Fenomena The Walt Disney Agenda
Mungkin bagi
sebagian orang topik ini uda basi, konspirasi tentang disney uda banyak
yang bahas, tapi pada tau ga tentang apa yang disebut "the Illuminati
pedophile agenda of Walt Disney company"??, post ini mau coba ngejelasin
tentang itu..
taun yang lalu, terjadi skandal pornografi anak yang dilakuin oleh para
staf disney, sebenernya sebelum ini terjadi, kita tau bahwa ada urban
legend tentang penyisipan materi pornografi pada karya-karya disney,
meliputi kartun, film maupun merchandise. Secara ga langsung ini
merupakan pelecehan seksual pada anak. Sayangnya pemerintah lebih suka
menutupi hal-hal ini.
Banyak info
beredar kalo sebenernya Walt Disney itu anggota illuminati,
ketertarikannya pada dunia anak yang merupakan motivasinya ngebikin Walt
Disney Company sama sekali beda dari apa yang dikira selama ini. Dia
bukannya mau mengisi masa kanak-kanak dengan impian tapi justru, Walt
Disney adalah seorang pedophilia.. Sumpah, dia itu pedophilia, temennya
robot gedek.. Dia juga anggota freemason tingkat 33, anggota dari
"OrderOfDeMolay". Agendanya terbesarnya adalah, mengendalikan pikiran
anak-anak dengan kartun, majalah dan filmnya. Mereka mempersiapkan
generasi muda untuk NWO(New World Order), banyak bintang terkenal
sekarang di masa lalunya memulai karir di disney. Sebut aja bunga, eh,
Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake maupun Christina Aguilera. Mereka
adalah contoh nyata dari pencucian otak yang dilakuin disney pada
Liat deh, itu disney freemason postcard
Uhoo.. See
someone familiar? Britney Spears dan Justin Timberlake memulai karir
mereka sebagai "mouseketeer". Dan kini mereka uda jadi bintang ngetop..
Disney.. Cuci otakku..
Apakah ini cuma kebetulan Readers?
gambar di atas adalah Christina dan Donal bebek lagi.. Uh.. Apa mataku
kelilipan ato si donal lagi grepe-grepe?? Foto diatas diambil di disney
theme park, nah, lumayan jelas kan sekarang kalo disney itu berunsur
Artis yang
sedang dalam pengendalian otak sekarang ini adalah artis remaja Miley
Cyrus, kemungkinan besar dimasa depan dia bakal jadi pengganti Britney..
Ga cuma pengendalian pikiran, mereka juga masukin unsur seksual di produk-produknya..
Mereka bilang produk diatas adalah permen berbentuk gitar.. Tapi kok kalo diliat-liat mirip kaya..
Nah, foto
diatas adalah satu bentuk pornografi pada anak, disana diliatin model
yang masih berumur kurang dari 14 taun lagi berpose seksi dan cuma pake
underwear, iya aku tau kalo itu iklan underwear bergambar tokoh disney,
tapi bisa kan kalo posenya ga gitu?? Liat produk yang lain juga..
Palanya si miki ma mini kok dijadiin gituan ya?? Seksualitas di disney
theme park juga terjadi di parade yang mereka lakuin secara rutin, liat
aja baju para tokoh disney ini..
Agak kelewat seksi ye? Apa jadinya kalo bocah-bocah yang masi ingusan dicekokin ginian tiap dateng ke walt disney theme park?
Staf disney
juga ga bisa dibilang bersih-bersih amat, seperti kasus yang terjadi di
paragraf awal, ini dia pelaku pornografi anak, mereka staf disney lho..
Paul Fazio
Timothy Lillo
Jose Angel
Ini karya-karya disney yang mengandung unsur seksualitas..
Karakter disney digambarkan telanjang, liat deh tu babinya telanjang..
Penyisipan gambar porno di dalam kartun disney..
Penyisipan alat genital pria di poster film disney..
Pengeksposan alat genital wanita di salah satu movie..
Permainan yang disediakan di disney theme park juga mengandung unsur pornografi..
Woe donal. liat kemana loo??
Intruksi untuk menggunakan narkoba juga terlihat di dalam film-film disney..
Ah, sebenernya ga usa jauh-jauh lah.. Liat aja logo walt disney di bawah ini..
Hehe.. Masih tertarik ke Walt Disney Theme Park ga Readers?? See.. Walt Disney is.. umm.. evil..
The Walt Disney Agendafor Illuminati News
watched a movie yesterday, called "The
Haunted Mansion", starring Eddie Murphy. It was a Disney Production.
Not only was it a horrible movie with lousy acting, but it also filled a certain
purpose. The first
you may ask yourself after you've watched it is: whom is it made for? Adults, children or
both? Well, it is too silly to be an adult movie, and too scary to be a
children's movie. So, whom was it made for?
To answer that question, we need to know
who Walt Disney really was, what his corporation stands for, and what purpose
it has. I strongly advise you to read Fritz Springmeier's excellent research on
the Disney bloodline. You can read about it online:
Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason and an illuminist. Behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a hidden agenda to mess up our children's minds. Disney's production over the years is filled with Masonic symbolism, occult over- and undertones, mind control and indoctrination. He is preparing our younger generations for the New World Order, and introduce them to sorcery (black magic) as being a "cool thing" . Read more about it in the above Springmeier article, it is amazing reading. Children who have disappeared at Disneyland and never been found again were kidnapped by the Disney Organization and sacrificed, or used as mind controlled slaves, although their disappearances have been blamed on crazy visitors who supposedly have used the children for sexual perversions. On rare occasions this may have been the case, but otherwise, the truth is closer to home - Disney's home.
Walt Disney was a 33° Freemason and an illuminist. Behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc., is a hidden agenda to mess up our children's minds. Disney's production over the years is filled with Masonic symbolism, occult over- and undertones, mind control and indoctrination. He is preparing our younger generations for the New World Order, and introduce them to sorcery (black magic) as being a "cool thing" . Read more about it in the above Springmeier article, it is amazing reading. Children who have disappeared at Disneyland and never been found again were kidnapped by the Disney Organization and sacrificed, or used as mind controlled slaves, although their disappearances have been blamed on crazy visitors who supposedly have used the children for sexual perversions. On rare occasions this may have been the case, but otherwise, the truth is closer to home - Disney's home.
Now back to the movie, "The Haunted
Mansion". We know how strict this society is when it comes to keeping children
from watching movies that only adults should be able to see. Children are not
allowed in our theaters if a
is too violent, has sex scenes etc.
However! The above movie is allowed for
children! It is supposed to be a comedy, but the truth is that it is VERY
scary for a child, with ghosts flying around, creepy scenes, and horrifying
effects in general. No one seems to question why Disney is allowed to get away
with this when few others are. Well, the answer again is in Springmeier's
article above ...
A friend of mine sent me this letter a
few days ago:
"I have a friend who went to Disneyland in California, and he stepped behind some thick bushes to smoke a cigarette. He found a hatch in the middle of the area, which he opened, and saw a ladder going down into a room - he heard children crying down there. Someone came out of the building at this point and put a gun to his head, and he was arrested by security. At any rate, a series of events followed which resulted in him having to sign a document saying he saw and heard nothing, was mentally disturbed (or something of that sort), and was escorted out of the area in handcuffs surrounded by armed guards, then escorted out of the area in his car."
Who were those children, crying?
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