The Cipher Disk
The Cipher Disk: First a bit of “technical discussion” Cipher versus Codes- In non-technical usage, a “(secret) code” typically means a “cipher”. Within technical discussions, however, the words “code” and “cipher”
refer to two different concepts. Codes work at the level of meaning —
that is, words or phrases are converted into something else, such as
"Dots and Dashes" of the telegraph or the "Left and Right" movements of
the signal flag. An example of this is the Telegraph Code, which was also used to shorten long telegraph messages.
Ciphers, on the other hand, work at a lower
level: the level of individual letters, small groups of letters, or, in
modern schemes, individual bits. Some systems used both codes and
ciphers in one system, to increase the security. In some cases the terms
codes and ciphers are also used synonymously to substitution and
Historically, cryptography was split into a
dichotomy of codes and ciphers; and coding had its own terminology,
analogous to that for ciphers: “encoding, codetext, decoding” and so on.
However, codes have a variety of drawbacks,
including susceptibility to cryptanalysis and the difficulty of managing
a cumbersome codebook. Because of this, codes have fallen into disuse
in modern cryptography, and ciphers are the dominant technique.
In Summary:
- Code = a system of principles or rules : a system of signals or symbols for communication : a system of symbols (as letters or numbers) used to represent assigned a meanings
- Decode = to convert (as a coded message) into intelligible form : to recognize and interpret a system of symbols (as letters or numbers) as to their assigned meaning.
- Cipher or Cypher = a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning.
- Decipher or Decypher = unlock the meaning of, re-transform text to reveal its meaning.
- Encrypt or Encipher = Converting a message into a cipher.
- Decrypt or Decipher = Converting a ciphered message to it original state.
During the Civil War, if signals were to be displayed
in the presence of an enemy, they were guarded by ciphers. These
ciphers were capable of frequent changes. The rules by which these
changes were made, had to be simple. Ciphers are undiscoverable in
proportion as their changes are frequent, and as the messages in each
change are brief. When alphabet ciphers were used, the aim was to never
allow any letter to appear twice alike. The number of letters under each
key was also to be as small as possible. The termination of words were
to be concealed, and letters in each word would have been made in an
unusual sequence. Messages to be enciphered may be wholly reversed, that
is, written with the last word first or written only with each word
reversed, or a combination of the two.
"It does not do away with the utility of ciphers that they may be sometimes deciphered, for we must often use them, conscious that, with sufficient time and appliances, they can be interpreted; but knowing, also, that the time interpretation will require will render the message useless to an enemy."- J.Willard Brown
Simple devices, as described below, made it possible
to exhibit signals so that their interpretation to the enemy was
impractible, if not impossible. The entire code changing every day, with
every message or with every word.
The Confederate Cipher Disk: (A Polyalphabetic cipher disk),
was a mechanical wheel cipher consisting of two concentric disks, each
with the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, that was used for the
encryption of messageges. It was created by Francis LaBarre and was
based on the Vigenère Cipher.
The Confederate Cipher Disk is made of brass. The
outer disk has a diameter of approx. 2 1/4 inch, whilst the inner disk
measures approx 1 1/2 inch. On each of the disks, the alphabet is
written out clockwise in the usual order (A-Z). The disks share a common
axle, so that the inner disk can be rotated.
The smaller disk carries the text CSA SS. CSA
stands for Confederate States of America, while the SS is most likely
the abbreviation of Secret Service (*). At the rear is the inscription
F. Labarre (the creator) and Richmond VA.
(*) It is sometimes suggested that the letters SS on the inner disk stand for Signal Service rather than Secret Service, but this is unlikely, as the official name at the time was Signals Corps. Secret Service should not be confused with the current United States Secret Service that was established in 1865 to suppress counterfeit currency and is now responsible for the American President's security
Not many real Confederate Cipher Disks have survived
and there are only five known to exist today. Two of these are in the
hands of private collectors, one is part of the collection of the
Smithonian Institute and two are at the Museum of the Confederacy in
Richmond (Virginia, USA).
The Union (Federal) Cipher Disk: The object of
this invention is to afford means whereby persons within signal
distance of eachother can communicate intelligibly by certain movements
of flags or other objects, and a sytematic arrangement of letters and
numerals or other characters upon movable and stationary disks, without
the possibility of having their messages detected by others.~ Albert James Myer.
Description of the "Signal Disk": was
approx 3-3/4 to 4 inches in diameter and made of heavy card stock, or
other material. It consisted of two concentric disks of unequal size
revolving on a central pivot. The disks were divided along their outer
edges into 30 equal compartments. The smaller inner disk contained
letters, terminations and word pauses, while the outer disk contained
groups of signal numbers (On some disks, for easier recognition, the
number eight represented two. This was because the eight would be
upright in most positions of the disk.). The initials A.J.M.
represent the Chief Signal Officer General Albert J. Myer. Each disk had
a control number used for accountability and sychronization.
The disks are fastened concentrically together in
such manner that one may revolve upon the other, and that they may be
clamped tight in any position. They are of such size that when fastened,
the letters, etc., upon the inner disk, will each appear close to and
directly opposite one of the combinations upon the outer disk. Various
disks with various combinations of order were utilized and by the use of
the control number, synchronized between parties.
Having a disk arranged and clamped, as in the
illustration, it will be clearly understood by any signalist that, so
provided, he has before him an alphabetical code with every letter
opposite its signal symbol. And he will understand that, by referring to
the disk, he can transmit or receive a message without the study of any
particular code. See: Standard Flag Code
Thus, in this case, to make "T" the combination
"1" or "one" is signalled; to make "E" the combination "21" or "two,
one" is signalled; to make "S" the combination "121" or "one, two, one"
is signalled; to make "T" the combination "1" or "one" is signalled; to
make "ING" the combination "1121" or "one, one, two, one" is signalled.
And there - the word "TESTING" is so signalled. To indicate the end of
the word, the common "3" or "three", may be used, or whatever
combination may be in the compartment opposite the character for "end
word", should one exist on the control numbered disk being used, this
being arranged in advanced.
Now, it is evident that with any change of the
relative positions of the disks made, by rotation, the whole code of
alphabetic signals is changed. Thus, suppose the inner disk is rotated
until the letter "A" is opposite the combination "2122". Now, the word
"TESTING" would be signalled as "1112, 1121, 1122, 1112, 2112, 3,3,3" (three-three's indicating end of message).
The signals do not in any way resemble those before exhibited for the
same word. These changes can be indefinitely varied. It is for making
them that the disks are both movable and changable.
Where different parties, as officiers of a corps
or army, are to be in communication, rules for the changing of the disks
would be issued to all, enabling each to use them, whenever the
officers are in view of each other; each finding that his cipher will
then correspond with that of the officer with whom he is signalling,
although they may never have met.
The following is an example of a general rule for the use of signal disks. The signal disk, in this example (as well as above) is supposed to be arranged for a code of two elements, and both communicating parties having exacting disks.
The signal to indicate that a "Cipher follows"
is made by three circular waves of the flag or torch from left to
right, and with this motion -the preceding message will ALWAYS be a
cipher message. Other methods for indicating a cipher message can be
beforehand preconcerted, an example being a stutter code of "C, C", to
indicate the start of a ciphered message.
- Explanation of the Signal Disk. The numerals on the outer
rim of the disk represent the combinations to be made with the flag,
torch, or by telegraph using the "general service code". Each
combination represents, when made, that letter on the inner disk which
coincides with it.
- To make Signals. The signals, for whatever code may be
represented by the symbols upon the outer disk, are made according to
the general rules of signalling, taking in account for the different
- The Adjustment-Letter. The Adjustment-Letter is any
letter selected on the inner disk, which, placed opposite a given
combination or key-letter, on the outer disk, adjusts the disks for the
cipher, and is the key to any communication sent in that particular
- The letter R is understood to be the default adjustment-letter, if no other letter is given.
- The combination to be used with the adjustment-letter is called the key-number.
EXAMPLE: The combination is adjustment-letter "R" and key-Number "1212", the inner disk will be turned so that "R" will coincide with "1212". Any letter may be the adjustment-letter (R is the default adjustment-letter, if none is given) Any signal combination may be chosen for the key-number as well.
EXAMPLE: The signal "2212, 3, 1122, 333," would indicate that "W" was the adjustment letter ("2212" being "W" in the non-ciphered code) and "1122" the key-number completing the cipher combination. The disk in this case would be arranged so that "W" would coinside with "1122".
- To send a Message in a Cipher. Station "A" calls
station "B" and gets "B's" acknowledgment. "A" gives "B" the cipher
combination in which he intends to send the message.
EXAMPLE: "A" gives "B" "2122, 333"; "B" answers by giving
"11, 11, 11, 3, 2122, 333"; which indicates to "A" that "B" got the
message and understands the proper signal-combination to be the default
adjustment-letter "R" (since one was not given) and the
key-number to be "2122". Both stations "A" and "B" would then adjust
their signal-disks as follows; each turns the inner disk so that the
letter "R" will coinside with the combination "2122" in the outer disk.
The disks of both parties are now alike, and the message commences.
To signal the word "pickets" in the foregoing cipher, using the disk on this page, station "A" would make "221, 222, 1122, 2112, 2, 2221, 1, 3" = "pickets". If "W" was the adjustment-letter and "1122" the key-number, making the cipher combination "W - 1122", "W" would coincide with "1122" on the disk and the word "pickets" would be presented by "12, 112, 122, 1112, 1211, 22, 11" = "pickets".
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