Tiap orang memiliki tanda yang berbeda pada alisnya. Cek arti di balik bentuk alis dan mata Anda.
Alis Mata
* Alis mata gelap berbentuk bulan sabit. Arti: Intuitif dan suka bekerja sama dengan orang lain.
* Alis mata tebal dan lebar. Arti: Anda adalah pribadi yang bersemangat, aktif, agresif dan dinamis.
* Alis mata tipis. Arti: menunjukkan seseorang yang sensitif dan gampang galau. Serta memiliki kesehatan yang tidak terlalu kuat.
* Alis mata runcing. Arti: Seseorang yang memiliki karakter inovatif, tegas, independen dan senang menjadi yang pertama dalam setiap pekerjaan.
* Alis mata seperti pedang. Arti: Pribadi yang cenderung agresif, proaktif dan keras kepala. Anda juga sering kali terlibat perdebatan dengan orang lain.
* Alis mata seperti garis lurus. Arti: Gaya dan cara Anda menanggapi suatu persoalan, tegas dan to the point. Anda juga suka mementingkan diri sendiri.
* Alis mata panjang dan indah. Arti: Sesuai dengan bentuk alisnya. Anda adalah seseorang yang penuh gairah, elegan dan lemah lembut dalam berbicara. Keindahan ini juga merupakan tanda-tanda kekayaan.
* Dua alis mata berdekatan. Arti: Pribadi yang grasa-grusu dan sering kali terburu-buru dalam melakukan sesuatu.
* Alis mata seperti bulan baru. Arti: selamat, peruntungan Anda cukup bagus, memiliki kecerdasan dan bakat istimewa. Anda sangat perhatian pada keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat. Konon, alis mata ini membawa kesuksesan yang dapat mendatangkan kekayaan dan ketenaran.
Dapat menunjukkan pola pikir anda.
- Bila anda memiliki alis dengan pangkal tebal lalu menepis di ujung, menunjukkan anda sangat berbakat dalam memulai proyek-proyek baru.
- Alis yang dimulai dengan pangkal tipis dan berakhir dengan ujung lebih tebal menunjukkan orang yang berbakat mengikuti detil.
- Jika alis anda tebal berarti menunjukkan kekuatan intelektual
- Bila anda memiliki alis tipis menunjukkan intensitas mental.
- Bentuk alis yang lurus menunjukkan bahwa anda adalah orang yang baik, estetis jika jaraknya terlalu dekat ke mata.
- Bila alis anda terlalu tebal berarti anda adalah orang yang mudah marah dan tidak sabar.
- Alis yang agak menunjuk ke telinga memberi arti bahwa anda adalah orang yang senang sikap ramah.
* Alis mata gelap berbentuk bulan sabit. Arti: Intuitif dan suka bekerja sama dengan orang lain.
* Alis mata tebal dan lebar. Arti: Anda adalah pribadi yang bersemangat, aktif, agresif dan dinamis.
* Alis mata tipis. Arti: menunjukkan seseorang yang sensitif dan gampang galau. Serta memiliki kesehatan yang tidak terlalu kuat.
* Alis mata runcing. Arti: Seseorang yang memiliki karakter inovatif, tegas, independen dan senang menjadi yang pertama dalam setiap pekerjaan.
* Alis mata seperti pedang. Arti: Pribadi yang cenderung agresif, proaktif dan keras kepala. Anda juga sering kali terlibat perdebatan dengan orang lain.
* Alis mata seperti garis lurus. Arti: Gaya dan cara Anda menanggapi suatu persoalan, tegas dan to the point. Anda juga suka mementingkan diri sendiri.
* Alis mata panjang dan indah. Arti: Sesuai dengan bentuk alisnya. Anda adalah seseorang yang penuh gairah, elegan dan lemah lembut dalam berbicara. Keindahan ini juga merupakan tanda-tanda kekayaan.
* Dua alis mata berdekatan. Arti: Pribadi yang grasa-grusu dan sering kali terburu-buru dalam melakukan sesuatu.
* Alis mata seperti bulan baru. Arti: selamat, peruntungan Anda cukup bagus, memiliki kecerdasan dan bakat istimewa. Anda sangat perhatian pada keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat. Konon, alis mata ini membawa kesuksesan yang dapat mendatangkan kekayaan dan ketenaran.
Dapat menunjukkan pola pikir anda.
Menunjukkan: kreativitas, berpikir, berbicara, martabat, tabiat, reputasi, kemashuran, perasaan, daya tarik, seksualitas, temperamen, batin, ujung depannya berhubungan dengan kemauan, sementara ujung belakangnya bersangkutan dengan perasaan
a. Panjang, pendek, tebal, lurus, tipis, lebat:
Dimulai dari jembatan hidung hingga ke sisi dahi depan: menunjukkan tingkat pemikiran lateral atau kemampuan memecahkan masalah
- Berat: kekuatan besar
- Lurus: sifat eksekutif, prestasi tinggi
- Pendek: sifat spontan, sulit berkonsentrasi
- Pendek, tidak rapi (terutama bila tumbuhnya lebat): tidak ada konsistensi, berlaku di luar kendali
- Sangat pendek (kurang dari 4 cm): watak pemarah
- Tebal: mampu mengalami orgasme yang luar biasa, tenaga luar biasa, berhasil dalam karir karena taktik mendikte
- Tebal tunggal (di atas pangkal tulang hidung): konsentrasi tinggi, pencemburu
- Tebal dekat hidung, menipis di ujung: lebih berbahagia di hari tua daripada di masa muda
- Sangat tebal, lebat, ikal: biadab, kejam
- Panjang, lebat, menonjol ke depan seperti sapu: mudah kesal, tidak ramah
- Lebat: jujur
- Sangat lebat: otoriter, egois, diktator
- Tipis: seksama
- Terlalu tipis: terlalu berhati-hati
b. Lurus, melengkung, menanjak, melandai:
- Lurus: sensitif, estetis, aktif tapi tidak teliti
- Melengkung: imajinatif, ramah
- Melengkung seperti busur (mengecil di ujung-ujungnya): selalu ingin tahu
- Melengkung tipis: pemerhati
- Melengkung sangat curam: daya konsentrasi buruk/terbatas
- Melengkung alami seperti bulan baru: menikmati kepuasan seks
- Menanjak tajam: ingin bertanggung jawab, sulit menjadi majikan (lebih baik sebagai karyawan)
- Bergerak naik dari jembatan hidung: merupakan penilaian yang baik
- Naik tajam pada awalnya: mudah mengesampingkan masalah, terlalu mudah percaya
- Melandai di tengah-tengah dan tidak terus melengkung naik: mudah tertipu
c. Bentuk alis:
- Keriting: cara berpikir tidak sistematis
- Fleksibel, luwes, lentur: luwes, mudah menyesuaikan diri, kreatif
- Sangat runcing dan berbentuk segitiga: sangat tegas (misal Ho Chi Minh)
- Berbentuk bumerang: sangat tegas (misal Ayatollah Khomeini)
- Rambut alis amat halus: bernaluri tajam dan cerdas
- Sempit: bernaluri tajam dan cerdas
- Cekung (bertumpu pada tulang yang melekuk ke dalam): kurang energi, mudah lelah, memerlukan banyak istirahat
- Semakin menipis: gejala ginjal/kandung kemih
- Berbentuk segitiga: egois, tegas
- Tidak rapi: daya konsentrasi buruk/terbatas
- Awalnya rapi (di dekat hidung) lalu berubah menjadi tidak rapi di sekitar pertengahan alis mata, dan berakhir tidak beraturan pada ujungnya: tidak bertanggung jawab
- Rapi dan teratur: mengungkapkan stamina tinggi, kemauan besar, semangat tinggi
- Lebih pucat daripada rambut di kepala dan jarang: tidak mampu melihat ke depan
- Satu lebih tinggi daripada yang lainnya: kaya imajinasi, banyak gagasan, tetap berpijak pada dunia nyata, kurang mampu karena ambisi melebihi kemampuan
- Bagian tengah menyudut tajam: lebih suka menjadi bos bagi diri sendiri, paling cocok bekerja mandiri
- Kesenjangan besar di antara mata dan tengah-tengah alis: batal dipromosikan
- Bertemu atau tumbuh rambut di antara kedua alis mata: suka iri hati
- Tumbuh ke bawah: bersikap aneh
- Daerah melekuk ke dalam di antara kedua alis mata: malas, karena mereka tidak menggunakan kekuatan mentalnya dengan baik
- Bersambung: malas, tidak menggunakan bakat berpikir, konsentrasi tidak merata
- Tonjolan atau tulang yang lebih tinggi di bawah alis mata: bernaluri tajam dan cerdas
- Akar alis nyata: menunjukkan semangat dan keputusan
- Bagian di antara kedua alis bergelombang permukaannya: sulit memaafkan
- Timbul sedikit bulu di daerah tersebut: sulit memaafkan
- Berkerenyit atau berbentuk tanda cawang: sifat buruk, kejam, suka marah
- Akar alis terlihat jelas karena alis tumbuh atau mengarah ke suatu arah secara jelas: sifat agresif, suka bertengkar, bersifat bos
- Sebuah garis/lipatan vertikal dari bawah alis ke tengah dahi dan baru berakhir di garis batas rambut: pemarah, terluka, pemberontak, suka merajuk
- Bersambung atau pangkal hidungnya berbulu lebat: iri hati, cemburu, sensitif, sulit memaafkan, cenderung menaruh dendam, selalu mencari kesempatan untuk membalas dendam
- Sering memainkan alis: kreatif, artistik
- Ujung alis lurus (berakhir di dekat telinga): keras kepala
- Ujung kedua alis (yang paling dekat dengan pinggir kepala) naik: impulsif, cenderung bertindak secara mendadak
Face Reading (personology) and Eyebrows
According to face reading The shape of the eyebrows identifies different personality traits that are related to thinking styles.
In addition to the way a person thinks there are lots of other things that can be known by checking how the eyebrows look like. You should take special care with women because of the cosmetics they use which can totally reshape the eyebrows and so give false signatures. Below are some different shapes of eyebrows and their associated personality traits.
Eyebrow types in face reading
- Straight eyebrows (The logical): When eyebrows are straight (like a straight line) then this means that this person is a logical thinker. If you want to convince him to believe in something then you must only use logic and solid proofs. Don't try to convince him using emotional arguments, for example don't say something like "Hey, this is good; I feel its great" but instead tell him something like "It has lots of benefits, number one is bla bla and number two is bla bla bla". Using a pen and a paper is the best way to convince such a person as you can point out all the advantages and disadvantages of the issue you are talking about.
- Meeting eyebrows (The non-stop thinker): when the eye brows are connected in such a way that they meet each other through a bridge of hair then know that this person is a non-stop thinker. Such a person can't relax; he is always thinking and evaluating everything around him. If you are one of those people then make sure you learn how to relax not to ruin your health. That person may also suffer from sleeping problems when a major event in his life happens because of his continues thinking
- Angled eyebrows (The authority seeker): You must take a great deal of care when dealing with such a person. The person with angled eyebrows that have an inverted "v" shape always seeks control and authority. Try noticing how many presidents have angled eyebrows and you'd be surprised. Those people usually fight fiercely for authority and high status. If you want to get along with this person then make him feel important; try to catch his name on your first meeting so you can use it again. motivating that person is very easy, just give him more control and make him feel that everything is depending on him.
- Thin eye brows (The sensitive): Very thin eyebrows may mean that the person is overly sensitive, especially if he has delicate facial features, like small eyes, nose or mouth. When dealing with that person, pay extra attention not to hurt him as he is more sensitive than other people.
- Curved eye brows (The friendly): A person with curved eyebrows (sometimes called round eyebrows) is a friendly person by nature. This is also the case with all people who have round face features; round cheeks or chin. This person understands best by examples and metaphors.
Shape: The eyebrow is long and grows evenly beyond the eyebrow tail rising like a knife. Can be bushy or thick but they all grow in one direction to the eye tail.
Character: This sort of person likes freedom and must have things done their way. Hence, they will be rebellious as an employee preferring to listen to themselves and not the boss. For bosses, if you have staff like these , then use a different tactic to motivate them. Most of these people are not motivated by money but by challenges to succeed, be it project by project.
Wealth Status: Large
Career: Entrepreuneur , Technopreuner , CEO and they usually succeed because they never "give up" till they reach the "eyebrow tail" !
>Beautiful Eyebrow
Shape: This eyebrow is usually long and curved. Usually thin brows and not thick and they are beautiful.
Character: A trustworthy person.
Wealth: Large. They are usually rich and well respected person.
Career: Very good employee. Obedient and hard working and usually works hard to excel and show their talent. Accountant, artist, businessman, Banker.
>Small Broom Eyebrow
Shape: The eyebrow do not reach the brow tail end. Hence they are usually short and bushy like a broom. The hairs can also grow in all directions. They are also fierce when provoked. However they tend to have a short fuse.
Character: This sort of person is usually cunning, hot tempered and impatient.
Wealth Status: Low
Career: They do not usually work very long in one company preferring to move to another company once they loose interest or get bored with the job. Their impatience nature to get promoted will make them start looking for anther job that offers fast challenges. Hence you can say they tend not to be loyal to the company !
Best: Be in the fast moving never a dull moment career in the interent ! If they are really interested, they are an extremely fast worker !
>Long Eyebrow
Shape: All hairs grow in the same direction and is long reaching the tail end. They tend to have a long life and if they are a writer they will be famous !
Character: Usually pleasant and warm hearted.
Wealth: Medium to Large
Career: Very faithful and good employee. Will listen to boss's instructions and follows them well. Can rise to be a Director or a CEO. Usually found among bankers, property agents, lawyers, regional Directors.
>Sword Eyebrow:
Shape: They are usually long and straight. They also tend to be thick and grow in the same direction.
Character: They are a wise and born leader.
Wealth: Medium to Large
Career: Entreprenuer or Heads of Department, wise and good leader. Project Manager or Team leader.
>Crying Eyebrow
Shape: The eyebrow head is higher than the brow tail.
Character: This shows that they are usually very selfish, cunning and good at pretending. They usually have a bad end , ending up in jail or they are never happy in life.
Wealth: Low
Career: A career in acting, show business, entertainments and pubs. If a business man he will usually face a lot of difficulities and cheat people of money. Not an honest businessman. If as an employee, they usually never stay long and are not loyal, can sell company information to another to make fast money.
>New Moon Eyebrow
Shape: The eyebrow is usually long and well formed.
Character: This shows that they are usually very kind.
Wealth: Medium to Large.
Career: Very good staff. Can rise to Heads of Departments or Directors leading the team to success.Project Directors.
>Dragon Eyebrow
Shape: The eyebrow rises and curves at the end.
Character: This shows that they are clever and have a good head for business.
Wealth: Large
Career: CEO, Entreprenuer or Techopreneur, artist, photographer, writer, publisher , Business Mangers and usually becomes leader in that industry.
>Lion Shaped Eyebrow
Shape: The eyebrow curves.
Character: Pleasant personality.
Wealth: This shows that they are rich and well respected and will have a long life.
Career: Engineers, accountants, lawyers, Doctors, Directors, Banker, web designers.
High Eyebrows: People with high eyebrows have an observing, selective and discriminative nature. They need time to observe and work out ideas completely before they start working. They protect themselves by wait –and-see approach. They need time to put new information on your mental framework. It is important for them to understand about subject and how they feel. They store information with an emotional tab; by recalling the feeling.
Thick, brushy Eyebrows: They are mentally active persons, full of thoughts and ideas. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Passionate lover but rarely has a permanent relationship. Deep thinker, Intense, dominant, forceful and a knowing personality.
What Does your Eyebrows Reveal
Eyebrows are the next feature that catches one's attention. The face reading techniques in respect to the eyebrows also reveal a lot about a person. The eyebrows of a person reveal his temperament and the reputation, temperament, and fame.
Eyebrows are powerful visual cues that create a response based on their shape, position and type, and they provide insight into a person’s mental outlook. An ideal brow is a highly arched. This pattern of eyebrow is seen on the faces of actors and actresses.
According to face reading The shape of the eyebrows identifies different personality traits that are related to thinking styles.
Below are some different shapes of eyebrows and their associated personality traits.
- Straight eyebrows
- Angled eyebrows
- Curved eye brows
- Low eyebrows
- High eyebrows
- Thin eye brows
- Thick, brushy eyebrows
- Long eyebrows
- Meeting eyebrows
- Winged eyebrows
- Managerial eyebrows
- Tangled eyebrows
Straight Eyebrows: When eyebrows are straight (like a straight line) then this means that this person is a logical thinker. If you want to convince him to believe in something then you must only use logic and solid proofs. The sensitive person will often have a straight brow. They have good taste. You like to think things through and consider all of your options before you make a decision. You like to weigh your choices carefully, and evaluate things logically. Once you make a decision though, you don't let anything stand in your way! Also, some people might consider you more skeptical; you're the kind of person who doesn't buy into every story you're told or everything that you read.
Angled (Arched) Eyebrows: The person with angled eyebrows that have an inverted "v" shape always seeks control and authority. ): You must take a great deal of care when dealing with such a person. Those people usually fight fiercely for authority and high status. If you want to get along with this person then make him feel important; try to catch his name on your first meeting so you can use it again. motivating that person is very easy, just give him more control and make him feel that everything is depending on him.
The highly arched, dramatic brow is often seen on movie stars. Those who don't naturally have an arched brow will create it by waxing or tweezing.
Curved Eyebrows: The person with curved eyebrows (sometimes called round eyebrows) is a friendly person by nature. This is also the case with all people who have round face features; round cheeks or chin. Curved eyebrows tend to indicate a more pleasing nature. You generally have a pleasant personality and you care about how others are feeling. This can make you a very sympathetic and loving friend. However, if you have very high, perfectly curved eyebrows this potentially indicates that you might care more about pleasing others than yourself. When the eyebrows are curved like a bow, the man is wealthy and will lead a comfortable life.
Low Eyebrows: People with low eyebrows have a very fast mind that processes data quickly. They may sometimes interrupt because they can anticipate what the other person is going to say. They often will have several immediate thoughts they don't want to forget and they may offer these thoughts before the other person has finished their sentence. They represent a prudent and calculative nature and an insecure mind.
Thin Eyebrows: Very thin eyebrows may mean that the person is overly sensitive, especially if he has delicate facial features, like small eyes, nose or mouth. When dealing with that person, pay extra attention not to hurt him as he is more sensitive than other people. May have trouble being enthusiastic about sex and probably have a heart disease. A thin set of eyebrows reveal the cautious nature of an individual while making major decisions, can be hyper under pressure. If a person has weak or thin eyebrows, he tends to be indecisive and has may lack slightly in self-confidence.
Thick, brushy Eyebrows: They are mentally active persons, full of thoughts and ideas. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Passionate lover but rarely has a permanent relationship. Deep thinker, Intense, dominant, forceful and a knowing personality.
Long Eyebrows: Long eyebrows indicate an ability to maintain a lot of friendships. You get along well with many types of people and are good at balancing them. If you have short eyebrows it doesn't mean that you don't have friends - it just means that you have less of a need to be involved in their lives all the time and you don't always want to have to cope with other peoples' problems. Long eyebrows also indicate mental clarity and an attractive disposition. When you have this feature in your eyebrows, it makes you a very talented speaker, especially when the hair of the brow appears glossy and healthy.
Meeting Eyebrows: When the eye brows are connected in such a way that they meet each other through a bridge of hair then know that this person is a non-stop thinker. Such a person can't relax; he is always thinking and evaluating everything around him. If you are one of those people then make sure you learn how to relax not to ruin your health. That person may also suffer from sleeping problems when a major event in his life happens because of his continues thinking .Having a unibrow signifies an intense personality, which may be prone to jealousy and possessiveness.
Joining of both eyebrows means the person will remain under the influence of the opposite sex. However, such individuals are very kind-hearted.
Winged Eyebrows: Having brows thick at beginning and thin at ends depicts someone a great starter and pioneer. They need to be on planning committee! They love to come with new ideas. Their visionary approach allows them to create new plans.
Managerial Eyebrows: Brows thin at beginning at thick at the ends called managerial. They are not good beginners but they are great finisher completing their task at the end. They may be slow at start but once task is accepted they good follow through.. Mentally tidy, well- organized and methodical. They do well in any roll that requires attention and completion.
Tangled Eyebrows: Their wild eyebrows indicate that they are an unconventional thinker whose thoughts range over many areas. This gives them ability to see all sides of an issue. Their unusual mind may also attract unwanted conflict.
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