
Saturday, December 27, 2014


english surnames
[Photo credit: Shutterstock]
Many of us have surnames passed down to us from ancestors in England. Last names weren’t widely used until after the Norman conquest in 1066, but as the country’s population grew, people found it necessary to be more specific when they were talking about somebody else. Thus arose descriptions like Thomas the Baker, Norman son of Richard, Henry the Whitehead, Elizabeth of the Field, and Joan of York that, ultimately, led to many of our current surnames.
There are perhaps 45,000 different English surnames, but most had their origins as one of these seven types.
Occupational names identified people based on their job or position in society. Calling a man “Thomas Carpenter” indicated that he worked with wood for a living, while someone named Knight bore a sword. Other occupational names include Archer, Baker, Brewer, Butcher, Carter, Clark, Cooper, Cook, Dyer, Farmer, Faulkner, Fisher, Fuller, Gardener, Glover, Head, Hunt or Hunter, Judge, Mason, Page, Parker, Potter, Sawyer, Slater, Smith, Taylor, Thatcher, Turner, Weaver, Woodman, and Wright (or variations such as Cartwright and Wainwright) — and there are many more.

This kind of name also gave a clue about whom a servant worked for. Someone named Vickers might have been a servant to Mr. Vicker, and someone named Williams might either have served a William or been adopted by him.
From the obscure fact department: In medieval England, before the time of professional theater, craft guilds put on “mystery plays” (“mystery” meaning “miracle”), which told Bible stories and had a call-and-response style of singing. A participant’s surname — such as King, Lord, Virgin, or Death — may have reflected his or her role, which some people played for life and passed down to their eldest son.
Describing a personal characteristic
Some names, often adjectives, were based on nicknames that described a person. They may have described a person’s size (Short, Long, Little), coloring (Black, White, Green, or Red, which could have evolved into “Reed”), or another character trait (Stern, Strong, Swift). Someone named Peacock might have been considered vain.
A last name may have pointed to where a person was born, lived, worked, or owned land. It might be from the name of a house, farm, hamlet, town, or county. Some examples: Bedford, Burton, Hamilton, Hampshire, Sutton. Writer Jack London’s stepfather may have hailed from London.
From the name of an estate
Those descended from landowners may have taken as their surname the name of their holdings, castle, manor, or estate, such as Ernle or Staunton. Windsor is a famous example — it was the surname George V adopted for the British royal family.
From a geographical feature of the landscape
Some examples are Bridge, Brooks, Bush, Camp, Fields, Forest, Greenwood, Grove, Hill, Knolles, Lake, Moore, Perry, Stone, Wold, Wood, and Woodruff. Author Margaret Atwood is probably descended from someone who lived “at the wood.”
Patronymic, matronymic, or ancestral
Patronymic surnames (those that come from a male given name) include Benson (“the son of Ben”), Davis, Dawson, Evans, Harris, Harrison, Jackson, Jones (Welsh for John), Nicholson, Richardson, Robinson, Rogers, Simpson, Stephenson, Thompson, Watson, and Wilson.
Matronymic ones, surnames derived from a female given name, include Molson (from Moll, for Mary), Madison (from Maud), Emmott (from Emma), and Marriott (from Mary).
Scottish clan names make up one set of ancestral surnames. These include Armstrong, Cameron, Campbell, Crawford, Douglas, Forbes, Grant, Henderson, Hunter, MacDonald, and Stewart.
Signifying patronage
Some surnames honored a patron. Hickman was Hick’s man (Hick being a nickname for Richard). Kilpatrick was a follower of Patrick.
Wondering whether your family name is English? Try plugging your surname into the Ancestry Last Names Meanings and Origins widget. Type in the surname “Duffield,” and you’ll see it’s English, a “habitational name from places in Derbyshire and East Yorkshire, so named from Old English Dufe ‘dove’ + feld ‘open country.’”

German surnames
[Photo credit: Shutterstock]
In German, a surname is called the “Nachname” or “Familienname.” The family name gradually started being used during the Middle Ages. Prior to that, people generally used only a given name. As the population increased, though, that population needed a way to differentiate between all those new people. Now, those surnames can help you trace your family tree on Ancestry.
The first Germans to use surnames were the nobility and wealthy land owners. After that, merchants and general townspeople started using surnames, with rural people adopting the practice last. It was two or three hundred years before it was commonplace to use last names, though most people were using them by the late Middle Ages.

German surnames generally started out as one of four different types.
1. Occupational. This is the most common form of German family name and can often be identified by its ending, such as -er (as in Geiger, one who played the violin), -hauer (hewer or cutter, such as Baumhauer, a tree cutter), -macher (one who makes, as in Fenstermacher — one who makes windows), and -man/-mann (as in Kaufman, one who sells, or a merchant).
Some other examples of family names from occupations include:
  • Bauer (farmer)
  • Becker (baker)
  • Fleischer or Metzger (butcher)
  • Klingemann (weapons smith)
  • Maurer (mason)
  • Meier (farm administrator)
  • Muller (miller)
  • Schmidt (smith)
  • Schneider (tailor)
  • Schulze (constable)
  • Topfer/Toepfer (potter)
  • Wagner (carter/cartwright)
  • Weber (weaver)
2. Patronymic. Often, a person was distinguished by a reference to his or her father, which eventually turned into what we now know as a last name. A man named Simon whose father was named Ahrend might have become Simon Ahrends (Simon, son of Ahrend). Johann Petersohn was Johann, son of Peter. Patronymics most often come from the northern areas of Germany.
Because some early German records were written in Latin, last names were sometimes written with the Latin ending “-i” (sometimes spelled “-y”), as in Martin Berendi, who would have been Martin, son of a man named Berend.
At first, patronymic names would change with each generation, as they were just describing one person by that person’s father’s name. This continued until laws required adopting a permanent surname that passed down hereditarily. People were sometimes reluctant to comply with these laws, and sometimes several decrees were passed. In the Schleswig-Holstein area of northern Germany, for instance, such laws were passed in 1771, 1820, and 1822.
3. Descriptive. Many German surnames are descriptive names based on a physical characteristic, such as Brun/Braun (brown hair or a swarthy complexion), Krause (curly-haired), Klein (small), Gross (big), Schwarzkopf (black headed), and Hertz (big-hearted). Older, non-Christian names are often of this type.
4. Geographical. These names derive from where a person lived or came from. They may stem from the name of a city or village or the location of someone’s home, such as Kissinger from Kissingen and Schwarzenegger from Schwarzenegg. Someone named Berger may have who lived on a mountain.
Since about 1600, only aristocratic families were allowed to use the “von” prefix in Germany. So if someone was baron of a village, his family name would be “von” and the village name. In older names, though, “von” sometimes merely indicated that a person was from an area: Lukas von Albrecht may have been Lukas from Albrecht. German immigrants to North America who used the “von” prefix almost never had used it previously in their native country.
A geographical name could also be one that derives from a landmark (Busch was named after a certain bush, or Springborn after a spring or well), or a family might have been named after an inn or farm.
Some German surnames had local dialectical characteristics. For instance, in south German, Austrian and Swiss, diminutive endings included -l, -el, -erl, -le, and -li. Some examples are Kleibel, Schauble and Nageli.
—Leslie Lang

french surnames
[Photo credit: Shutterstock]
Is your last name French? Did you ever wonder where it came from and how your family got it?
The most common French surnamesfor people born between 1891 and 1990 were:
  1. Martin (patronymic; after the most popular French saint, Saint Martin of Tours)
  2. Bernard (patronymic; from the given name, which is of Germanic origin)
  3. Thomas (patronymic; from the medieval given name of Biblical origin, meaning twin)
  4. Petit (a descriptive name; from the French adjective for “small” or “little”)
  5. Robert (patronymic; from the Germanic given name meaning “renown,” “bright,” “famous”)
  6. Richard (patronymic; from the Germanic given name meaning “powerful,” “strong”)
  7. Durand (a descriptive name; “steadfast;” from the Old French durant, “to endure,” “last”; or someone from a place called Durand in former Szepes County in Hungary)
  8. Dubois (A geographic name for someone living in a wood, from du + bois or “from the” + “wood”; in English, often translated as the name Wood)
  9. Moreau (a descriptive type of name meaning “dark-skinned;” literally, “son of the Moor”)
  10. Laurent (a geographic name; from the Roman surname Laurentius, which meant “from Laurentum,” which was an ancient Roman city)

In France, surnames were first used in about the 11th century to distinguish between people with the same given name, though it was centuries before their use was common.
So how did your ancestors get their French surnames? Most can be traced back to one of four types:
1. Patronymic/Matronymic
This is the most common type of French last name, and it’s simply based on a parent’s given name. Patronymic surnames were based on the father’s name and matronymic ones on the mother’s. It was common for people to distinguish between two people with the same first name by referencing their parents (usually the father). In general, the mother’s name was used only if the father was unknown.
This type of name was formed in a few different ways. French prefixes that mean “son of”—which attach, of course, to the start of a name—include de and fitz (from the Norman). To use the list of common French surnames above as an example, someone named Pierre whose father’s name was Robert might become known as Pierre de Robert or FitzRobert. Or a suffix may have been added to the parent’s name, such as -eau, -elin, -elot, -elle, or -elet, all of which indicated “little son of.”
Most patronymic names, though, did not take prefixes or suffixes. Robert’s son Pierre might just be known as Pierre Robert.
For many generations, these “surnames” did not pass down; each generation took their father’s given name as their surname until, eventually, governments decreed that a surname would be hereditary. That is when, for the most part, the same surname started passing down through each generation.
2. Occupational Surnames
It was also very common to distinguish individuals by referring to their jobs or trades. Some French occupational surnames include:
  • Berger — shepherd
  • Bisset — weaver
  • Boucher — butcher
  • Brodeur — embroiderer
  • Caron — cartwright
  • Charpentier — carpenter
  • Chevrolet — goat farmer
  • Couture — tailor
  • Fabron — blacksmith
  • Faucheux — mower
  • Fournier — baker
  • Gagne — farmer
  • Granger — farm bailiff
  • Lefebvre — craftsman (usually a blacksmith)
  • Marchand — merchant
  • Mercier — trader
  • Mullins — miller
  • Paquet — gatherer or seller of firewood
  • Page — servant or page
  • Pelletier — fur trader
  • Segal — grower or seller of rye
3. Descriptive Surnames
A descriptive surname is based on a quality that describes a person and sometimes developed from a nickname.
  • Petit — small
  • Legrand — the big one
  • Leblanc — the blonde one
  • Brun — someone with brown hair or a brown complexion
  • Donadieu or Donnadieu (“given to God”) may have been the name of a child given to a priest or monastery or because they were orphaned
4. Geographical Surnames
Geographical surnames described where a person lived or hailed from, such as:
  • Beaulieu — beautiful place
  • Beaumont — beautiful hill
  • Chastain — near certain chestnut trees
  • Comtois — from Franche-Comte, a province in eastern France
  • Deschamps — from the fields
  • Dupont — by the bridge
  • Desmarais — by the marsh
  • Dupuis — by the well
  • Linville — from Linivilla, now Ninville, France
  • Marseille — many people have the name of this major French city as their surname
  • Paris — from Paris
  • St. Martin — from St. Martin
  • Travers — near a bridge or ford
—Leslie Lang

Spanish surnamesEver wonder about Spanish surnames(“apellido” in Spanish) and how they came to be? Spanish surnames started being used in medieval times, when populations were growing and it became necessary to distinguish between individuals with the same given name.
The 10 most common Spanish surnames today cover about 20 percent of the population in Spain. Some originated from Germanic first names that were introduced in the country by the Visigoths during the 5th to 7th centuries, while others have Latin roots.
The 10 most common first surnames in Spain in 2013, according to the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, are:
  1. García—1,459,677 (3.51%), Pre-Roman, Basque
  2. Fernández—914,169 (2.2%), Germanic
  3. González—912,511 (2.19%), from Germanic
  4. Rodríguez—906,746 (2.18%), Germanic
  5. López—858,736 (2.07%), Latin
  6. Martínez—822,848 (1.98%), Latin
  7. Sánchez—805,889 (1.94%), Latin
  8. Pérez—767,962 (1.85%), Latin
  9. Martín—489,357 (1.18%), Latin
  10. Gómez—482,781 (1.16%), Germanic
People in countries with Hispanic surnames generally have two surnames today, a system that dates back to the upper classes in Castile in the 16th century.

For the most part, people now take the first of their father’s two surnames and the first of the mother’s two surnames as their own last name. Women sometimes add their husband’s surname to the end of theirs or in place of their mother’s surname, sometimes with a “de” between the two names. Therefore, a husband and wife generally have different sets of double surnames, as do their children.
In the past, however, Hispanic naming patterns were not as consistent. Sometimes, sons took the surname of their father, while daughters took that of their mother. The Castilian double surname naming system of the 16th century didn’t become common throughout Spain until the 1800s.
When researching your pre-19th-century Spanish ancestors, therefore, remember that naming patterns then differed from naming patterns today.
Historically, Spanish surnames can typically be traced back to one of four types:
1. Patronymic & Matronymic. This type of surname started out as a way of distinguishing between two men with the same name by using a father’s first name (patronymic) or a mother’s given name (matronymic). Sometimes the parent’s name was unchanged (as in Alonso, Vicente, and Garcia), but frequently it was used with an added suffix that meant “son of.” These include -ez, -az, -is, -oz at the end of a Castilian or Spanish surname and -es, -as, -is, or -os with Portuguese names. Patronymic or matronymic names are some of the most common Hispanic surnames; some examples include Fernandez, “son of Fernando,” or Gonzales, “son of Gonzalo.”
These were not, at first, surnames that were passed down. In one generation, an individual might be Martin Perez (Martin, son of Pedro). His son would be Juan Martinez (Juan, son of Martin). Eventually, these patronymic names became fixed surnames that passed down in the family through the generations.
Some other names of this sort include:
  • Dominguez—son of Domingo
  • Hernandez—son of Hernando
  • Lopez—son of Lope
  • Ramirez—son of Ramiro
  • Ruiz—son of Ruy or Roy
  • Suarez—son of Suero
  • Velazquez—son of Velasco
  • Velez—son of Vela
2. Geographic. This type of Hispanic last name tells you something about where the first person to take the name came from, or where their homestead was. Someone named Aguilar may have originally lived near an eagle’s nest; the name refers to a “haunt for eagles.” Other common geographic surnames of this type include Medina and Oyarzun (both place names), Navarro (“from Navarre”), Serrano (meaning “highlander”), and still other geographic surnames refer to features of the landscape where a family lived, such as Vega (“meadow”), Mendoza (“cold mountain”), Morales (“blackberry groves”), Torres (“towers”), and Iglesias (“churches”). Some include the suffix “de” to indicate “of” or “from” a place, such as Del Olmo (“from the elm tree”) and Davila (from “d’Avila,” meaning “from the town of Avila”).
3. Occupational. Sometimes a surname that denoted a person’s job or trade was tacked on to a person’s given name. Felipe Vicario, for instance, was Felipe the vicar. Some other common occupational surnames:
  • Alcaldo—mayor
  • Barbero—barber
  • Cabrero—goatherder
  • Cantor—singer
  • Cavallero—horseman, knight
  • Corredor—runner
  • Herrera/Herrero—ironworker, smith
  • Hidalgo—nobelman
  • Marin—from the Latin “Marinus,” meaning sailor
  • Marques—marquis
  • Molinero—miller
  • Romero—pilgrim
  • Torrero—bullkeeper, fighter
  • Zapatero—shoemaker
4. Descriptive. This type of surname was based on a quality or physical feature of the person.
  • Bravo—brave
  • Cano—grey
  • Cola—tall
  • Cortes—courteous
  • Delgado—thin
  • Garza (heron)—long legged
  • Grand—large
  • Moreno—brown haired, tan
  • Orejon—big ear
  • Rubio—blonde
—Leslie Lang

Top 1000 Surnames

(Sort By Surname)

Jones Origin=Welsh
Williams Origin=Welsh
Campbell Origin=Scottish
Davis Origin=Welsh
Thompson Origin=Scottish
Kelly Origin=Irish
Sullivan Origin=Irish
O'Brien Origin=Irish
Evans Origin=Welsh
10 Brown Origin=English
11 Lewis Origin=Welsh
12 Wilson Origin=Scottish
13 Wallace Origin=Scottish
14 Ryan Origin=Irish
15 Moore Origin=Irish
16 Anderson Origin=Scottish
17 Jackson Origin=English
18 Johnson Origin=English
19 Smith Origin=English
20 Murphy Origin=Irish
21 Rogers Origin=English
22 Phillips Origin=Welsh
23 Jones Origin=English
24 Morgan Origin=Welsh
25 Graham Origin=Scottish
26 Robinson Origin=English
27 Burns Origin=Scottish
28 Rodriguez Origin=Spanish
29 Robertson Origin=Scottish
30 Thomas Origin=Welsh
31 Walker Origin=English
32 Clark Origin=English
33 Harris Origin=English
34 Wright Origin=English
35 Howard Origin=English
36 Powell Origin=Welsh
37 Price Origin=Welsh
38 King Origin=English
39 Fitzgerald Origin=Irish
40 Roberts Origin=Welsh
41 Taylor Origin=English
42 Lopez Origin=Spanish
43 Russell Origin=English
44 Gray Origin=Scottish
45 Walsh Origin=Irish
46 Duncan Origin=Scottish
47 Kelley Origin=Irish
48 Stewart Origin=Scottish
49 Hernandez Origin=Spanish
50 Richardson Origin=English
51 Higgins Origin=Irish
52 Hamilton Origin=Scottish
53 Wells Origin=English
54 Carroll Origin=Irish
55 Ferguson Origin=Scottish
56 Armstrong Origin=Scottish
57 Allen Origin=English
58 Burke Origin=Irish
59 Martinez Origin=Spanish
60 Cole Origin=English
61 Lynch Origin=Irish
62 McCarthy Origin=Irish
63 Nelson Origin=English
64 Gonzalez Origin=Spanish
65 Baker Origin=English
66 Parker Origin=English
67 Moran Origin=Irish
68 Hall Origin=Scottish
69 Craig Origin=Scottish
70 Perez Origin=Spanish
71 Davies Origin=Welsh
72 Watson Origin=English
73 Hughes Origin=Welsh
74 Hill Origin=English
75 Adams Origin=English
76 Chapman Origin=English
77 Casey Origin=Irish
78 Butler Origin=Irish
79 Ward Origin=English
80 White Origin=English
81 Knight Origin=English
82 Garcia Origin=Spanish
83 Grant Origin=Scottish
84 Spencer Origin=English
85 Henderson Origin=Scottish
86 Green Origin=English
87 Perry Origin=English
88 Bailey Origin=English
89 Turner Origin=English
90 Cunningham Origin=Scottish
91 Martin Origin=English
92 Morris Origin=Welsh
93 McLaughlin Origin=Irish
94 Harrison Origin=English
95 Long Origin=English
96 Flynn Origin=Irish
97 Gallagher Origin=Irish
98 Edwards Origin=Welsh
99 Brooks Origin=English
100 Miller Origin=Scottish
101 Dunn Origin=Irish
102 Cooper Origin=English
103 Young Origin=English
104 Owens Origin=Welsh
105 Cook Origin=English
106 Carter Origin=English
107 Ross Origin=Scottish
108 Ramirez Origin=Spanish
109 Ellis Origin=English
110 Mitchell Origin=Scottish
111 Cameron Origin=Scottish
112 Warren Origin=English
113 Johnston Origin=Scottish
114 Gibson Origin=Scottish
115 Smith Origin=Scottish
116 Buchanan Origin=Scottish
117 Barnes Origin=English
118 Byrne Origin=Irish
119 Riley Origin=Irish
120 Morrison Origin=Scottish
121 Foster Origin=English
122 Lloyd Origin=Welsh
123 Rivera Origin=Spanish
124 Richards Origin=English
125 McClure Origin=Scottish
126 Elliott Origin=Scottish
127 Taylor Origin=Scottish
128 Andrews Origin=Scottish
129 Miller Origin=German
130 MacDonald Origin=Scottish
131 O'Neill Origin=Irish
132 McMahon Origin=Irish
133 Fowler Origin=English
134 Douglas Origin=Scottish
135 Crawford Origin=Scottish
136 Mason Origin=English
137 Alexander Origin=Scottish
138 Stevens Origin=English
139 Hawkins Origin=English
140 Clark Origin=Scottish
141 Wagner Origin=German
142 Farrell Origin=Irish
143 Wood Origin=English
144 Fitzpatrick Origin=Irish
145 McCormick Origin=Irish
146 Webb Origin=English
147 Myers Origin=English
148 Hunt Origin=English
149 Montgomery Origin=Scottish
150 Harper Origin=Scottish
151 Tucker Origin=English
152 Schmidt Origin=German
153 Torres Origin=Spanish
154 West Origin=English
155 Sweeney Origin=Irish
156 Holmes Origin=English
157 Dixon Origin=Scottish
158 Payne Origin=English
159 Barrett Origin=Irish
160 Jensen Origin=Danish
161 Perkins Origin=English
162 O'Donnell Origin=Irish
163 McLean Origin=Scottish
164 Scott Origin=Scottish
165 Lee Origin=English
166 Lucas Origin=English
167 Murray Origin=Scottish
168 Reed Origin=English
169 McCullough Origin=Scottish
170 Quinn Origin=Irish
171 Bennett Origin=English
172 Hopkins Origin=English
173 Stephens Origin=English
174 Ortiz Origin=Spanish
175 Foley Origin=Irish
176 Simmons Origin=English
177 Reid Origin=Scottish
178 McGrath Origin=Irish
179 Patterson Origin=Scottish
180 Nolan Origin=Irish
181 Kennedy Origin=Irish
182 Sanchez Origin=Spanish
183 Joyce Origin=Irish
184 Dillon Origin=Irish
185 Doyle Origin=Irish
186 Brennan Origin=Irish
187 Holland Origin=English
188 Gordon Origin=Scottish
189 Brady Origin=Irish
190 McCann Origin=Irish
191 Schneider Origin=German
192 Rhodes Origin=English
193 Little Origin=Scottish
194 Coleman Origin=Irish
195 McDonald Origin=Scottish
196 Howell Origin=Welsh
197 Rowe Origin=English
198 Reyes Origin=Spanish
199 Dougherty Origin=Irish
200 Bates Origin=English
201 Anderson Origin=Swedish
202 Romero Origin=Spanish
203 Rice Origin=Welsh
204 O'Connor Origin=Irish
205 Webster Origin=English
206 Ritchie Origin=Scottish
207 MacKay Origin=Scottish
208 Thomson Origin=Scottish
209 Hicks Origin=English
210 Hunter Origin=Scottish
211 Hansen Origin=Danish
212 Burton Origin=English
213 McPherson Origin=Scottish
214 Vaughn Origin=Welsh
215 Reynolds Origin=English
216 Mills Origin=English
217 Hogan Origin=Irish
218 Hayes Origin=English
219 Parsons Origin=English
220 Lyons Origin=Scottish
221 Gardner Origin=English
222 Morris Origin=Irish
223 Fletcher Origin=Scottish
224 Hart Origin=Irish
225 Fuller Origin=English
226 McIntosh Origin=Scottish
227 Morales Origin=Spanish
228 Gilbert Origin=English
229 Martin Origin=Irish
230 Stone Origin=English
231 Cox Origin=English
232 McFarland Origin=Scottish
233 Nichols Origin=English
234 Fraser Origin=Scottish
235 Wheeler Origin=English
236 Bradshaw Origin=English
237 Kirk Origin=Scottish
238 Arnold Origin=English
239 Rose Origin=Scottish
240 Bishop Origin=English
241 Thornton Origin=English
242 Hudson Origin=English
243 Owen Origin=Welsh
244 McGuire Origin=Irish
245 Lawrence Origin=English
246 Bowman Origin=English
247 McLeod Origin=Scottish
248 White Origin=Scottish
249 McKenna Origin=Irish
250 Guthrie Origin=Scottish
251 Moss Origin=English
252 Williams Origin=German
253 Jenkins Origin=Welsh
254 Collins Origin=English
255 White Origin=Irish
256 Young Origin=Scottish
257 Simpson Origin=English
258 Edwards Origin=English
259 Bell Origin=English
260 McKnight Origin=Scottish
261 Keith Origin=Scottish
262 Sinclair Origin=Scottish
263 Donovan Origin=Irish
264 Kerr Origin=Scottish
265 Fox Origin=Irish
266 Murray Origin=Irish
267 Sutton Origin=English
268 McCallum Origin=Scottish
269 O'Connell Origin=Irish
270 Newton Origin=English
271 Baldwin Origin=English
272 Chavez Origin=Spanish
273 Boyle Origin=Irish
274 Roach Origin=Irish
275 Peterson Origin=Swedish
276 Sharp Origin=Scottish
277 Scott Origin=English
278 Pierce Origin=English
279 Miller Origin=English
280 MacGregor Origin=Scottish
281 McKenzie Origin=Scottish
282 Watkins Origin=Welsh
283 Heath Origin=English
284 Kennedy Origin=Scottish
285 Carpenter Origin=English
286 Connolly Origin=Irish
287 MacLean Origin=Scottish
288 Harrington Origin=Scottish
289 Stanley Origin=English
290 McIntyre Origin=Scottish
291 Palmer Origin=English
292 Bradley Origin=English
293 Reilly Origin=Irish
294 Chase Origin=English
295 Williamson Origin=Scottish
296 Fisher Origin=English
297 Clarke Origin=English
298 Drake Origin=English
299 Ruiz Origin=Spanish
300 Schultz Origin=German
301 Barnett Origin=English
302 Vaughan Origin=Welsh
303 Barker Origin=English
304 Ball Origin=English
305 Hickey Origin=Irish
306 Ramsey Origin=Scottish
307 Schroeder Origin=German
308 Dean Origin=English
309 Reeves Origin=English
310 Calhoun Origin=Scottish
311 Bryant Origin=English
312 McKay Origin=Scottish
313 Christie Origin=Scottish
314 Rankin Origin=Scottish
315 Hurley Origin=Irish
316 Hahn Origin=German
317 Callahan Origin=Irish
318 Townsend Origin=English
319 Dempsey Origin=Irish
320 Cantrell Origin=English
321 Stafford Origin=English
322 Bradford Origin=English
323 Reese Origin=Welsh
324 Gonzales Origin=Spanish
325 Ramos Origin=Spanish
326 Whitehead Origin=English
327 McNamara Origin=Irish
328 Greene Origin=English
329 McGregor Origin=Scottish
330 Welch Origin=Irish
331 Mahoney Origin=Irish
332 Conway Origin=Irish
333 Dwyer Origin=Irish
334 Potter Origin=English
335 Gibbs Origin=Scottish
336 Cowan Origin=Scottish
337 Hoffman Origin=German
338 Shelton Origin=English
339 McCabe Origin=Irish
340 Lowe Origin=English
341 Clayton Origin=English
342 Gallegos Origin=Spanish
343 Strickland Origin=English
344 Snyder Origin=German
345 Pruitt Origin=Welsh
346 Griffin Origin=Irish
347 Smith Origin=German
348 Atkinson Origin=English
349 Soto Origin=Spanish
350 McDermott Origin=Irish
351 York Origin=English
352 Hodges Origin=English
353 Gorman Origin=Irish
354 Berry Origin=English
355 Blair Origin=Scottish
356 Sawyer Origin=English
357 Hammond Origin=English
358 Maher Origin=Irish
359 Flanagan Origin=Irish
360 Cross Origin=English
361 Costello Origin=Irish
362 Lyon Origin=Scottish
363 Corcoran Origin=Irish
364 Underwood Origin=English
365 McCracken Origin=Scottish
366 Russo Origin=Italian
367 Griffith Origin=Welsh
368 Mitchell Origin=English
369 Black Origin=English
370 Skinner Origin=English
371 Pearson Origin=English
372 Pugh Origin=Welsh
373 Conley Origin=Irish
374 Lancaster Origin=English
375 Page Origin=English
376 Roberts Origin=English
377 Cochran Origin=Scottish
378 Blevins Origin=Welsh
379 Burgess Origin=English
380 Roche Origin=Irish
381 Horton Origin=English
382 Lockhart Origin=Scottish
383 Lane Origin=English
384 Frazier Origin=Scottish
385 Brewer Origin=English
386 Ingram Origin=English
387 Medina Origin=Spanish
388 Poole Origin=English
389 Malone Origin=Irish
390 Rodgers Origin=English
391 Maynard Origin=English
392 Buckley Origin=English
393 MacLeod Origin=Scottish
394 Wilson Origin=English
395 Powers Origin=Irish
396 Pratt Origin=English
397 Norris Origin=English
398 Erickson Origin=Norwegian
399 Hutchinson Origin=Scottish
400 Egan Origin=Irish
401 Gomez Origin=Spanish
402 Garza Origin=Spanish
403 Sheehan Origin=Irish
404 Donnelly Origin=Irish
405 Caldwell Origin=Scottish
406 Diaz Origin=Spanish
407 Hale Origin=English
408 Davis Origin=Irish
409 Marsh Origin=English
410 Cruz Origin=Spanish
411 McConnell Origin=Scottish
412 Morse Origin=English
413 Barr Origin=Scottish
414 Franklin Origin=English
415 McDonough Origin=Irish
416 McMillan Origin=Scottish
417 Mooney Origin=Irish
418 Ortega Origin=Spanish
419 Byrd Origin=English
420 Love Origin=English
421 Bruce Origin=Scottish
422 Dalton Origin=Irish
423 Cannon Origin=Irish
424 Greer Origin=Scottish
425 Wade Origin=English
426 James Origin=English
427 Johnson Origin=Swedish
428 Keating Origin=Irish
429 Garrett Origin=Irish
430 Maldonado Origin=Spanish
431 O'Leary Origin=Irish
432 Wilkinson Origin=English
433 Orr Origin=Scottish
434 Barton Origin=English
435 Sanders Origin=Irish
436 Ray Origin=Scottish
437 Newman Origin=English
438 Coughlin Origin=Irish
439 Chandler Origin=English
440 Wood Origin=Scottish
441 Meyer Origin=German
442 Daugherty Origin=Irish
443 Baird Origin=Scottish
444 Pollard Origin=English
445 Daly Origin=Irish
446 Saunders Origin=Irish
447 Smith Origin=Irish
448 Larsen Origin=Danish
449 Castillo Origin=Spanish
450 Padilla Origin=Spanish
451 Sutherland Origin=Scottish
452 Schwartz Origin=German
453 Goodwin Origin=English
454 Monroe Origin=Scottish
455 Leblanc Origin=French
456 Henry Origin=Irish
457 Tobin Origin=Irish
458 Cullen Origin=Irish
459 Shaw Origin=Scottish
460 McBride Origin=Irish
461 Sandoval Origin=Spanish
462 Woodward Origin=English
463 McHugh Origin=Irish
464 Jarvis Origin=English
465 Hoover Origin=German
466 Kearney Origin=Irish
467 Weeks Origin=English
468 Bauer Origin=German
469 McFadden Origin=Scottish
470 MacKenzie Origin=Scottish
471 Pollock Origin=Scottish
472 McKinnon Origin=Scottish
473 McGinnis Origin=Irish
474 Whitaker Origin=English
475 McCall Origin=Scottish
476 Murphy Origin=Irish-Alt
477 Flores Origin=Spanish
478 Wentworth Origin=English
479 Kirby Origin=English
480 Maloney Origin=Irish
481 Ashby Origin=English
482 Faulkner Origin=English
483 Ford Origin=English
484 Daley Origin=Irish
485 Lindsey Origin=Scottish
486 Patton Origin=Scottish
487 Zimmerman Origin=German
488 Salazar Origin=Spanish
489 Houston Origin=Scottish
490 Regan Origin=Irish
491 Manning Origin=English
492 Ayers Origin=Scottish
493 Neal Origin=Irish
494 Nash Origin=English
495 Graves Origin=English
496 Galloway Origin=Scottish
497 Kirkpatrick Origin=Borderlands
498 Purcell Origin=Irish
499 Weaver Origin=English
500 Walton Origin=English
501 Griffin Origin=Irish-Alt
502 Jimenez Origin=Spanish
503 Cobb Origin=English
504 Parks Origin=Scottish
505 O'Neal Origin=Irish
506 McDougall Origin=Scottish
507 Frost Origin=English
508 Hensley Origin=English
509 Malloy Origin=Irish
510 Duffy Origin=Irish
511 Pereira Origin=Portuguese
512 Steele Origin=English
513 Porter Origin=English
514 Boyd Origin=Scottish
515 Todd Origin=English
516 Howe Origin=English
517 Coffey Origin=Irish
518 Beach Origin=English
519 Bentley Origin=English
520 Marshall Origin=English
521 Dunlap Origin=Scottish
522 McLain Origin=Scottish
523 Weber Origin=German
524 Daniels Origin=Scottish
525 Bond Origin=English
526 Ballard Origin=English
527 McCormack Origin=Irish
528 Patterson Origin=Irish
529 McGarry Origin=Irish
530 Porter Origin=Scottish
531 Crowley Origin=Irish
532 O'Hara Origin=Irish
533 McAllister Origin=Scottish
534 Pope Origin=Scottish
535 Lamb Origin=English
536 Oliver Origin=Scottish
537 Forbes Origin=Scottish
538 Harding Origin=Scottish
539 Adkins Origin=English
540 Johnston Origin=English
541 Ward Origin=Irish
542 Waddell Origin=Scottish
543 Suarez Origin=Spanish
544 Cahill Origin=Irish
545 McWilliams Origin=Scottish
546 Templeton Origin=Scottish
547 Bowen Origin=Welsh
548 Wyatt Origin=English
549 Schmitt Origin=German
550 Doherty Origin=Irish
551 Carney Origin=Irish
552 Coyle Origin=Irish
553 Stokes Origin=English
554 Hurst Origin=English
555 O'Rourke Origin=Irish
556 Dolan Origin=Irish
557 Archer Origin=English
558 Klein Origin=German
559 Willis Origin=English
560 Jordan Origin=Irish
561 Bartlett Origin=English
562 Dawson Origin=English
563 Holden Origin=English
564 Lawson Origin=English
565 Blackburn Origin=English
566 Rollins Origin=English
567 MacPherson Origin=Scottish
568 Gutierrez Origin=Spanish
569 Leach Origin=English
570 Sparks Origin=English
571 McNally Origin=Irish
572 McNulty Origin=Irish
573 Hewitt Origin=English
574 Larson Origin=Swedish
575 Bird Origin=English
576 Holloway Origin=English
577 Short Origin=English
578 Bailey Origin=Irish
579 Quinlan Origin=Irish
580 Parrish Origin=English
581 Moreno Origin=Spanish
582 Warner Origin=English
583 Kidd Origin=Scottish
584 Stevenson Origin=English
585 Morrow Origin=Irish
586 McCurdy Origin=Scottish
587 Curran Origin=Irish
588 Preston Origin=English
589 Curtis Origin=English
590 McKinney Origin=Scottish
591 Hagan Origin=Irish
592 Corbett Origin=Scottish
593 Power Origin=Irish
594 Hess Origin=German
595 Alvarez Origin=Spanish
596 Carlson Origin=Swedish
597 Gunn Origin=Scottish
598 Ware Origin=English
599 Daniel Origin=Scottish
600 Law Origin=Scottish
601 Watson Origin=Scottish
602 Miles Origin=English
603 Stuart Origin=Scottish
604 Madden Origin=Irish
605 Flood Origin=Irish
606 Freeman Origin=Irish
607 Glass Origin=Scottish
608 Salisbury Origin=English
609 Emery Origin=English
610 McNeil Origin=Scottish
611 Thorpe Origin=English
612 Bolton Origin=English
613 Barry Origin=Irish
614 Shepherd Origin=English
615 Rees Origin=Welsh
616 McDaniel Origin=Irish
617 Figueroa Origin=Spanish
618 Hollis Origin=English
619 Cooke Origin=English
620 Trujillo Origin=Spanish
621 Rooney Origin=Irish
622 Whalen Origin=Irish
623 Haley Origin=Irish
624 Napier Origin=Scottish
625 Moser Origin=German
626 McDowell Origin=Scottish
627 Hood Origin=English
628 Blake Origin=Irish
629 Vega Origin=Spanish
630 Kane Origin=Irish
631 Stack Origin=Irish
632 Clay Origin=English
633 Keene Origin=Irish
634 Coleman Origin=English
635 Sheridan Origin=Irish
636 Farley Origin=English
637 Combs Origin=English
638 Gill Origin=Scottish
639 McManus Origin=Irish
640 Bain Origin=Scottish
641 Kent Origin=English
642 McCulloch Origin=Scottish
643 O'Keefe Origin=Irish
644 Davidson Origin=Scottish
645 Crabtree Origin=English
646 Andersen Origin=Danish
647 Lindsay Origin=Scottish
648 Donahue Origin=Irish
649 Dowd Origin=Irish
650 Bennett Origin=Scottish
651 Compton Origin=English
652 Boyd Origin=English
653 Fagan Origin=Irish
654 Adair Origin=Scottish
655 Jacobs Origin=English
656 Wiley Origin=Scottish
657 McElroy Origin=Irish
658 Munoz Origin=Spanish
659 O'Neil Origin=Irish
660 Kilgore Origin=Scottish
661 Grady Origin=Irish
662 Hutchison Origin=Scottish
663 O'Grady Origin=Irish
664 Roy Origin=French
665 Boone Origin=English
666 Holt Origin=English
667 Silva Origin=Portuguese
668 Dobson Origin=English

Japanese Surnames

Modern Japanese names (日本人の氏名 nihonjin no shimei) usually consist of a family name (surname), followed by a given name. This order is common in Asian countries, while middle names are not generally used. Japanese names are usually written in Chinese characters (漢字 kanji) in Japanese pronunciation. Japanese family names are extremely varied: according to estimates, there are over 100,000 different surnames in use today in Japan. Common family names in Japan include Satō (佐藤), Suzuki (鈴木) and Takahashi (高橋) (please refer to the table below).

Surnames occur with varying frequency in different regions; for example, the names Chinen (知念), Higa (比嘉), and Shimabukuro (島袋) are common in Okinawa but not in other parts of Japan; this is mainly due to differences between the language and culture of Yamato people and Okinawans. Many Japanese family names derive from features of the rural landscape; for example, Ishikawa (石川) means “stone river,” Yamamoto (山本) means “the base of the mountain,” and Inoue (井上) means “above the well.”

Until the Meiji Period, common Japanese people did not have a family name. Only the nobles, samurai and some merchants and artisans did. At the time, the vast majority of the population were peasants. The new Meiji government made it compulsory for everyone to choose a surname, using only authorised kanji. Up to the Tokugawa period common people would refer to themselves as being from a particular region, or from a particular branch of business. The names taken by Japanese people in the Meiji period were either those already in use among the upper classes, or they were created by local priests or even simply made up. This perhaps explains why there seem to be around 100,000 Japanese family names currently in existence.

Common particles in Japanese surnames

Japanese English
ao blue, green
-bashi, -hashi bridge
-da, -ta rice paddy
-do, tsuchi earth
fuji wisteria
fuku good fortune; wealthy
furu old
-gawa, -kawa river
-guchi, -kuchi mouth, entrance
hama beach
hana flower
-hara, -wara, -bara field; plain
hayashi grove, woods
hiro broad
-daira, -taira flat; smooth
i(i) well
ike pond
ishi stone
iwa rock
kami god, deity
kami, ue upper, top
ki tree
kita north
(k)o little
kuro black
matsu pine
miya shrine
mori forest
moto base; origin
mura village
naka middle
nishi 西 west
numa swamp, lake
-no field; plain
oo large; great
oka hill
saka slope
saki small peninsula, cape
sawa, zawa marsh; swamp
shiba lawn
shima island
shita lower; below; base
sugi cedar tree
suzu bell
taka high
take bamboo
tani valley
-to(u) wisteria
toku virtue
wa peace; harmony
yama mountain

A full Japanese name consists of a surname and a given name. Western publications will often reverse that order, making it difficult to be sure which name is which. Sometimes the surname will be written in all capitals. Japanese people do not have middle names.
Japanese given names are composed of one or more kanji (though a few are written in hiragana), meaning there are thousands of possible names. Many kanji are pronounced the same way, with the result that a single name might be spelled differently by different people. Further complicating the situation is the fact that an individual kanji can have several different readings (pronunciations). For example, 海 meaning "ocean" can be read umi or kai depending on context and other factors. Some kanji have nanori, which are readings which occur only in names.
What this means is that in practice it is not possible to determine how a person's name is pronounced based on the spelling, nor is it possible to determine the spelling based on the pronunciation. Sometimes written names include furigana, which are small hiragana characters above the name indicating the pronunciation.
In the past, boys were sometimes given names indicating the order in which they were born, for example Ichiro "first son" and Jiro "second son". In girls' names, a common final Kanji was 子 ko meaning "child" (for example Akiko and Yoshiko), though this trend has faded in the last few decades.






















·  Abe
·  Adachi
·  Akagi
·  Akamine
·  Aki
·  Akiyama
·  Amano
·  Amari
·  Amaya
·  Ando
·  Anno
·  Anzai
·  Aoki
·  Aoyama
·  Arai
·  Arakaki
·  Arakawa
·  Araki
·  Arata
·  Araya
·  Arima
·  Arita
·  Asa
·  Asai
·  Asano
·  Asato
·  Ashikaga
·  Azuma
·  Baba
·  Ban
·  Bando
·  Chiba
·  Chinen
·  Chino
·  Date
·  Doi
·  Domen
·  Eguchi
·  Endo
·  Enomoto
·  Eto
·  Fujii
·  Fujikawa
·  Fujimori
·  Fujimoto
·  Fujimura
·  Fujino
·  Fujioka
·  Fujita
·  Fujiwara
·  Fukuda
·  Fukuhara
·  Fukui
·  Fukumoto
·  Fukunaga
·  Fukushima
·  Funai
·  Furukawa
·  Furuta
·  Furutani
·  Furuya
·  Fuse
·  Gima
·  Go
·  Goda
·  Goto
·  Goya
·  Hada
·  Haga
·  Hagiwara
·  Hamada
·  Hamamoto
·  Hamasaki
·  Handa
·  Hano
·  Hara
·  Harada
·  Hase
·  Hasegawa
·  Hashimoto
·  Hata
·  Hatanaka
·  Hattori
·  Hayakawa
·  Hayashi
·  Hayashida
·  Higa
·  Higashi
·  Higuchi
·  Hino
·  Hirai
·  Hirano
·  Hiraoka
·  Hirata
·  Hirayama
·  Hironaka
·  Hirose
·  Hirota
·  Hoga
·  Hokama
·  Honda
·  Hora
·  Hori
·  Horie
·  Horiuchi
·  Hoshino
·  Ichikawa
·  Ida
·  Ide
·  Igarashi
·  Ige
·  Iha
·  Iida
·  Ike
·  Ikeda
·  Ikehara
·  Imada
·  Imai
·  Imamura
·  Inaba
·  Inouye
·  Isa
·  Iseri
·  Ishibashi
·  Ishida
·  Ishihara
·  Ishii
·  Ishikawa
·  Ishimoto
·  Isobe
·  Ito
·  Itoh
·  Iwai
·  Iwamoto
·  Iwasaki
·  Iwata
·  Izumi
·  Jin
·  Jo
·  Juba
·  Kaba
·  Kagawa
·  Kai
·  Kajiwara
·  Kamei
·  Kamiya
·  Kanai
·  Kanda
·  Kaneko
·  Kanemoto
·  Kaneshiro
·  Kanno
·  Kano
·  Kasai
·  Kase
·  Kataoka
·  Katayama
·  Kato
·  Kawabata
·  Kawaguchi
·  Kawahara
·  Kawai
·  Kawakami
·  Kawamoto
·  Kawamura
·  Kawano
·  Kawasaki
·  Kawashima
·  Kawata
·  Kaya
·  Kibe
·  Kida
·  Kido
·  Kikuchi
·  Kimoto
·  Kimura
·  Kinoshita
·  Kishi
·  Kishimoto
·  Kita
·  Kitagawa
·  Kitamura
·  Kiyabu
·  Kobayashi
·  Kobe
·  Koda
·  Kodama
·  Koga
·  Koike
·  Koizumi
·  Kojima
·  Komatsu
·  Kon
·  Konda
·  Kondo
·  Konishi
·  Konno
·  Kono
·  Konya
·  Koyama
·  Koyanagi
·  Kuba
·  Kubo
·  Kubota
·  Kudo
·  Kumagai
·  Kuno
·  Kuramoto
·  Kurata
·  Kure
·  Kurihara
·  Kuroda
·  Kurokawa
·  Kuse
·  Kusumoto
·  Kuwahara
·  Machi
·  Machida
·  Mae
·  Maeda
·  Maekawa
·  Maita
·  Maki
·  Makino
·  Mano
·  Maruyama
·  Masaki
·  Mase
·  Masuda
·  Matsubara
·  Matsuda
·  Matsui
·  Matsumoto
·  Matsumura
·  Matsunaga
·  Matsuno
·  Matsuo
·  Matsuoka
·  Matsushima
·  Matsushita
·  Matsuura
·  Matsuyama
·  Matsuzaki
·  Mayeda
·  Mihara
·  Mikami
·  Miki
·  Minami
·  Minamoto
·  Mino
·  Mita
·  Miura
·  Miya
·  Miyagawa
·  Miyahara
·  Miyahira
·  Miyake
·  Miyamoto
·  Miyasaki
·  Miyasato
·  Miyashiro
·  Miyashita
·  Miyata
·  Miyazaki
·  Miyoshi
·  Mizuno
·  Mochizuki
·  Mori
·  Morikawa
·  Morimoto
·  Morine
·  Morino
·  Morioka
·  Morishige
·  Morishita
·  Morita
·  Moriyama
·  Mukai
·  Mura
·  Murai
·  Murakami
·  Muramoto
·  Muranaka
·  Murano
·  Muraoka
·  Murata
·  Murayama
·  Muto
·  Nagai
·  Nagamine
·  Nagano
·  Nagao
·  Nagasawa
·  Nagata
·  Naito
·  Nakada
·  Nakagawa
·  Nakahara
·  Nakai
·  Nakajima
·  Nakama
·  Nakamoto
·  Nakamura
·  Nakanishi
·  Nakano
·  Nakao
·  Nakashima
·  Nakasone
·  Nakata
·  Nakatani
·  Nakatomi
·  Nakayama
·  Nakazawa
·  Namba
·  Nii
·  Nishi
·  Nishida
·  Nishihara
·  Nishikawa
·  Nishimoto
·  Nishimura
·  Nishioka
·  Nishiyama
·  Nitta
·  Niwa
·  No
·  Noda
·  Noguchi
·  Nomura
·  Nonaka
·  Noya
·  Oba
·  Obara
·  Obi
·  Oda
·  Oe
·  Ogasawara
·  Ogata
·  Ogawa
·  Ogino
·  Ogura
·  Oh
·  Ohara
·  Ohashi
·  Ohta
·  Oishi
·  Oka
·  Okabe
·  Okada
·  Okamoto
·  Okamura
·  Okane
·  Okano
·  Okawa
·  Okazaki
·  Oki
·  Okimoto
·  Okino
·  Okita
·  Okubo
·  Okuda
·  Okuma
·  Okumura
·  Okura
·  Omori
·  Omura
·  Onaga
·  Onishi
·  Ono
·  Orio
·  Osada
·  Osaki
·  Ose
·  Oshima
·  Oshiro
·  Oshita
·  Ota
·  Otake
·  Otani
·  Otsuka
·  Ouchi
·  Oyama
·  Oye
·  Ozaki
·  Ozawa
·  Sada
·  Sadow
·  Saeki
·  Saiki
·  Saito
·  Sakaguchi
·  Sakai
·  Sakamoto
·  Sakata
·  Sako
·  Sakuma
·  Sakurai
·  Sama
·  Sanda
·  Sando
·  Sano
·  Sasaki
·  Sato
·  Satow
·  Sawa
·  Sawada
·  Sawaya
·  Sazama
·  Seki
·  Sekiguchi
·  Seno
·  Seo
·  Sera
·  Seta
·  Seto
·  Shiba
·  Shibata
·  Shibuya
·  Shima
·  Shimada
·  Shimamoto
·  Shimizu
·  Shimoda
·  Shimomura
·  Shinohara
·  Shinsato
·  Shintani
·  Shirai
·  Shiraishi
·  Shiraki
·  Shiro
·  Shiroma
·  Shishido
·  Shoda
·  Shoji
·  Soda
·  Soga
·  Soma
·  Sone
·  Sonoda
·  Suda
·  Sugai
·  Sugawara
·  Sugihara
·  Sugimoto
·  Sugita
·  Sugiyama
·  Suko
·  Sumida
·  Sunada
·  Suto
·  Suzuki
·  Tabata
·  Tachibana
·  Tada
·  Tagawa
·  Taguchi
·  Tahara
·  Taira
·  Tajima
·  Takagi
·  Takahashi
·  Takai
·  Takaki
·  Takamoto
·  Takano
·  Takara
·  Takashima
·  Takata
·  Takayama
·  Takeda
·  Takei
·  Takemoto
·  Takenaka
·  Takeshita
·  Taketa
·  Takeuchi
·  Tamaki
·  Tamanaha
·  Tamashiro
·  Tamura
·  Tanabe
·  Tanaka
·  Tani
·  Tanigawa
·  Taniguchi
·  Tanimoto
·  Tanji
·  Tano
·  Tao
·  Tashiro
·  Tengan
·  Terada
·  Teramoto
·  Teruya
·  Teshima
·  Tobe
·  Toda
·  Tokuda
·  Tokunaga
·  Toma
·  Tominaga
·  Tomita
·  Tone
·  Toyama
·  Toyoda
·  Tsuchida
·  Tsuchiya
·  Tsuda
·  Tsuji
·  Tsukamoto
·  Tsutsui
·  Tsutsumi
·  Uchida
·  Uchiyama
·  Ueda
·  Uehara
·  Uemura
·  Ueno
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Korean Names

The full Korean name consists of a surname and a given name. This order does not always hold true in western publications. Also, western transcriptions will usually break up the given name and either write the syllables separately or hyphenate them. For example the spelling Kim Dae Jung or Kim Dae-jung is much more frequent than Kim Daejung.
Traditional Korean given names are similar to Chinese given names in that they are usually composed of two Hanja (Chinese characters, though the characters are pronounced differently in Korean). Some modern parents however give names composed of pure Korean elements.

Koreans have maximum of 500 last names out of which four names (CHOI, KIM, LEE & PARK) alone is used by 50% of population.

Chinese Names

A modern Chinese name consists of a surname (xìng 姓) and a given name (míng 名 or míngzì 名字), usually presented in that order. When transcribed into western writing, the characters of the given name are often written separately. Thus Mao Zedong is often given as Mao Ze Dong.
Traditionally, Chinese could assume additional names at other times in their life. These include the  字 (called a courtesy or style name), acquired upon reaching maturity, and the hào 號 (called an art name), a self-selected nickname.
Chinese given names usually consist of two syllables (though it is increasingly common to only use one). Those syllables can be any of the thousands of Chinese characters so the combinations are almost limitless. In practice some characters are chosen more often than others, such as Mei "beautiful" for girls. Sometimes the first character of the given name is shared by all members of a generation in a family (siblings, cousins, etc) - see generation name.

The 100 most common Chinese family names

1.            李           Lǐ
2.            王           Wáng
3.            张           Zhāng
4.            刘           Liú
5.            陈           Chén
6.            杨           Yáng
7.            赵           Zhào
8.            黄           Huáng
9.            周           Zhōu
10.          吴           Wú
11.          徐           Xú
12.          孙           Sūn
13.          胡           Hú
14.          朱           Zhū
15.          高           Gāo
16.          林           Lín
17.          何           Hé
18.          郭           Guō
19.          马           Mǎ
20.          罗           Luó
21.          梁           Liáng
22.          宋           Sòng
23.          郑           Zhèng
24.          谢           Xiè
25.          韩           Hán
26.          唐           Táng
27.          冯           Féng
28.          于           Yú
29.          董           Dǒng
30.          萧           Xiāo
31.          程           Chéng
32.          曹           Cáo
33.          袁           Yuán
34.          邓           Dèng
35.          许           Xǔ
36.          傅           Fù
37.          沈           Shěn
38.          曾           Zēng
39.          彭           Péng
40.          吕           Lǚ
41.          苏           Sū
42.          卢           Lú
43.          蒋           Jiǎng
44.          蔡           Cài
45.          贾           Jiǎ
46.          丁           Dīng
47.          魏           Wèi
48.          薛           Xuē
49.          叶           Yè
50.          阎           Yán
51.          余           Yú
52.          潘           Pān
53.          杜           Dù
54.          戴           Dài
55.          夏           Xià
56.          钟           Zhōng
57.          汪           Wāng
58.          田           Tián
59.          任           Rén
60.          姜           Jiāng
61.          范           Fàn
62.          方           Fāng
63.          石           Shí
64.          姚           Yáo
65.          谭           Tán
66.          盛           Shèng
67.          邹           Zōu
68.          熊           Xióng
69.          金           Jīn
70.          陆           Lù
71.          郝           Hǎo
72.          孔           Kǒng
73.          白           Bái
74.          崔           Cuī
75.          康           Kāng
76.          毛           Máo
77.          邱           Qiū
78.          秦           Qín
79.          江           Jiāng
80.          史           Shǐ
81.          顾           Gù
82.          侯           Hóu
83.          邵           Shào
84.          孟           Mèng
85.          龙           Lóng
86.          万           Wàn
87.          段           Duàn
88.          章           Zhāng
89.          钱           Qián
90.          汤           Tāng
91.          尹           Yǐn
92.          黎           Lí
93.          易           Yì
94.          常           Cháng
95.          武           Wǔ
96.          乔           Qiáo
97.          贺           Hè
98.          赖           Lài
99.          龚           Gōng
100.        文           Wén

Indian Names

Indian or Hindu names are used in India. The complete name usually consists of a given name and zero, one, or multiple secondary names. The secondary name could be a surname, a patronym, the caste, the occupation, or the village. The order of these names varies within India.
In southern India, Tamil names traditionally include the family's place of origin, the father's name, and given names, sometimes punctuated with the caste name (now less common). Often in writing, the place of origin and/or the patronym are initialized. For example, Aiyalam Parameswaran Balachandran has a given name ofBalachandran, his father's name was Parameswaran, and his family is from the village of Aiyalam. His name may be written A. P. BalachandranKannada names andMalayalam names are similar to Tamil names. Telugu names are usually one or more surnames followed by one or more given names. Southern Indians may sometimes write the given names before the surnames, especially on legal documents.
In much of the north (for example among AssameseBengali and Punjabi speakers), the full name typically consists of one or two given names followed by a surname. In writing, the two given names may be combined, for example SatishchandraGujarati and Marathi names might be given name, father's name, surname. When a woman marries, the father's name is replaced by that of her husband.
Most Sikh men have a surname of Singh (meaning "lion"), while most women have a surname of Kaur (meaning "princess"). This was instituted by the guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708), who wished to diminish the power of the caste system. In some cases Singh or Kaur is the middle name, and it is followed by a family name.

Given names

Hindu given names often originate from Sanskrit, the ancient Indo-European language of India. The sacred texts of Hinduism are an important source, providing, for example, KrishnaAjitShiva and Indra for males, and Lakshmi and Sita for females. Sanskrit vocabulary words are also used as names, such as Gita "song" and Anand"happiness".
Muslim given names can derive from Arabic or Persian. For centuries northern India had Muslim rulers. See Arabic names and Iranian names for more information.
Sikh given names tend to derive from Sanskrit, though in most cases they are distinct from Hindu names.


Surnames usually originate from the local language. Typically they derive from either a profession or the family's place of origin. Some surnames indicate the caste.

On this site

See also

50 most frequently-occurring names in each conditional surname list.
1. Singh
2. Shah
3. Khan
4. Patel
5. Ali
6. Desai
7. Mehta
8. Rao
9. Sharma
10. Gupta
11. Ahmed
12. Parikh
13. Hussain
14. Joshi
15. Amin
16. Bhatt
17. Gandhi
18. Ram
19. Ahmad
20. Mathew
21. Chacko
22. Dave
23. Varghese
24. Sheth
25. Jain
26. Lal
27. Mathai
28. Husain
29. Bhakta
30. John
31. Trivedi
32. Das
33. Pandya
34. Sandhu
35. Iyer
36. Siddiqui
37. Kumar
38. Parekh
39. Sidhu
40. Prasad
41. Vyas
42. Fernandes
43. Grewal
44. Qureshi
45. Chand
46. Dhillon
47. Ullah
48. Mistry
49. Nair
50. Hasan


50 most frequently-occurring names in each conditional surname list.

1. Reyes
2. Santos
3. Garcia
4. Cruz
5. Ramos
6. Delacruz
7. Mendoza
8. Bautista
9. Deguzman
10. Fernandez
11. Flores
12. Gonzales
13. Villanueva
14. Lopez
15. Deleon
16. Castillo
17. Aquino
18. Rivera
19. Domingo
20. Perez
21. Castro
22. Santiago
23. Tolentino
24. Delrosario
25. Torres
26. Soriano
27. Sanchez
28. Martinez
29. Rodriguez
30. Dizon
31. Hernandez
32. Valdez
33. Pascual
34. Ramirez
35. Francisco
36. Corpuz
37. Mercado
38. Navarro
39. Javier
40. Ocampo
41. Diaz
42. Pascua
43. Gutierrez
44. Velasco
45. Antonio
46. Angeles
47. Morales
48. Dejesus
49. Manuel
50. Mariano


50 most frequently-occurring names in each conditional surname list.

1. Nguyen
2. Tran
3. Le
4. Pham
5. Huynh
6. Vu
7. Phan
8. Truong
9. Hoang
10. Ngo
11. Dang
12. Do
13. Bui
14. Vo
15. Ly
16. Duong
17. Luong
18. Dinh
19. Trinh
20. Luu
21. Doan
22. Dao
23. Thai
24. Mai
25. Van
26. Cao
27. Vuong
28. Phung
29. Quach
30. Ta
31. Diep
32. Ton
33. La
34. Thach
35. Thi
36. Thanh
37. Dam
38. Vong
39. Trieu
40. Buu
41. Phu
42. Vinh
43. Quang
44. Tieu
45. Hoa
46. Trang
47. Giang
48. Luc
49. Banh
50. Nghiem

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