Margot Kidder - Actress
October 18, 1922 - Jess Helms - Politician
October 18, 1927 - George C. Scott - Actor
October 18, 1960 - J.C. Van Damm - Actor
October 18, 1956 - Martina Nvratilova - Sports Figure
October 19, 1912 - John Profumo - Scandal
October 19, 1922 - Jack Anderson - Journalist
October 19, 1931 - John Lecarre - Writer
October 19, 1932 - Robert Reed - Actor
October 19, 1945 - John Lithgow - Actor
October 20, 1854 - Arthur Rimbaud - Poet
October 20, 1882 - Bela Lugosi - Actor
October 20, 1859 - John Dewey - Educator
October 20, 1926 - Art Buchwald - Columnist
October 20, 1936 - Bobby Seale - Activist
October 21, 1833 - Alfred Nobel - Chemist
October 21, 1952 - Patti Regan - President’s daughter
October 21, 1956 - Carrie Fisher - Actress
October 22, 1811 - Franz Liszt - Composer
October 22, 1905 - Constance Bennett - Actress
October 22, 1917 - Margot Fontaine - Dancer
October 22, 1922 - Timothy Leary - Professor
October 22, 1942 - Annette Funicello - Mouseketeer
October 22, 1937 - Tommy Lasorda - Sports Figure
October 22, 1952 - Pattie Davis - Celebrity
October 22, 1952 - Jeff Goldblum - Actor
October 23,1844 - Sarah Bernhardt - Actress
October 23,1894 - Charles Atlas - Body Builder
October 23, 1925 - Johnny Carson - TV Host


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