
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Zodiac : Chart Statistics and Their meanings

There are many ways of analyzing your chart based on the geometry of 12. Here are some of the main considerations...Gender: Masculine and Feminine: also known as positive and negative, extroverted and introverted, dynamic and receptive, electric and magnetic, odd or even, etc.
The masculine or odd-numbered signs belong to the Fire and Air groups, namely: 1.Aries, 3.Gemini, 5.Leo, 7.Libra, 9.Sagittarius, and 11.Aquarius and represent positive, dynamic, and forceful energies.
The Feminine or even-numbered signs belong to the Earth and Water Groups, namely: 2.Taurus, 4.Cancer, 6.Virgo, 8.Scorpio, 10.Capricorn, and 12.Pisces and represent negative, magnetic, or receptive energies
Outlook: Subjective and Objective: The first six signs of the zodiac -Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo, and Virgo are known as the subjective signs because they the are basically concerned about self and have not the greater social awareness that characterizes the last six signs.
The last six signs of the zodiac -Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are known as the objective signs because of their greater social awareness and emphasis on others rather than self.
Approach: Basic and Refined: The Fire and Earth signs are known as the Basiic signs because they are the crude or raw elements of astrology out of which everything else is fashioned. Out of the interaction of the Fire and Earth Elements come the Refined signs of the Air and Water groups which have more sensitivity and sophistication or finesse.
Mode or Quadruplicity: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable: The cardinal signs are 1.Aries, 4.Cancer, 7.Libra, and 10.Capricorn and represent energy, force, and activity. The fixed sign are 2.Taurus, 5.Leo, 8.Scorpio, and 11.Aquarius and represent fixity, purpose, and materiality or substance. The mutable signs are 3.Gemini, 6.Virgo, 9.Sagittarius, and 12.Pisces and represent flexibility, adaptability, communication, and ideas.
Evolution: Primal, Individual, Universal: The first four signs of the zodiac -Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer are called the Primal signs because they start the elements and are considered simple or primitive in behaviour. The middle four signs of the zodiac -Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio are called the individual signs because they express on a more humane or civilized level being a mix of the first and last groups. The last four signs of the zodiac -Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are called the Universal signs because of their higher awareness and collective nature.
Element or Triplicity: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water: The Fire signs are 1.Aries, 5.Leo, and 9.Sagittarius and represent energy, action, expression, and life. The Earth signs are 2.Taurus, 6.Virgo, and 10.Capricorn and represent substance, materiality, and productivity. The Air signs are 3.Gemini, 7.Libra, and 11.Aquarius and represent intelligence, sociability, and diversity. The Water signs are 4.Cancer, 8.Scorpio, and 12.Pisces and represent feeling, emotion, and memory.
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter: The first three signs -Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, are the spring signs and partake of that season's qualities(new beginnings, fertility, youthfulness). The summer signs are Cancer, Leo, and Virgo and represent germination, creation and growth, and fruition. The fall or autumn signs are Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius and represent maturity, harvest, consumption or death, and reseeding or rebirth. The winter signs are Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces and represent retirement, death, cold, and sleep.
Polarity or Axis: Identity, Resource, Ideas, Security, Love, and Service: Aries-Libra is concerned with personal identity both of self and others. Taurus-Scorpio is concerned with the resources or belongings of both self and others. Gemini-Sagittarius is concerned with ideas both coming from self or others. Cancer-Capricorn is concerned with security or roots both private and public. Leo-Aquarius is concerned with love both for self and others. Virgo-Pisces is concerned with service both for self and others.
Sets or Pairs: One through six: Aries-Taurus -these are the two most basic signs of the zodiac, without one or the other you lack oomph or substance and don't make much of an impression. Gemini-Cancer -these are the quicksilver signs who use their child-like wits and impressions to survive. Leo-Virgo: the play-work and "adult" combo. Libra-Scorpio -relationships and the need to merge or bond on a one-to-one level, Sagittarius-Capricorn -the societal(international) and worldly pair, Aquarius-Pisces -the interplanetary and galactic or otherworldly pair.
The Zodiac Signs individually: Aries-self-identity, Taurus-material possessions, Gemini-thoughts and ideas, Cancer -feelings and emotions, Leo will and creativity, Virgo -duty and service, Libra -harmony and relations, Scorpio -death and desire, Sagittarius -faith and growth, Capricorn -status and achievement, Aquarius -friendship and truth, Pisces -merging and universality
Reach: How many signs of the zodiac are your planets in? This is your "reach" number -your ability to reach or connect with as many facets of life as possible. The ideal is twelve but the actual average is 6 to 8.
Success: This is based on how many of your planets are well placed by sign, element, or simply gender, which in turn depends on planetary rulership. Most people fall into the five to eight category which is average.
Dignity: Planets in their home or ruling signs: Mars/Aries, Venus/Taurus, Mercury/Gemini-Virgo, Moon/Cancer, Sun/Leo, Earth-Ascendant/Libra, Pluto/Scorpio, Jupiter/Sagittarius, Saturn/Capricorn, Uranus/Aquarius, Neptune/Pisces. These are very powerful placements and can dominate the chart. Planets in their own element are also strong.

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