“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.”

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Quotes

New year quotes are words of wisdom and experience that have inspired many to strive for what they believe in and never settle down with mediocrity.New Year's being a time for new beginnings and learning experiences, what one always requires at the start of a new adventure is motivations and boosting of morale, along with things to ponder upon. Be it motivational quotes or thoughtful ones, we have for you a wide array of New Year Quotes 2015...

New Year Traditions Around The World

England: The English custom for welcoming New Year is full of hospitality and warmth. They believe that the first guest for the year would bring fortune for them. He should be a male, should enter through the front door and bear some traditional gifts like loaf for the kitchen, drink for the head of the family and coal to light the fire, otherwise he is not allowed. They believe that these bring good luck throughout the year.Denmark: In...

Zodiac Sign Comic 40 : The signs and the New Years party


Happy New Year in many languages

LANGUAGETRANSLATION AFRIKAANSgelukkige nuwejaar / voorspoedige nuwejaar AKPOSSOilufio ètussé ALBANIANGëzuar vitin e ri ALSATIANe glëckliches nëies / güets nëies johr ARABICعام سعيد (aam saiid) / sana saiida ARMENIANshnorhavor nor tari ATIKAMEKWamokitanone AZERIyeni iliniz mübarək BAMBARAaw ni san'kura / bonne année BASAAmbuee BASQUEurte berri on BELARUSIANЗ новым годам (Z novym hodam) BENGALIsubho nababarsho BERBERasgwas amegas / aseggas...