
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Business & Trade · Long-term success · Occupation · Perseverance · Wealth
Seven of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles Tarot card

Seven of Pentacles's Meaning

A balanced card by nature the VII suggest you will avoid failure, but fall short of runaway success in an endeavour. Or, equally possible, that you will achieve your goals, but not in the time frame you had hoped for. You will face setbacks, and in order to succeed you will need to take care to avoid becoming too hesitant or timid. Progress may be slow or difficult, but it is possible.


The delays in your projects have been affecting you, but do not lose hope. Your perseverance will lead you to success.


The long period of hard work you are currently in will bring you much personal growth and achievement.


Your path will be long, but the rewards will be great if you can continue without losing determination or vigour.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Seven of Pentacles represents perseverance in your occupation or business. It is associated with success but through slow, steady growth. It suggests that you will have to wait a long time for your reward and that perhaps your are not working at your full potential. There is no clear answer here.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.

Key dates: May 11 to May 20
The Seven of Pentacles
The Lord of Success Unfulfilled

Numerical Value: 7
Divinatory meaningUpright - Promising projects that fail.  A warning not to rest upon one's laurels as success is only attainable through continued hard work.  Material success may be possible but the nettle must be grasped.  Previous past effort wasted through inertia in the present.  Reaping no reward from charitable work.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Self induced money worries.  Bankruptcy, possibly gambling, promising circumstances that end in failure.  Financial insecurity.

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