“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.”

Sunday, November 23, 2014

10 Things You Need to Know About Psychology

Are you new to the study of psychology? It may seem like a vast and daunting topic at first, but understanding a few basic facts can make it easier to get started. The following are just a few of the important things you need to know about this fascinating topic. Once you have a strong understanding of the basics, you will be better prepared to explore psychology in greater depth. Mittermeier / Getty Images 1. Psychology Is the...

Human Psychology Facts

Interesting Facts about Human Psychology Human Psychology deals with various aspects about the way we all think, react and understand different situations. Human brain is a gift to mankind. Here is a list of all the interesting Human Psychology Facts which you didn’t know. These facts will amaze you, and you will get surprised to a great extend. Interesting Human Psychology Facts List : Logizomechanophobia is the fear of computers!...

10 Psychological Studies That Will Change What You Think You Know About Yourself

Why do we do the things we do? Despite our best attempts to "know thyself," the truth is that we often know astonishingly little about our own minds, and even less about the way others think. As Charles Dickens once put it, “A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” Psychologists have long sought insights into how we perceive the world and what motivates...

100 Amazing Psychology Facts

1. Fat – Posting a calorie chart in fast food restaurants leads people to chooseless healthy foods. 2. Fatherhood – Expectant fathers can sometimes experience a sympathetic pregnancy where they have symptoms like back ache, weight gain, strange food cravings and nausea. This has also been found to happen in some species of monkey. 3. Alcohol – As many as 9% of adult Americans have been to an alcoholicsanonymous...