Mata adalah jendela paling penting untuk melihat kepribadian seseorang, Menurut sebagian orang mata itu mengungkapkan segalanya , Anda boleh percaya ataupun tidak, Namun memang begitulah adanya bagi sebagian orang. Selama ini banyak orang yang telah membuktikan bahwa seseorang yang berbohong pun dapat diketahui dari gerak gerik mata orang tersebut. Dan saat ini penulis mengajak kita untuk mencoba mengetahui kepribadian seseorang berdasarkan hasil survey dan pengetahuan penulis serta mitos dari bentuk mata, Jarak antar mata, Cara memandang, dan dari warna mata.
1. Mengetahui pribadi seseorang dari bentuk matanya.
-Mata lebar, Berbinar-binar dan bercahaya,
Kepribadian : Terbuka, Optimis dan ceria
Kepribadian : Terbuka, Optimis dan ceria
Orang seperti ini tidak begitu memperhatikan detail. Mereka lebih fokus pada keseluruhan. Mereka yang memiliki mata lebar tidak sulit untuk menolak gaya hidup yang down to earth. namun mereka memiliki pemikiran yang imajinatif dan optimis pada kemungkinan yang ada. Mereka memiliki sudut pandang yang lebih luas dan bersikap terbuka pada hal baru. Jiwa bebas yang mereka miliki untuk menikmati hidup ini merupakan salah satu daya tarik yang membuat mereka populer di antara golongannya.
-Mata kecil
Kepribadian : Tertutup dan nggak konsisten dalam suatu hal. Orang seperti ini nggak bisa dipercaya, Gampang bohong, dan nggak bisa komit
Kepribadian : Tertutup dan nggak konsisten dalam suatu hal. Orang seperti ini nggak bisa dipercaya, Gampang bohong, dan nggak bisa komit
Orang yang memiliki mata yang tidak begitu lebar, misalnya orang yang bermata segaris atau mata sipit, merupakan orang yang percaya diri dan independen. Bergantung pada orang lain agaknya bukanlah bagian dari diri mereka, karena itu mereka kadang sedikit keras kepala dan egois. Mereka cukup perfeksionis, image yang tertanam pada diri mereka terkesan seperti, "Kau tak bisa memiliki aku." Orang-orang seperti ini memiliki kemampuan mengelola stres dengan baik dan kepribadian yang fleksibel.
-Mata Bulat
Orang yang memiliki mata bulat atau kadang orang awam menyebutnya mata belo, biasanya sangat memperhatikan kontak mata saat berkomunikasi dengan lawan bicaranya. Orang seperti ini sangat bersemangat bila melihat benda-benda yang mereka inginkan dan menghadapi orang-orang yang menarik buat mereka. Orang bermata bulat sangat menghargai persahabatan dan buat mereka, sahabat adalah hal yang sangat penting.
-Mata turun di ujung luar
Kepribadian : Seorang yang gampang kasihan melihat kesulitan orang lain. Sulit berkata tidak alias penurut.
Kepribadian : Seorang yang gampang kasihan melihat kesulitan orang lain. Sulit berkata tidak alias penurut.
-Mata yang ujungnya Menukik Seperti Kucing
Kepribadian : Orang bermata seperti ini memiliki jiwa kompetitif yang besar. Dalam hidup mereka, kompetisi adalah hal yang menyenangkan karena mereka tahu apa yang mereka inginkan dan bagaimana mereka bisa mendapatkannya. Kekuatan orang seperti ini ada pada rasa optimis yang mereka miliki. Mereka tidak sulit membangun hubungan baru dengan orang lain dan menjaga hubungan tersebut baik-baik. Mereka menggunakan pesona kepribadian mereka untuk memenangkan hati orang lain.
-Mata serigala
Kepribadian : keras dan emosional
Kepribadian : keras dan emosional
-Mata yang bagian putihnya banyak ditutupi iris atau garis pinggir mata
Kepribadian : Seorang yang mempunyai kekuatan, Juga secara spiritual. Susah mengerti dan sering berharap banyak dari orang lain.
Kepribadian : Seorang yang mempunyai kekuatan, Juga secara spiritual. Susah mengerti dan sering berharap banyak dari orang lain.
2. Mengetahui pribadi seseorang dari jarak antar matanya.
Jarak lebar
Kepribadian : Tidak punya toleransi, Butuh ruang untuk mengembangkan potensi dirinya. Ia adalah seorang yang berani mengungkapkan pendapat.
Kepribadian : Tidak punya toleransi, Butuh ruang untuk mengembangkan potensi dirinya. Ia adalah seorang yang berani mengungkapkan pendapat.
Jarak ideal ( Yaitu satu mata diantara keduanya )
Kepribadian : Adil, Bisa melihat dunia dengan jujur.
Kepribadian : Adil, Bisa melihat dunia dengan jujur.
Jarak lebih dekat dan berkesan tajam.
Kepribadian : Melihat dunia dengan cara yang lebih luas, dekat dengan keluarga, Tapi kurang percaya diri. Orang seperti ini juga butuh orang lain untuk mengembangkan gaya hidupnya.
Kepribadian : Melihat dunia dengan cara yang lebih luas, dekat dengan keluarga, Tapi kurang percaya diri. Orang seperti ini juga butuh orang lain untuk mengembangkan gaya hidupnya.
Jarak sangat dekat
Kepribadian : Posesif, Agak sembrono, Romantis, Mementingkan masalah keuangan, Filosofis, Idealis, dan membutuhkan motivasi disetiap akan melakukan sesuatu.
Kepribadian : Posesif, Agak sembrono, Romantis, Mementingkan masalah keuangan, Filosofis, Idealis, dan membutuhkan motivasi disetiap akan melakukan sesuatu.
3. Mengetahui pribadi seseorang dari cara ia memandang
Dengan belajar melihat cara ia memandang, Anda bisa tahu apa yang harus anda lakukan. Tetapi yang pasti imbangi lawan anda dengan cara memandang yang berbeda. Misalkan bila ia memandang anda dengan dingin, maka pandanglah ia dengan pandangan yang lembut dan besahabat.
Dengan belajar melihat cara ia memandang, Anda bisa tahu apa yang harus anda lakukan. Tetapi yang pasti imbangi lawan anda dengan cara memandang yang berbeda. Misalkan bila ia memandang anda dengan dingin, maka pandanglah ia dengan pandangan yang lembut dan besahabat.
Mata tidak bisa diam
Mungkin ia seorang yang pemalu atau tidak percaya diri. Tapi bisa jadi ia tidak terlalu berminat berbicara dengan anda. yang jelas ia memiliki sesuatu yang disembunyikan dari anda.
Mungkin ia seorang yang pemalu atau tidak percaya diri. Tapi bisa jadi ia tidak terlalu berminat berbicara dengan anda. yang jelas ia memiliki sesuatu yang disembunyikan dari anda.
Mata dingin
Bisa karena marah, Kesal, Tidak sabar, Kasar atau kuat. Tapi juga bisa berarti kebalikannya. Pandangan dingin ia pakai untuk menyembunyikan kelemahannya.
Bisa karena marah, Kesal, Tidak sabar, Kasar atau kuat. Tapi juga bisa berarti kebalikannya. Pandangan dingin ia pakai untuk menyembunyikan kelemahannya.
Mata melihat langsung ke mata lawan bicara.
Dia sangat tertarik dengan lawan bicara, ingin tau banyak dan sangat penasaran.
Dia sangat tertarik dengan lawan bicara, ingin tau banyak dan sangat penasaran.
Mata seperti orang mabuk atau mengantuk
Tinggi hasrat seksnya, dia juga pemalas. tipe orang seperti ini susah menjaga komitmen dalam karir dan percintaan.
4. Mengetahui pribadi seseorang dari warna mata
Tinggi hasrat seksnya, dia juga pemalas. tipe orang seperti ini susah menjaga komitmen dalam karir dan percintaan.
4. Mengetahui pribadi seseorang dari warna mata
Biru gelap
Pribadi : lembut, Peka dan seksi
Pribadi : lembut, Peka dan seksi
Biru terang
Pribadi : Menikmati flirting dengan lawan jenis
Pribadi : Menikmati flirting dengan lawan jenis
Hijau dan hijau gelap
Penuh semangat, Spontan, Punya banyak keinginan dan jenius.
Penuh semangat, Spontan, Punya banyak keinginan dan jenius.
Pintar dan suka berimajinasi, Tapi kurang inisiatif.
Pintar dan suka berimajinasi, Tapi kurang inisiatif.
Berkepribadian yang kuat.
Berkepribadian yang kuat.
Pada dasarnya kepribadian kita merupakan perpaduan yang kompleks, sehingga kadang kita merasa itu bukanlah diri kepribadian kita karena bertolak belakang. Semua orang punya dua sifat yang bertolak belakang dalam dirinya, kunci untuk mengetahui yang mana yang sesuai dengan Anda adalah mengetahui mana yang paling dominan dalam diri Anda.
Have you ever wondered how our life would have been without the eyes? This beautiful colourful world would be nothing but just darkness filled with a profound sorrow. A person’s eyes are said to be the window to his soul. How true! You can’t be said to be really happy if your smile doesn’t reflect in your eyes. You know your best friend is sad as soon as you look at the sadness in her eyes. Often love starts just by looking in each other’s eyes and become spell bound. And sometimes it may end when you know your boyfriend is lying to you when he couldn’t look in your eyes. Charlotte Bronte the author of Jane Eyre had very aptly said that the soul, fortunately, has an interpreter – often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter – in the eye. Your eyes interpret not just your feelings but also your personality. One can tell what kind of a person you are just by looking at your eyes. They are like an open book.
Our eyes have many distinguished attributes. Some are blessed with gorgeous almond shaped hazel eyes while some have the breathtaking azure touch like a deep blue sea. Did you know no two people have exactly the same eye colour? Sometimes when we meet someone the first thing that we notice about them is their eye colour. We all have different eye colours depending on the amount of melanin pigments present in our eye’s iris. Your eye colour can tell a lot about your personality too. You can also see it as a fact or a tad of fun. Let’s have a look at what your eye colour tells about you.
Black eyes
Black is one of the rare eye colours. People who usually have black eye colour have actually very dark brown eyes. What it tells about your personality is that you are a person who is lively and full of passion. You will not leave a work unless you finish it and give your 100 percent in whatever you do. You are competitive and try to show that you are able to do a task better than anybody else. People with black eyes are somewhat secretive too. They won’t easily trust you with their feelings. Thus, they are also reluctant to fall in love. But when they do, they prove to be very loyal. They usually have strong spiritual beliefs. These people are trustworthy and you can rely on them completely if you have given them some responsibility. They won’t let you down. These people with all their positive qualities are also very argumentative, even when they know they are wrong. People who have black eyes are also not very patient and can’t wait in long lines.
Brown eyes
People have brown eyes because of large amount of melanin pigments in their eyes. Brown eye colour is also one of the most common eye colours all over the world. Brown colour is an earthy but rich colour. It represents simplicity, strength and creativity. If you are a person with brown colour then you are likely to be the life of a party. People with brown are close to nature and don’t have much love for materialistic possessions. They are great lovers and know how to make their partners feel special and are very trustworthy. They have charming looks and are adorable and are quite grounded. They are extroverts who love making new friends. But still they are afraid to express their feelings in front of others. They have a good sense of humour and can cheer you up anytime. They are wise and you will tend to go to them for any piece of advice. They are kind of your “go to” guy. They are quite creative and have a very good fashion sense.
Blue eyes
We will all admit when we see blue eyes we immediately find ourselves attracted to them. It is one of the most popular eye colours. Blue is such a lively colour that people who have blue eyes are found to be very youthful. Many use contact lenses to make their eyes seem blue and now a days researches are going on for developing laser procedures to make your brown eyes blue. Blue eyed people are charming, attractive and very friendly. People with blue eyes are spontaneous and energetic people who tend to live their life fully. They have a natural tendency to make others happy. They will try with all their might to help people and are very kind and sincere. They are also very spiritual and tend to want a long lasting love life. They want a happy family with their partners and expect full commitment from their partners. They also have a great observation power and nothing will just pass through their keen eyes. People with blue eyes tend to be very outgoing, bubbly and are not seen to be shy. They are very open with their feelings.
Grey eyes
People who have gray eyes are born to be leaders. They are most sought to resolve issues between people because they can easily understand the issues of both sides and come up with a sensible way to break the ice. They have a strong nature and remain strong in spite of facing any amount of external pressure. They can easily adapt themselves to any new environment. They encompass a unique personality and are people who tend to be very busy. They can’t be kept without doing anything for a long time. They are street smart, with good business sense and are witty in nature. They have a calm nature and people love to be around them. They have a very rational attitude and prove to be good secret keepers. They are not very adventurous. They tend to keep themselves and their surrounding neat and clean but are not obsessive about it. They are able to manage their lives easily with their practical thinking and wise decisions. They are very faithful and long for a permanent relationship. Once they find their soul mates they love them deeply and are very romantic lovers.
Green eyes
Green eyed people are very vibrant people and are found to be very creative. They love adventure and can take on any challenge on a whim. You would not want to hurt them in any way or be in their bad books because they will find a way to get back at you and have their revenge. They are very good speakers. They are very intelligent people and have a great passion towards their lives. They will not allow anyone to stand in their way of living their lives fully. They are passionate lovers and tend to have long relationships. But they can be very jealous sometimes. They are extremely good looking and of course their eye colour being the sexiest eye colour helps a lot. They love to make people laugh and are trustworthy. But if you say anything mean to them, they will always come up with a clever retort, making you look like a fool.
Hazel eyes
Hazel eyed people are those who will say “challenge accepted” as soon as they see one. They will never back down from a fight and prove that they are the best. They are sweet, empathetic and kind people as long as the things turn out as they want. They are generally outgoing people and adventurous. They also have a very short temper and you would not want to come in their way while they are mad. They have all the qualities of brown and green eyed people. They are spontaneous and fun loving and are chance takers. They are beautiful and elegant. In terms of having relationships, they tend to keep them short, though they are very much capable to woo you easily owing to their romantic personalities. They love experimenting and are very energetic and courageous.
The eyes have always had a special significance all over the world - from being called the windows of the soul to the enigmatic 'evil eye' of the Arabs. Captivated by them, a gazillion poems have emerged from the minds of poets and despots alike.
Expressive and deep, the eyes of a person are said to reveal all to one who can read them. From a person's health condition, to his/her intention and nature, can all be deduced by observing them by their color, clarity, or shape. Body language experts too say they can tell a lot just by observing the many nuances made by the eyes, often involuntary.
If you want to know too, what little and big things about your personality your eyes are capable of divulging to the world, here is the answer.
What is the size of your eyes?
Look at your face, as compared to the rest of your features. Do your eyes (without any sort of makeup) look big or small? It is a bit subjective, so ask a friend, if possible (lovers don't count as they are bound to sugarcoat their answer).
Large Eyes
You are very open and receptive to both, emotions and information coming from conscious as well as sub-conscious channels, like dreams and aura. Passion defines you, and a general feeling of warmth surrounds you, making you a very approachable person. You also have a creative bent of mind. Take care though, your trusting nature can make it very easy for a deceitful person to take advantage of you.
Small Eyes
Focus and precision are words you swear by. You are known to be sharp and a stickler for details. Intelligence and far-sightedness mark you, and you like to delve deep into things, gaining expertise in almost anything you set your mind on. You are often wary of strangers, which, unfortunately means that many people presume you are cold and arrogant.
What about their shape?
Look at the corner and center of your eyes. Observe how the eyelids curve around them. Almond-shaped eyes are those that taper gradually, giving a almond-like shape to your eyes. On the other hand, rounded eyes are very wide in the center, and curve rather abruptly.
Almond-shaped Eyes
Almond-shaped eyes are often prized for their exotic and mystical appearance. If you possess these, then you are a very attentive and cautious person. You are able to keep your composure in the most taxing of situations. You have a very balanced outlook towards life, and don't usually show your emotions, though deep down you are warm and compassionate.
Round Eyes
Expressive and deep, the eyes of a person are said to reveal all to one who can read them. From a person's health condition, to his/her intention and nature, can all be deduced by observing them by their color, clarity, or shape. Body language experts too say they can tell a lot just by observing the many nuances made by the eyes, often involuntary.
If you want to know too, what little and big things about your personality your eyes are capable of divulging to the world, here is the answer.
What is the size of your eyes?
Look at your face, as compared to the rest of your features. Do your eyes (without any sort of makeup) look big or small? It is a bit subjective, so ask a friend, if possible (lovers don't count as they are bound to sugarcoat their answer).
Large Eyes

You are very open and receptive to both, emotions and information coming from conscious as well as sub-conscious channels, like dreams and aura. Passion defines you, and a general feeling of warmth surrounds you, making you a very approachable person. You also have a creative bent of mind. Take care though, your trusting nature can make it very easy for a deceitful person to take advantage of you.
Small Eyes

Focus and precision are words you swear by. You are known to be sharp and a stickler for details. Intelligence and far-sightedness mark you, and you like to delve deep into things, gaining expertise in almost anything you set your mind on. You are often wary of strangers, which, unfortunately means that many people presume you are cold and arrogant.
What about their shape?
Look at the corner and center of your eyes. Observe how the eyelids curve around them. Almond-shaped eyes are those that taper gradually, giving a almond-like shape to your eyes. On the other hand, rounded eyes are very wide in the center, and curve rather abruptly.
Almond-shaped Eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are often prized for their exotic and mystical appearance. If you possess these, then you are a very attentive and cautious person. You are able to keep your composure in the most taxing of situations. You have a very balanced outlook towards life, and don't usually show your emotions, though deep down you are warm and compassionate.
Round Eyes

Blessed with creativity and a vivid imagination, you are often lost in a world of your own. Strong idealism is also a hallmark of these eyes, so is moodiness and impracticality. You often get carried away by your emotions, and find it tough to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Fortunately, you also possess a charm which endears people easily, even when your sharp tongue has hurt them over and over again.
What's the distance between them?
Ideally, the distance between your eyes should be one eye-width. But, most of us have less than that (close-set eyes), or more than that (wide-set eyes).
Close-set Eyes

People with close-set eyes often have a deep respect for old, worldly traditions. History fascinates them, and they like to follow every little custom of their ancestors and family. Unfortunately, this also means they are very resistant, even stressed, by small changes in their lives. They are also very focused, disciplined, and detail-minded people, prone to be a bit short-tempered, but ultimately very successful.
Wide-set Eyes

If you have wide-set eyes, then you love to explore and experiment - be it the newest trends in fashion or the latest lifestyle options (think the all-natural home-birthing moms). Extremely broad-minded and flexible, you often find it a bit of a chore to stick to a routine. Impulsive and adventurous, you will do well in places that offer lots of freedom and choices, even touching fame with those innovative ideas of yours.
If the distance between your eyes is exactly one eye-width, it means you are a very balanced person, with a good outlook towards life, and a healthy attitude toward people.
Are they prominent or deep-set?
Prominent eyes are often called protruding or bulging eyes, and look as if they are coming out of the face. By contrast, deep-set eyes form a bit of a hollow, and have a sunken appearance.
Deep-set Eyes

Idealistic, intense, and very romantic, are the traits associated with people who have deep-set eyes. Although, when it comes to revealing their inner feelings, they are very private. One of their many passions is to observe people - brilliantly analyzing their every little gesture.
Prominent Eyes

People with these type of eyes are often very sensitive, and like to surround themselves in a protective circle of close friends and associates. Still, many people find them very approachable, warm-hearted and friendly, as they love meeting new people. One thing about them, though, is that they are great worriers and by nature, and quite pessimistic.
Do they slant?
Look at the corners of your eyes, they will have a slight upward or downward slant, perhaps, again consulting with your friend.
Upward Slanting Eyes

Upward slanting eyes are also called cat eyes. If you are lucky enough to have them, then it can mean you are a very ambitious, determined person. Nothing and no one can stand in your way when you have set those eyes on something. You are also a very fun and interesting person to hang around with - people often fall in love with your witty remarks and optimism. Unfortunately, some also view you as rather opportunistic and selfish.
Downward Slanting Eyes

People with downward slanting eyes are very dependent on their close ones. They have a pessimistic streak, which often makes it difficult for them to take any decision themselves. They are easily dominated, and find it very difficult to say 'no' to anything. The silver lining here, though, is that they are very easy to get along with, and often have deep, life-long friends.
A couple of other types...
Droopy Eyes

These are politely called sleepy eyes, but better known as the 'drunk' eyes. The person possessing these is often thought to be sensual and warm. The various pleasures of life are their main weakness, and they often end up over-indulging themselves.
Hooded Eyes

Hooded eyes have a slight bulge on the upper eyelids, right after the crease. The eyes often appear smaller than they actually are, due to the 'hood'. They are known to be super-helping people, though shy away from asking help themselves. They might appear cheerful on the outside, but actually, something is always troubling them on the inside. They also find it difficult to stand up for themselves, and end up in a job far less beneath their capabilities.
These are a few things a person can understand about you by just looking at your eyes - the windows to your soul, as per Chinese face reading. Keep in mind though, that other features like the chin, cheeks, lips, etc., should also be taken into consideration for more accurate results. Makeup alters the shape and size of your eyes, so make sure there is none when you analyze them.
Different Eye Shapes and How They Define Your Face and Personality
We often hear of the sayings that say that our eyes are the windows to our soul. In Chinese art of face reading, the eyes play an important role in revealing your personality. You are who you are and you are the way your eyes will tell.
Different Eye Types and How They Tell Your Personality
There seems to be a lot of articles already about this but then I decided to still write it. Why? Because these would be much direct to the point and in summary already. Pick your eye type and be informed. Though I don’t give my 100% percent that this will be accurate, sometimes other personality quirks can butt in and play another personality type. And this is just for fun. So here we go ladies:
1. Eyes Widely set. As seen by many, those women who have wide set eyes are seen to be as philosophical in nature. They tend to see limitless possibilities in life and can let go of the norm for an adventure. Wide set eyes mean wider perspective. Kim Kardashian has this eye type.
2. Eyes Closely Set. If you are in this category then you may be a person who is confident. You don’t like to depend on other people and you may tend to be stubborn at times. Jennifer Aniston has this eye type.
3. Bulging Eyes. These types of eyes may look so sincere because they tend to never lose the eye contact. They tend to value friend and loves meeting new and interesting people. Nicole Richie has bulging eyes.
4. Cat eyes (upward turning). Victoria Beckham or the Posh Spice has the cat’s eyes that turn upward. These women are confident and know what they want. They love challenges and were really optimistic.
5. Deep Set Eyes. Many will say that those people with deep set eyes may tend to be secretive and are really private.
These sounded like your horoscope but as I said they are just for fun. Your eyes define who you are and it can be enhanced further to enhance your looks too. Imperfect eyes shouldn’t be a problem though. There is a solution to that. Make up can do the job of enhancing the eyes, if your wilds were your problem, there are creams over night. Or if wrinkles and fats had already taken to liking in your upper and lower eyelid, you can seek a surgeon and have an eyelid surgery.
I am an “eye” fan. I think it’s one of the most important parts of your face. SO have you got your eye shape? Did the description above fit your personality too?
The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter.
”Cicero (106 – 43 BC). (The forerunner to,” The eyes are the mirror to the soul”?) This affirmation is many thousands years old and confirms what almost all of us instinctively feel: the eyes tell a lot about ourselves. The eyes and the look have an emotional impact that highly influences our communication with others. Popular wisdom doesn’t ignore that the look that avoid others can be originated by everything from a shy personality to a lack of honesty. We know also that a straight forward look belongs to the one eager to convince others or to the one that is franc and sincere....
The eyes are known to be the most expressive parts of a person's face. Eyes reflect our outlook, attitudes and level of openness. Check each eye separately. They may have slightly different shapes.
The shapes and sizes, depth, and angle of eyes such as; large, small, round, oval, wide, bulging, close, narrow, etc., are all the variations that you will find in order to read a person's face. All these types of eyes and eye movements can determine what a person is thinking, feeling or concluding.
Let’s look deep into our own hearts and souls, and if even for an instant look through each other’s eyes. So what does your eyes say about you? Find out below by scrolling down to find your particular eye shape.
Eye Sizes
The eyes are known to be the most expressive parts of a person's face. Eyes reflect our outlook, attitudes and level of openness. Check each eye separately. They may have slightly different shapes.
The shapes and sizes, depth, and angle of eyes such as; large, small, round, oval, wide, bulging, close, narrow, etc., are all the variations that you will find in order to read a person's face. All these types of eyes and eye movements can determine what a person is thinking, feeling or concluding.
Let’s look deep into our own hearts and souls, and if even for an instant look through each other’s eyes. So what does your eyes say about you? Find out below by scrolling down to find your particular eye shape.
Eye Sizes
- Big Eyes
- Small Eyes
- Almond shaped
- Round Eyes
- Closed set
- Wide-Set Eyes
- Deep set
- Prominent
- Protruding
- Downward slanting
- Upward slanting Eyes
- Roving and unsteady
- Hooded Eyes
- Drooping Eyelids
- Black Eyes
- Brown Eyes
- Blue Eyes
- Green Eyes
- Grey Eyes
- Hazel Eyes
- Red and bloody Eyes
- Large Iris
- Small Iris
- Floating Irises
Big Eyes
Big eyes mean you're very receptive, especially if they're light coloured. You're very open-minded, with endless intellectual curiosity. You hate boredom and your vivid imagination makes you well suited to a creative career.
Large eyes reflect a warm, sympathetic and romantic nature. Large eyes are generally considered more favorable, according to the art of Chinese face reading. They are associated with intelligence, shrewdness. Tend to be aroused quickly, imagines unusual erotic games but might need a little push to act them out. Large well-formed eyes are a sign of versatile observation and vivacity of feeling.
A down-turned eye is just the opposite in that the outer corner of the eye is lower than the inner corner. These individuals are more prone to pessimism and discouragement. A devoted lover - happily lets partner to dominate.


A person with sleepy eyes will look sleepy even if they are wide-awake. That is, their eyes are not just small, but their eyes lids close together for a sleepy look. If the eyes are drowsy, she is fond of the opposite sex and has loose morals.These types of people are extremely attentive to details, calculating, especially when it comes to money. They will always have savings. However, they will not have much in terms of their relationship with their own children.
People who have black eye color are often considered as trustworthy and responsible. They don’t like to tell much about themselves and are also known to have strong spiritual bent. Hence they are mostly termed as secretive people. However they are passionate and lively as well. They don’t leave their friends in need. They are optimists and won’t rest when they have to demonstrate they have to do something. They know how to prove their worth to others.
People who have blue eyes should get happy about the fact that their eye color is very desirable and is often associated with youthfulness. It has been noted that the blue eyed people mostly have long lasting relationships. They are pretty, peaceful, kind and smart. Those who have deep blue eyes are spiritual people and also possess a good power of observation. Deep blue is a sign of gentle love. Light blue colored eyes represent flirtation.
Large eyes reflect a warm, sympathetic and romantic nature. Large eyes are generally considered more favorable, according to the art of Chinese face reading. They are associated with intelligence, shrewdness. Tend to be aroused quickly, imagines unusual erotic games but might need a little push to act them out. Large well-formed eyes are a sign of versatile observation and vivacity of feeling.
Small Eyes
Very small eyes (compared to the bone structure of the face) means you are extremely observant to details and what is happening around you.
Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person. Small eyes tend to be jealous in relationships. Small eyes, if healthy and clear, indicate far sighted vision, and a shrewd mind so far as it goes. When someone has small eyes, she is said to be skilled at concentrating on details. She tends to view life from a narrow perspective, so she excels at being a specialist, i.e. teacher, researcher or some kind of expert. She finds it difficult to open up emotionally to strangers so it can take a while to get to know her well.
If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind-hearted, friendly and approachable individual and they deal with things or people in a mild way which sometimes is equivalent to pessimistic approach.
Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person. Small eyes tend to be jealous in relationships. Small eyes, if healthy and clear, indicate far sighted vision, and a shrewd mind so far as it goes. When someone has small eyes, she is said to be skilled at concentrating on details. She tends to view life from a narrow perspective, so she excels at being a specialist, i.e. teacher, researcher or some kind of expert. She finds it difficult to open up emotionally to strangers so it can take a while to get to know her well.
Almond Shaped
Almond-eyed persons possess self-discipline and know how to control their urges. Almond eyes have a slight curve on the top and bottom eyelids with most of the iris showing. This eye shape is longer than it is high. This shape is considered exotic because it conveys a sense of mystery. Individuals with almond eyes are sensitive, warm and yet exhibit caution and control over how best to express their emotions. They are considered to have more common sense than larger eyed people. These individuals are balanced in that they are open enough to receive and cautious enough to evaluate what they have gotten.
Round Shaped Eyes
The round eye is nearly as wide as it is long. Round-eyed people have highly curved upper and lower lids and almost all of their irises show. These individuals are usually gregarious, emotional, and speak their minds easily. They tend to be dramatic and can have intense mood swings. These people are usually bold and possess abundant charm that can easily soothe ruffled feathers that they may cause. A variation of round eyes is large eyes. Large eyes are longer and the lower lid is straighter. These individuals live by their emotions and tend to be impulsive. They are usually quite attractive to the opposite sex and are sociable and charming. These individuals tend to be artistic and need to be creative to be happy. They do not like strict rules or confinement and enjoy living in their fantasy world.
Closed Set
Someone with a small eye distance: That person has a very powerful ability to concentrate. When he concentrates, he becomes much focused, hates to be disturbed and may easily become stressed as a result. That person has a deep interest in details. If you are telling him a story, then make sure that you include small details that other people may have no concern for. That's the beauty of face reading! It teaches you how to deal with each person based on his specific personality that person may also have low tolerance especially if he was emotionally sensitive. People with small eye distance may find it very hard to tolerate temperature changes, traffic jams and external influences. This low tolerance acts as a multiplier to external stressful influences which in turn results in making them angry more often.
Wide Set Eyes
The distance between the two eyes determines eye set. The average distance between the two eyes is one eye length. Anything over that distance is considered to be wide-set eyes and by contrast, narrow-set eyes are shorter than one eye length between the eyes. People with wide-set eyes are usually adaptable, flexible and tolerant. They tend to see life from a broad perspective and may have trouble concentrating on details. They are usually innovating thinkers and can appreciate alternative views of life.
Deep Set Eyes
People with deep-set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields. Those with deep set eyes are observers by nature. They like to observe whatever is happening and build conclusions about it. You may be talking to one of them while thinking that he's listening to you when he's actually analyzing your words and testing their validity. The person with deep set eyes is very private and reluctant to reveal to much of her personality to others. She likes to play her cards close to her chest, which can make her seem rather secretive at times and emotionally withdrawn.

Those with bulging eyes are not as calm as those with deep set eyes. They may be very energetic and like taking part in everything that they hear about. Ignore them and they will hate you and probably be very offended and hurt. A person with protruding eyes will experience bad luck between 35 to 40 years old. A husband of lady who possesses protruding eyes will also encounter lots of failure when she is between 35 to 40 years old.
Downward Slanting Eye


The slant of the eye is determined by whether one corner of the eye is higher than the other. When the outer corner is higher than the inner corner, this is an upturned eye and may be referred to as cat’s eyes. These individuals are generally optimistic, curious and ambitious. They can quickly spot an opportunity and are often entertaining and clever. The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants.

Drooping Eyelids

Black Eyes

Blue Eyes

Grey Eyes
Hazel Eyes
Red and bloody Eyes
Large Iris
Small Iris
Floating Irises
The late Princess Dianna and Michael Jackson share a feature of the eyes. They possess floating irises also known as sampaku. The whites are visible under the iris. This indicates an inner turbulence - a person at odds with the world. Though spiritual in nature, they are hard to please or understand and have very high expectations of others. Sometimes it denotes premature death.
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