
Saturday, November 2, 2013

What are the Mutable signs? ( Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo )

What are the Mutable signs?:

They are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo.

Why are these signs grouped together?:

In astrology, the signs are grouped in fours known as a quadruplicity, based on theirqualities. These qualities are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. For each element, there is one of each quality. The qualities are one of the building blocks of astrology, and are based on how each type of quality engages with the world.

Where does the name mutable come from?:

It's Latin root is mutabilis which means change, and its related to the words mutate and mutation. Mutable signs are the chameleons of each element, able to shift into many forms, and take on different personas.

What are the characteristics of the mutable signs?:

They're flexible, adaptable and thrive on change. Their swift changeability allows them to see life from many different perspectives. Mutable signs have a restless nature that comes from being the breakdown before the breakthrough -- in preparation for the end of the season. They bring people and ideas together in an innovative synthesis.

What's the difference between the mutable signs based on element?:

Each of the mutable signs mutates itself with the tools of its particular element. Mutable fire(Sagittarius) evolves through learning, travel, seeking knowledge -- and using intuition to glean the truth from all this experience. Mutable water (Pisces) dwells in the collective depths, and contains all the signs as the last one. Mutable air (Gemini) rides the circuits of ideas, taking in and disseminating what it collects. Mutable earth (Virgo) changes through purification of the body and by being a force of healing for others.

Crisis and Chaos:

The adaptability of mutable signs makes them light on their feet in a crisis. They travel well in and among different types of people, exchanging ideas on what to do next. With quickly evolving natures, they understand change intimately, and are at home in chaos.

Who the heck am I?:

Mutable signs experience the sense of multiple selves, and sometimes struggle to feel real and solid in themselves. Their sense of identity is loose, and like a kaleidoscope, always changing. But over time, a core sense of self emerges, based on this changeability, but transcending it, too.

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