
Caranya pake lipstik dulu deh, kalo buat cowo ya mau tidak mau pake dulu lah(asal jangan keterusan pakai), setelah itu ambil tisu atau kain putih, apa kertas, atau apalah yang penting itu cap bibir bia dilihat.
Kalo sudah berikut analisanya;
1. Bergelombang
Bentuk bibir yang bergelombang atau tak beraturan menandakan orang yang meiliki kreatifitas tinggi dan biasanya orangnya romantis. Bibir bagian atasnya membentuk huruf V dan agak terpecah-pecah menandakan sisi romantis, suka makan, dan memiliki selera yang tinggi dalam memasak.(bakat nih jadi koki).
2. Rata dan rapat
Bentuk cetakan bibir yang rapat dengan tonjolan kecil di lekukan bibir bagian atas menunjukkan sikap yang tertutup sebenarnya, tapi orang yang penuh cinta kasih. Ruang yang kecil di antara bibir menunjukkan sikap yang sangat keras kepala dan sulit menerima saran atau kritik orang lain. ini disebabkan karena merasa tahu apa tujuan yang ditentukan, dan bagaimana cara melakukannya, sehingga kurang menerima masukan lain.
3. Berlian
Bibir yang berbentuk mirip berlian menunjukkan memiliki sikap sangat murah hati dan senang memberi, baik banget deh pokoknya. Jika memiliki bibir bawah yang penuh sempurna, berarti memiliki bakat menjadi seorang komunikator yang baik dan mudah bergaul dengan anak-anak.(asal kalo kebanyakan maen sama anak anak ngga jadi pedofilia aj dehh).
4. Lingkaran
Perhatikan bentuk bibir atas, jika berbentuk mirip busur panah, atau yang dikenal dengan cupid's bow, artinya orang itu memiliki keunggulan dalam melakukan mediasi dan bernegosiasi. Lebarnya jarak antara bibir memiliki makna sikap yang terbuka, dan tidak suka berprasangka kepada orang lain atau situasi tertentu.(hmm, yang ini sexy menurut saya)
5. Oval
Bentuk oval kecil membuktikan bahwa orang yang tak suka konflik, dan senang melihat orang sekitar merasa bahagia. Orang dengan bentuk bibir ini, senang membagi kebahagiaan dengan orang lain. Sudut bibir yang kecil, dan jarak di antara bibir, membuktikan sisi orang itu yang multitalenta, dan tidak suka akan melakukan hal-hal yang membosankan.
- Bentuk bibir penuh, pintar membuat percakapan jadi terbuka lebar dan bisa mengungkapkan sesuatu yang memalukan.
- Bibir yang tipis menunjukkan bahwa anda lebih pintar dalam menyimpan rahasia pribadi.
- Bibir yang pendek dapat menunjukkan bahwa anda lebih menyukai percakapan satu arah.
- Anda memiliki bibir yang panjang maka menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan bicara dengan banyak orang.
- Bila anda memiliki bibir penuh dan cuping telinga besar dapat menunjukkan bahwa anda adalah orang yang sangat sensual.
- Bibir atas yang tipis menunjukkan orang yang kurang afeksi sedangkan bibir bawah lebih penuh menunjukkan menerima tantangan.

Revealing The Secrets Behind Your Expression
Our Mouth area consists of following four major parts:
- Philtrum
- Lips
- Teeth
- Tongue
The philtrum is the vertical groove in the middle of the upper lip between the top lip and the nose. Its name comes from the Greek philtron, which means “love potion,” and was so named because the ancient Greeks believed this was one of the most erogenous zones of the body.
We look at the philtrum to determine creativity, emotional aspects of fertility and desire for children, stress, andsensitivity.
If you have a short philtrum, you certainly do not like to be teased, even if it is good-natured. You have probably been called touchy, especially if you grew up with impish siblings.
Those with a long philtrum not only do not mind good-natured teasing, they love it. They love practical jokes, even if they are the target; they’re the ideal good sports about everything.
In case it is clearly marked, deep, long, it is a sure sign for a strong and healthy energy levels and vitality in a person. On the contrary a flat weakPhiltrum indicates a weak life force and drive.
- Large or Wide Mouth (Big lips)
- Narrow Mouth or Small lips
- Thin lips
- Thick lips
- Balanced lips
- Upper lip narrow, lower lip full
- Upper lip big, lower lip thin
- Corners of the mouth turned up
- Corners of the mouth turned down
Large or Wide Mouth (Big lips)
The mouth is indicative of a persons character and disposition. It is also related to communication, speech, sensual appetites like eating and sex. A large or wide mouth usually indicates a person who cares very greatly about their relationships with friends and family. You love caring for those who are most important to you. You also tend to be very generous and expressive. . Great big lips mean that someone has expensive taste.
A large mouth is a sign of outgoing and extroverted person, belongs to the life and soul of the party. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character. Large mouthed persons can be very vocal and show their dissatisfaction and frustration when
Narrow Mouth or Small lips
Our lips give us the ability to nurture others in our loving relationships.
A small mouth represents introverted, careful and cautious people. A smaller or more narrow mouth usually indicates a person who has less of a need for many relationships. This might mean that you have a few relationships that are very important to you but you don't try to be friends with everyone you meet. If you have an exceptionally small mouth, this might indicate that you have difficulty establishing long-term relationships. A small mouth denotes a very sincere person.
A person with small lips tends to be less talkative. He tends to keep his private life away from others and may hide his inner emotions and feelings. He can also hold on to secrets for years, unlike the guy who has big lips who can hardly hold a secret (unless of course he's bound by some strong influencing force like religion for example). Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways.
Narrow lips reveal someone who has trouble sharing deep feelings. They are unemotional. Small lips are selfish and miserable.
Thin lips
One can tell a lot about relationships by examining the lips A thin lipped person may be very cautious and not an adventure-lover. You're measured and selective, and you go for quality over quantity! Some senses are much more important to you than others, and you tend to neglect the rest. Thin lips reflect a hard working, responsible character who is prone to overworking.A self-centred, mean woman has small, tightly pursued lips.
Thick lips
The mouth is linked to communication and sensuality, and the shape of the lips can be quite revealing. A person with big lips tends to be very talkative and will hardly ever be silent. This person likes to talk a lot and to tell stories. he provides very good company when present in a group but if that person wasn't accompanied with good listeners then people may end up feeling irritated and annoyed of his continuous talking. When you want to ask for directions in the street pick someone with big lips because he will give you the full details.
Balanced lip
Because human beings are different you can't categorize every person you meet under the two major categories of big lips or small lips but instead you will find many people falling in between the two large categories. The more the person is close to one of these categories the more likely he will have the personality traits associated with it. When both lips are of equal distribution, this reveals a well meaning and communicative personality.
Upper lip narrow, lower lip full
A woman with thin upper lip and a broader lower lip indicates she may have problems reciprocating her feelings in a relationship.
Upper lip big, lower lip thin:
A woman with thin lower lip and thicker upper lip may indicate she gives in too much to build and maintain a relationship.
Corners of the mouth turned up
Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and shows cheerfulness.
Corners of the mouth turned down
What's interesting about face reading is that any facial feature even the ones that don't appear to be important can reveal things about the personality. The size of teeth in relation to the face also offers clues to a person’s success potential. People who have big teeth that are also regular in shape have what are known as “dragon teeth”. This signifies someone powerful who has excellent career and wealth luck. Such a person will become respected and well known as an honourable person during middle age, and is slated for a good life with a good ending.
When the front teeth appear big, it suggests an active person, someone with high sex drive who gets passionate about the things and causes. Such a person is reliable and trustworthy.
When teeth are neat but small and appear to have deep roots, this is known as “ox teeth”. People with such teeth enjoy good fortune all through life. They live long and enjoy wealth and riches. When the roots do not seem deep, then small neat teeth symbolizes someone with an impulsive nature who is likely to make mistakes.
When the face is presentable with a good mouth shape, but the teeth are uneven, the person tends to be fussy and overly critical of others. Such a person is a mischief maker although there is rarely any intention to give harm or cause pain.
A space between front two teeth is indicative of dare devil and risk taking nature. They are of ever changing mind and lack of direction in life. He may rush to buy something or to try something new. This person may not do all the proper calculations before marching forward and so he may regret it later.
The two big upper teeth show impatience and stubbornness in character.
If you do push against this person's will then he will push back strongly. The only way you can deal with such a person is by being flexible. One of the famous examples for situations where stubborn people resist people's desire to force them to do things that they don't want to do is when you keep calling them while they're busy with something to the extent that they may finish their task and decide to not answer you or call you back; you may end up calling them forever that day!
Sharp Teeth
This kind of teeth tends to resemble the teeth of a mouse. They are sharp and efficient. Having this kind of teeth signifies someone very smart, especially in the technical fields of expertise. Someone like this tends to be mathematical and generally have a good start in life, but he/she may face obstacles and challenges later on.
Uneven Teeth
People who have uneven teeth – some small and some big, some sharp and some blunt – tend to be greedy and grasping – thinking only of him or herself. Such a person can also be something of a bully. His/her thought patterns and actions appear “unsynchronized”. This person can be very hot tempered, as a result of which he/she has troubles in most love relationships. Romantic luck tends to be lacking. Such a person should learn to control his/her emotions to create a better and happier life.

More Gum than Teeth
When the gums are very obvious each time a person opens his/her mouth, this suggests someone lacking in relationship luck especially with respect to family. This person is likely to leave the family when young. This does not suggest the person is not nice, only that he/she tends to be closer to friends than to relatives. However, according to physiognomy, someone with uneven oral structure is not to be trusted. One should be careful before trusting such a person.
Very small Teeth
A person with small teeth tends to be a very stingy person. To this person, money is everything and they are easily motivated by the promise of a cash reward. Such people are also prone to jealousy and do not trust people easily. When there is a gap in the front teeth, it also indicates an inability to save money.

- Large or Wide Mouth (Big lips)
- Narrow Mouth or Small lips
- Thin lips
- Thick lips
- Balanced lips
- Upper lip narrow, lower lip full
- Upper lip big, lower lip thin
- Corners of the mouth turned up
- Corners of the mouth turned down
Large or Wide Mouth (Big lips)

A large mouth is a sign of outgoing and extroverted person, belongs to the life and soul of the party. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character. Large mouthed persons can be very vocal and show their dissatisfaction and frustration when
Narrow Mouth or Small lips
Our lips give us the ability to nurture others in our loving relationships.
A small mouth represents introverted, careful and cautious people. A smaller or more narrow mouth usually indicates a person who has less of a need for many relationships. This might mean that you have a few relationships that are very important to you but you don't try to be friends with everyone you meet. If you have an exceptionally small mouth, this might indicate that you have difficulty establishing long-term relationships. A small mouth denotes a very sincere person.
A person with small lips tends to be less talkative. He tends to keep his private life away from others and may hide his inner emotions and feelings. He can also hold on to secrets for years, unlike the guy who has big lips who can hardly hold a secret (unless of course he's bound by some strong influencing force like religion for example). Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways.
Narrow lips reveal someone who has trouble sharing deep feelings. They are unemotional. Small lips are selfish and miserable.
Thin lips

Thick lips

Balanced lip
Because human beings are different you can't categorize every person you meet under the two major categories of big lips or small lips but instead you will find many people falling in between the two large categories. The more the person is close to one of these categories the more likely he will have the personality traits associated with it. When both lips are of equal distribution, this reveals a well meaning and communicative personality.
Upper lip narrow, lower lip full

Upper lip big, lower lip thin:

Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and shows cheerfulness.
Corners of the mouth turned down
What's interesting about face reading is that any facial feature even the ones that don't appear to be important can reveal things about the personality. The size of teeth in relation to the face also offers clues to a person’s success potential. People who have big teeth that are also regular in shape have what are known as “dragon teeth”. This signifies someone powerful who has excellent career and wealth luck. Such a person will become respected and well known as an honourable person during middle age, and is slated for a good life with a good ending.
When the front teeth appear big, it suggests an active person, someone with high sex drive who gets passionate about the things and causes. Such a person is reliable and trustworthy.
When teeth are neat but small and appear to have deep roots, this is known as “ox teeth”. People with such teeth enjoy good fortune all through life. They live long and enjoy wealth and riches. When the roots do not seem deep, then small neat teeth symbolizes someone with an impulsive nature who is likely to make mistakes.
When the face is presentable with a good mouth shape, but the teeth are uneven, the person tends to be fussy and overly critical of others. Such a person is a mischief maker although there is rarely any intention to give harm or cause pain.

The two big upper teeth show impatience and stubbornness in character.

Sharp Teeth


People who have uneven teeth – some small and some big, some sharp and some blunt – tend to be greedy and grasping – thinking only of him or herself. Such a person can also be something of a bully. His/her thought patterns and actions appear “unsynchronized”. This person can be very hot tempered, as a result of which he/she has troubles in most love relationships. Romantic luck tends to be lacking. Such a person should learn to control his/her emotions to create a better and happier life.

More Gum than Teeth
When the gums are very obvious each time a person opens his/her mouth, this suggests someone lacking in relationship luck especially with respect to family. This person is likely to leave the family when young. This does not suggest the person is not nice, only that he/she tends to be closer to friends than to relatives. However, according to physiognomy, someone with uneven oral structure is not to be trusted. One should be careful before trusting such a person.
Very small Teeth
A person with small teeth tends to be a very stingy person. To this person, money is everything and they are easily motivated by the promise of a cash reward. Such people are also prone to jealousy and do not trust people easily. When there is a gap in the front teeth, it also indicates an inability to save money.
A person with small teeth tends to be a very stingy person. To this person, money is everything and they are easily motivated by the promise of a cash reward. Such people are also prone to jealousy and do not trust people easily. When there is a gap in the front teeth, it also indicates an inability to save money.
Thick and hard tongue : Cautious.If tongue moves fast and easily in mouth : High intelligence.
Long tongue : Foolishness.
Short tongue : Very high IQ.
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