
Saturday, November 2, 2013

What are the Fixed signs? ( Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus )

What are the fixed signs in astrology?:

They are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus.

Why are these signs grouped together?:

They're grouped in a quadruplicity known as the quality. The qualities are cardinal, fixed andmutable. The four have a similar way of engaging with the world, and there's one fixed sign for each element.

Where does the name fixed come from?:

The Latin root fixus means "to latch on to," or "to fasten." Fixed signs fall in the middle, and as the continuation of what's begun, often they're steady and stable. They fix things in place, and are able to engage in sustained activity over a long period.

....To Be Continued:

Since fixed signs come along as the season is underway, they represent going deeper, and pursuing the full realization of what's already begun. They can initiate, but their true gifts emerge when they're able to sink deeply into an ongoing project.

Just Do It:

The fixed signs have a remarkable ability to perservere, and often they're models of solo productivity. They enjoy those peak moments of achievement, but seem most at home with themselves when immersed in a sustained, worthwhile, challenging pursuit.

What's the difference between the fixed signs based on element?:

Each of the fixed signs creates stability through the vehicle of their element. For Fixed fire(Leo)this can mean a career of self-expression, and ongoing respect in their chosen fields. For fixed water (Scorpio), permanence is found through achievement, and going deep into the timeless mysteries of the imagination, dreams, primal sexuality. As fixed air, Aquarius fixes on a continuum that reaches into the future, and can doggedly push for reform, or spend a lifetime on their personal inventions. For fixed earth, Taurus digs into the earth, builds with real elements to construct a solid life.

The Downside of Fixed-ness:

The gift of fixed signs is that they can stick with something to the end. But it's hard for them to let go, even when something appears to be a lost cause. They're not known for their flexibility, and have a harder time with change than the other qualities. At their worst, they can be dogmatic, rigid, stubborn, petulant. Usually, there's a mix of qualities in a birth chart, so nobody has to bear the weight of all those nasty traits.

90% Perspiration:

Fixed signs are a marvel when it comes to getting things done. Because of this they're often able to enjoy success in whatever they set their minds to. But I've noticed that sometimes it feels empty, and they wonder if it's what they really want to be doing. When they know that they're heading on a path in harmony with they're deeper soul calling, this is when they're at their most powerful.

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