
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Libra : The scales, the only inanimate sign of the zodiac

SymbolLong.Latin nameEnglish translationGreek nameSanskrit nameSumero-Babylonian name
1AriesThe RamΚριός (Krios)Meṣha (मेष)MUL LU.ḪUŊ.GA "The Agrarian Worker", Dumuzi
230°TaurusThe BullΤαῦρος (Tauros)Vṛiṣhabha(वृषभ)MULGU4.AN.NA "The Steer of Heaven"
360°GeminiThe TwinsΔίδυμοι (Didumoi)Mithuna(मिथुन)MULMAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL "The Great Twins" (Castorand Pollux)
490°CancerThe CrabΚαρκῖνος(Karkinos)Karkaṭa(कर्कट)MULAL.LUL "The Crayfish"
5120°LeoThe LionΛέων (Leōn)Siṃha (सिंह)MULUR.GU.LA "The Lion"
6150°VirgoThe MaidenΠαρθένος(Parthenos)Kanyā (कन्या)MULAB.SIN "The Furrow"; "The Furrow, the goddessShala's ear of corn"
7180°LibraThe ScalesΖυγός (Zugos)Tulā (तुला)MULZIB.BA.AN.NA "The Scales"
8210°ScorpioThe ScorpionΣκoρπιός(Skorpios)Vṛśhchika(वृश्चिक)MULGIR.TAB "The Scorpion"
9240°SagittariusThe (Centaur) ArcherΤοξότης (Toxotēs)Dhanuṣha(धनुष)MULPA.BIL.SAGNedu "soldier"
10270°Capricorn"Goat-horned" (The Sea-Goat)Αἰγόκερως(Aigokerōs)Makara (मकर)MULSUḪUR.MAŠ "The Goat-Fish" of Enki
11300°AquariusThe Water-BearerὙδροχόος(Hudrokhoos)Kumbha(कुम्भ)MULGU.LA "The Great One", later  "pitcher"
12330°PiscesThe FishesἸχθύες (Ikhthues)Mīna (मीन)MULSIM.MAḪ "The Tail of the Swallow", later DU.NU.NU "fish-cord"
Libra the ScalesLibra symbol

Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking.
People who are born under this sign are the most civilized of the 12 zodiac signs and are often very good looking.They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, and harmony.Libras also crave peace and balance in their lives and are sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. It is said they make you feel better for being with them. They hate cruelty,viciousness,vulgarity,rudeness,fake ppl, and conflict.They try to avoid conflict at all costs,but in an argument they will try to win at any cost. They are great debators which is why they make great lawyers.It is said that Libras can insult you without even you realizing you've been insulted.

The symbol for Libra is the scales – the only inanimate symbol in the western zodiac. One of the myths associate with Libra is Ma’at. Ma’at governed truth, balance and justice. She is often shown with a scale, one side holding a heart and the other a feather. To enter the kingdom of heaven, the soul’s heart must be as light as a feather. The heart is, of course, a symbol of love; the feather, the mind. These symbols mirror the symbols associated with Libra: the scale for balance; ruled by Venus, the symbol for love and beauty;  an air sign, associated with the mind.

Libra is an astrological sign, related to the constellation Libra, in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo. In the tropical zodiac, the Sun meets Libra from September 23to October 23, and in the sidereal zodiac, it ends on November 15. Libra, (The Scales of Balance), is the only symbol of the zodiac that is inanimate (it is not represented by an animal or person). The opposite sign to Libra is Aries.
The corresponding month in the Babylonian calendar is Tišritum, made for Shamash (the Sun).

Positive Traits

  • Pleasant and charming
  • Has a pure (clean)and open (sees both sides) mind, which makes them fair people.
  • Clever.
  • Detailed and artistic.
  • Social and co-operative.
  • Their temper is balanced.
  • Balanced.
  • self-sufficient.
  • Idealistic and equalitarian.
  • urbane.
  • elegant
  • intellegence
  • argue very well.

Negative Characteristics

Personality Traits

As the sun enters the sign of Libra it returns to the equator, bringing equal day and night to all places on earth. This balancing of light and dark resonates to the symbolism of restoring equilibrium. In ancient times the period was set aside for evaluating the current status of events, estimating forthcoming needs, addressing outstanding problems and calculating a workable plan for the season of hardship that lay ahead. The ancient Egyptians used the scales as a potent symbol of the judgement cast at the end of life, where the soul of the departed was weighed against the Feather of Truth. In Roman mythology the goddess Astraea ruled over justice and law, holding the balance as her means to establish which situations required karmic intervention to restore fairness and equality. 

Those born in this period ingrained with the qualities of analysis, judgement and balance are creatures of a celestial environment that shies away from extremes and excesses. Librans have acquired a fitting reputation for being the 'moderates' of the zodiac, with a natural talent for comparison, differentiation, and impartial philosophical reasoning. They are capable of displaying excellent intercommunication skills based upon a fine interplay between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Generally, they can be counted upon to demonstrate a fair and unprejudiced judgement that attempts to temper personal bias through recognition of wider social implications. 

One way or another, Librans are driven by the need to find a position of balance and fairness. They recognise that the search for equality and justice must begin with inward reflection and are more than happy to scrutinize their own emotional behaviour or have it analysed by others. In the search for fairness, they consider carefully that others may hold a different viewpoint than their own, and make an earnest attempt to see things from alternate perspectives. The difficulty then, is how does a seeker of harmony best handle a profusion of conflicting realities? Can they be synthesised into a rounded whole, or will they simply lead to inconstancy and indecision, with a wavering from one opinion to the next? 

The Librans that live up to the nobler qualities of their sun-signs have learned to exercise true judgement and discretion. First they analyse, and then they integrate into a solution and resolve, holding firm to their principles unless new knowledge comes to light that calls for a re-evaluation. But this of course, requires a form of extremism in itself, and so the Libran must turn himself inside out, and in the process of maturing as a person come to understand that the only true state of non-conflict is inertia. Even in the quest for peace and harmony, one must be prepared to take a stand and hold to it regardless of the discomfort this causes to others, and thus, oneself. Not surprisingly then, Libra is a far more complex sign than many sun-sign snapshots can express. Finding harmony in a world full of ebb and flow, tensions and strains, is no easy task, and rather than living a life full of relaxed relationships and easy contentment, most Librans are very painfully aware of difficult day-to-day conflicts and the discomfort that arises whenever their views are at odds with those of another. 

Many sun sign descriptions classify Libra as the most desirable of all the zodiac types, a rather distorted reflection upon the sign where the Sun is traditionally said to experience its fall. The reality is that the Sun, as a symbol of creative self-expression and individuality, is debilitated in Libra, precisely because Librans are forever prone to evaluating their own needs against a complicated backdrop where they must take account of their responsibilities to others. In terms of finding one's true path and asserting one's own standpoint openly, directly, clearly - unfettered by what other people think - this is a major hindrance. Librans are simply not comfortable in that position and have to overcome major instinctive barriers in order to maintain a fixed resolve that centres upon pursuing their own personal needs. If they hold fast to the deeper spiritual principles of their sign, they will not feel obliged to offer concessions in order to avoid confrontation, but will be happy to take up a position of polarisation, to stand with equal force against whatever they are opposed to. In this sense they become the true 'equalisers', the children of the scales who, using the weapons of tact, grace, fairness and reason, are unafraid to meet the challenge of negating oppressive forces. Libra is a cardinal sign, underlain with a strong will that inclines towards initiating changes. Yet of all the cardinal signs Libra is the most underrated force; for their non-intimidating personas can often fool us into thinking that they will give up on their goals far easier than they will. 

This natural subjugation of clear ego-expression is further compounded by Libra's rulership by Venus, the planet that needs to relate, that needs to be wanted, and needs to be approved of by others. Librans simply cannot get away from the fact that relationships and recognition of responsibilities to others is the major focus that turns their world. It dictates their feelings and propels their actions; so it is often the case that Librans feel beset by relationship problems - or the problem of getting into one. The rulership by Venus adds to their reputation of being a very diplomatic and charming character type. They are renown for presenting themselves to others attractively, with a refined sense of artistic taste and appreciation, and an instinct for adorning themselves with polish and finesse. In Libra, Venus occupies its diurnal rulership, where it expects to be very apparent and visibly expressed, although it can be argued that - living in a world where they want to express beauty and pleasure, and see it so obviously manifest around them - Librans can be too easily swayed by agreeable surface appearances. 

Most of us rarely live up to the higher qualities of our sun sign and many of the negative traits associated with this sign - indecision, gullibility, falseness, unexpressed resentment, overindulgence of pleasurable interests, oscillating between two extremes - are readily observed in your day-to-day Libran, with their irritating overuse of 'it's not fair!' and 'on the other hand'. Many Librans are all too eager to live in superficial harmony and can be exasperating in their avoidance of uncomfortable issues. Like the betrayed wife who has good reason to suspect her husband is having an affair but would rather not think about it, or the philandering lover who assures you of total commitment before disappearing off the scene - so long as it looks good on the surface, Librans can usually convince themselves that all is as it should be. They have a natural talent with words and a predisposition for assuming that, if everything sounds right, it probably is; this makes it easy for Librans to glibly assure others of their sincerity - failing to recognise the actual insincerity of doing so. 

Librans can also be very adept at ensuring that 'compromise' and 'negotiation' gives them everything they want. And rather than honestly admit that they are pursuing their own agendas, they will attempt to gain support by expecting others to view the situation through their eyes. When called to question, Librans will attempt due self-analysis and introspection, but reason - not profound realisation and contemplation of deeper motives - will quickly lead them to feel justified and see their intentions as reasonable. Librans are often more concerned about defending themselves intelligently than considering the deeper moral angle: If the words sound right, that's good enough; it isn't a lie if the sentence is cleverly constructed. 

The net result is that Librans, unless very wise and tactful, often leave people with the impression that they are shallow in their moral stance, weak in their adherence to principles and disingenuous in their tactics. When they successfully navigate themselves to a position of victory in conflict, there is often an uneasy feeling of manipulation left behind. Most people, being stabbed in the back, would prefer not to have a smiley sticker placed upon the wound; as Oscar Wilde, himself a Libran, observed: 

Each man kills the thing he loves
By each let this be heard
Some do it with a bitter look
Some with a flattering word
The coward does it with a kiss
The brave man with a sword!
The Ballad of Reading Gaol, 1897.                        

Yes, Librans do it with a kiss! This zodiac type, so well revered for being considerate, socially acceptable and 'easy to get along with', can often leave a trail of deep frustration in its attempt to sweet-talk its way out of unpleasant difficulties and messy emotional problems. In aiming to be considerate, Libra has a natural aversion to dealing with that painful but necessary stage called 'closure'. Always willing to leave negotiations - and therefore their options - open, the biggest fault of the Libran is that in striving to be fair to others, they are often anything but. 

As an air sign, Libra likes to keep things light, bright and positive. The element of air relates to the sanguine humour indicating a disposition that is moderate, well rounded, and by nature optimistic. Sanguine temperaments aim for the middle ground, disliking extreme reactions or innovative, off the wall approaches. Thus, Librans excel at appearing to offer all things to all men, but are less suited to intense and demanding relationships. Earth types will view them as frivolous and uncommitted, water types will view them as unresponsive to their more ponderous emotional needs, and fiery types will generally be unimpressed by a cool and charming veneer if it falls away to reveal an absence of vivacious sparkle and charismatic energy. 

As a humane sign, Libra is marked by civility, good manners, a flattering turn of phrase and an absence of coarseness. In professional fields Librans make the born diplomat, the perfect negotiator, the faultless 'meet and greet' face that works well in all areas of public relations. They may also find their niche in artistic fields, where their penchant for moulding light, colour, and shape into a balanced and symmetrical form that offers popular appeal works well for commercial image. Their style is conventional rather than passionate, off-beat or quirky; and they sit comfortably in business settings that demand an attractive and easily appreciated 'front'. 

The ideal vocation for a Libran, however, is within the fields of law, government, statesmanship and civil justice. Libra, at its best, is the signature of the true strategist, where reason appropriately overrules emotion and serves the wider aim of redressing inequality and unfairness. Only when the Libran rises to a position where they no longer see themselves as the centre of their own universe, but as an agent of equilibrium within their social environment, can they come close to fully appreciating the cosmic power that they have been given. Balance is easily found in stillness, but serves a greater purpose when it holds us upright through the roughest of storms, with our vision locked to the distant horizon. Not by sticking to the middle ground, but by remaining centred upon ideals can the Libran break free from wavering distractions and find a place of balance and harmony that represents their own inner equilibrium. 


Dignified Planets

Planets Dignifed in Libra: 
Venusas sign ruler
Saturnas exaltation and day-time triplicity ruler.
Mercuryas night-time triplicity ruler.

Planets Debilitated in Libra: 
Marsby detriment
Sunby fall

 More on planetary dignities and debilities 


Typical Features

Well proportioned body, inclines more towards being tall and slender than short and fleshy. The face is rounded and usually attractive with a clear complexion, though there is an inclination towards pimples and dimpled skin in older Librans. The hair is naturally fair, smooth and capable of growing long.


Traditional Rulerships

Anatomy:Libra rules the kidneys, lower back, bladder, ovaries, and has a general rulership over the blood.
Illnesses:Libra is susceptible to illnesses concerning the kidneys, lower back, buttocks, bladder, urinary tract, the joints of the body or corruption of blood. This sign tends towards overindulgence in sugar or other pleasurable things and lacks an outlet for physical energy, so problems can occur through excess of food, drink, and sex. Librans can have addictive tendencies, suggesting problems with alcohol, whilst their natural liking for sweetness combined with a vulnerable kidney offers a warning for diabetes. Illnesses placed under the rulership of Libra include kidney stones, lumbago, venereal disease, and ulcers in the kidneys or bladder.
Places:As an air sign, Libra governs places that are exposed to light and air or those that are high off the ground. Externally this includes places where the air is clear and sharp, such as mountains and hillsides. It also rules windmills and places that deal with the processing of wind power. Traditionally it is said to rule places where hunting and hawking is used - in our modern world we can extend this to air force bases, airports, and high communication towers. It is also given rulership over sandy and gravely ground, saw-pits, places where wood is cut or stored, and to barns or out-houses that lie away from other dwellings.
Inside buildings, Libra indicates places near windows or off the floor towards the ceiling, ventilation ducts, the upper rooms in houses, garrets, chambers and rooms that lie inside others, such as walk-in wardrobes.
Countries & cities:Include the higher regions of Austria, Alsace and Arles in France, Estonia and Latvia, Lisbon in Portugal, Frankfort and Spires in Germany, Vienna, Thebes in Greece and Fribourg in Switzerland.
ColoursThe colours of Libra are those that are not excessive in shade or hue. Greys, pastels, and subtle tones.
Stones & Metals:Stones and metals fall under the rulership of planets, not signs, but through its association with Venus, Libra has affinity with copper, sapphires, marcasite, lapis lazuli and chrysolite.

 Traditional Rulerships of the Venus 


Traditional Definitions:

Humane:Humane signs are those represented by human figures. (Libra is included here on the assumption that the scales are held by a human hand). They are renown for their social graces and intellectual skills. They are also referred to as 'manly' or 'courteous' signs. They include Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius.

People born between September 24 and October 20. 7th sign. Represented by scales.

Opposite sign = aries
Gets along with = arieslibraaquariusgemini

PROS: charming, diplomatic, doesn't let emotions get in the way, fair, sees all points of view, loves to think before they make up their mind, passionate, good with relationships, friendly, loves beauty, balance, and clothes, cosmopolitan, refined, amiable, sociable, happy, generous, realistic, charming, gracious, affectionate, balanced, diplomatic, easy-going, elegant, charming, flirtatious, committed, objective but can be indecisive, emotionally complex, vague, dependent, distant, argumentative, depressed, exhausted, materialistic, superficial, self-indulgent, cares alot about what other people think, vanity
Librans hate to be rude, yet they'll straighten the crooked picture on your wall and snap off your blaring TV sfft. Librans love people, but they hate large crowds. Like gentle doves of peace, they go around mediating and patching tip quarrels between others; still they enjoy a good argument themselves. They're goodnatured and pleasant, but they can also be sulky, and they balk at taking orders. Librans are extremely intelligent. At the same time, they're incredi­bly naive and gullible. They'll talk your ear off, yet they're wonderfully good listeners. Librans are restless people. But they seldom rush or hurry. Are you completely confused? You're not alone. There's a frustrating inconsistency to this Sun sign that puzzles themselves as much as it does others.

To truly understand Libra, you must understand the riddle of the scales; one side heaped high with October's vivid, golden leaves, suggesting brisk, autumn weather - the other side holding sky blue bunches of shy violets, drenched in the fresh scent of April rain. When the scales dip, bright optimism turns into silent panic, weighed down with lonely depression. When they balance, they produce a perfect harmony between his rich, crackling intellect and his affectionate, sympathetic heart. The seasons hold Libra's secret. Winter is too cold for him. Summer is too hot. He must blend them both into a perfect fall and spring.
A Libra is somebody who is SEXY, FUN, and COOL. It is said that Librans should switch attitudes with Capricornians because their look matches them well. Libras look like they haven't a care in the world, but will most likely be the one to run in the burning building to save the trapped and left-behind. They LOVE the lucrative and luxurious! But that doesn't mean they won't give over recieving. Libras have these overwhelming personalities that sometimes lead others the wrong way. Some people don't like Libras because they "seem full of themselves." Which they are, but that doesn't mean they don't care. Librans love people. They love to cheer others up. They can seem annoying, but just don't let them know that you think that. They'll want to hide and cry. They have NOTORIOUS voices. You'll most probably remember a Libra by their voice. Libras make good actors and actresses, writers, columnists, journalists, lawyers, etc.

Librans are thinkers. And sometimes, they just... THINK TOO MUCH! Librans need to learn how to let loose. Libras need to learn how to smile (but not too much).
Famous Libran people: T.I., Usher, Toni Braxton, Ginuwine, Snoop, Hilary Duff, Ashlee Simpson, Avril Lavigne, Carlos Mencia, Judge Judy, Viggo Mortensen, Johnny Carson (considered Scorpio in other opinions), Anneliese van der Pol (That's So Raven), Lacey Chabert, Rachel McAdams, Eminem, Young Jeezy, Akon, Proof, Phil Hartman, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta Jones, Julie Andrews, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, Gwen Stefani, Efren Ramirez (Pedro), Mickey Mantle, Tiffany (80s singer), Kelly Ripa, Chiaki Kuriyama (GoGo from Kill Bill), Freddy Jackson, Wyclef, Angela Lansbury (Murder, She Wrote), Sting, Sharon Osbourne, Seann William Scott (Stifler), India.Arie, Talib Kweli, Neve Campbell, Clive Owen, Tommy Lee, Rev. Al Sharpton, Trey Parker (South Park co-creator), MC Lyte, Chubby Checker, Jennifer Freeman (You Got Served, My Wife and Kids, Brooke Valentine, Alicia Silverstone, Liev Shreiber (The Omen), Julissa Bermudez (former host of 106 & Park), Nicky Hilton, Morgan Webb (X-Play), Kate Winslet, Heather Headley, Grant Hill, Guy Pearce, Penny Marshal, Bernie Mac, Jerry Orbach, Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead), Taylor Hicks, Hal Sparks, Yo Yo Ma, Nick Cannon, Matt Damon, CeCe Winans, Sigourney Weaver, R.L. Stine (author, Goosebumps series), Brandon Routh (Superman Returns), Bobby Flay (celebrity chef), Emeril Lagasse (celebrity chef), Tony Shalhoub, Mya, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Mario Lopez a.k.a. AC Slater, Brett Favre, DJ Skrib...
Libra is a zodiac sign that runs from September 23rd to October 22nd. Libras are known to be mild mannered, easy going, sociable, calm, fair, open minded, cooperative and humorous. They are rarely thought of as strange and rarely have attitudes. On the other hand they can be easily depressed, indesicive, and can lack uniqueness at times.
Libra likes include:

-The "Finer" things in life
-Having Free Will

Their dislikes include:

-Making enemies

Because they are the sign of balance, they get along with all signs almost equally, however they would mostly get along with:

Leo, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius 

Libra Zodiac Sign General Statistics:

The Scales
Lucky Numbers
6 & 9
Blue,Lavender,Pink,Pale Green
Attractive Trait
Body Part Ruled
Buttocks, Lower Back, Kidneys
Gold,Steel, Platinum, Copper
Ruling Planet
Key Phrase
I Balance
Lucky Day


People born under this ascendant usually have a magnetic personality. They have a capacity to draw people in with their body language and have a good ability for communicationFacial expressions are another characteristic of Libra. They are intelligent, restless, and good-natured with a pleasant disposition. They want towin people over with love and they hate violence, as they are highly sensitive. Libra natives have a keen interest in theatre and fine arts. Libra's are cautious, confident, interested in learning, gentle and artistic. Libra persons have a strong sense of harmony and justice as this is the sign for balance. Libra's are usuallyattractive people with charisma that borders on sexuality. They love fame and recognition and are often attracted to circles of friends where artists and fame are found. Ultimately, the sign Libra signifies a sense of justice, clarity, strong will power and optimism.
Just a quick glance at the Libra profile shows the stunning contradictory nature of this sign. Libra wants to stay and go. He desires admiration for his stunning intelligence. Welcome to the land of Libra, where it's not a question of either/or, but one of both and all.
Confused? Don't be. There is a method to Libra's madness, and the best way to truly comprehend the Libra profile is to take into account this sign's planetary ruler, Venus, as well as its symbol, the scales of justice. You should also consider this sign's quality and element, cardinal and air, respectively.
  • Venus: Venus is Libra's ruler, so if you've ever wondered why Libra is so pretty/handsome and charming, this ruler is the reason why. Venus' job is to provide charm, grace and beauty, and Libra is often viewed attractively and favorably by others because of this.
  • Libra's symbol: Lest you think that Libra is all fluff and no substance, turn your attention to the sign's symbol, the scales. As ancient as Egypt, the scales first appeared in the hieroglyphs that lined the ancient pharaohs' tombs. The proverbial heart and feather were weighed here, and the outcome determined the mortal's entrance, and experience, in the afterlife. To this day, the scales are not only the symbol for bartering (Venus aids in monetary ventures), but also for justice. As a result, Libra is forever weighing two ideals while trying to find the perfect balance between opposing viewpoints.
  • Quality and element: Libra is one of the four cardinal signs, so Libra natives are often in motion, initiating change wherever they see fit. Since this is an air sign, that change is often intellectual in nature. Libra wants you to expand the constructs of the mind; having five different solutions to any potential problem is just one way he does this.

Venus as Planetary Ruler
of Libra 


Venus Symbol Glyph
Venus is the Goddess of Love. In Astrology, Venus has dual rulership over Libra and Taurus. As a result, Venus represents two main areas of our life: love and money.
"Love and money" is actually a simplistic interpretation of Venus. Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, pleasures, artistic inclinations, and what makes us happy. 

Libra and Venus - 

Libra is an Air sign, and as such is associated with the mind and interaction. The Libra side of Venus is about intimate interaction, like love and sex. In modern times of equality between the sexes, I think Libra also relates to very close friendships (which may or may not be sexual). Basically, it is about the partnerships that we are committed to and that we choose to maintain and invest ourselves in. This could be a spouse, romantic partner, business partner or even a known enemy.

  • Type :Cardinal 
  • Sign :Air
  • Ruler: Venus
  • Exaltation: Saturn
  • Detriment: Mars
  • Fall: Sun


The word "cardinal" comes from the French "cardo" meaning a hinge, that on which something turns. It is the most important part. The cardinal directions are the north, south, east and west. They are the times when the seasons change. Aries for Spring; Cancer for Summer; Libra for Autumn; and Capricorn for Winter. They therefore are times for a new beginning.
In Astrology, the cardinal signs are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). These signs are characterised by enterprise, or starting things.

The cardinal signs are associated with starting things, initiating things or being "enterprising". They are forceful and aggressive and have the will to accomplish something, often something new. They project into the world. They are creative in the sense that they cause things and start things.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. As a cardinal sign, Libra has very strong views about justice, harmony and civilized behaviour. Libra is refined. It rules all the civilized arts - the theatre, concert halls, art galleries, as well as the laws with which any civilized society conducts itself. Saturn, which is exalted in Libra, is very comfortable in this sign, since Saturn also rules laws. The function of Libra, as indicated by the symbol of the scales, is to balance the system.

Libra-Air sign

Those born under this sign are vastly intelligent.
the FAMILY AIR Sign has as its subconscious goal to create a family based on balance and Intellect.
Air signs sound as they seem, flighty, flexible, and analytical. Air signs are able to live life through their head, essentially thinking of ideas and mentally.
Air  expresses itself as communication, talking, writing, thinking, intellectual.
Air symbolizes thought. Thought is a continually present force in our lives, as inescapable as the air we breathe. In order to think clearly, it is necessary to be calm and focused.
Deep breathing is a common method in meditation because of its ability to induce peace. The manner in which we breathe is so influential over our mental state that the yogis of India have developed different styles of breathing to induce varying levels of energy and relaxation.

Humanity has found a use for air in many of our greatest inventions. Electricity was discovered following a lightning storm; for transport we use air to propel a sailboat and to keep a plane aloft.
This ability to use something for a new purpose is one of the defining acts of intellectual genius.

In Jungian psychology, the element of air was transformed into the concept "Thinking". Air is linked to the suit of Swords in the tarot deck.
In astrology, Libra is the sign that are influenced by air. 

The other signs influenced by air are Gemini and Aquarius.

In General

Libra (the balance) is said to be the most desired Zodiac Sign. You are charming, good looking, gentle, intellegence and kind. You are a good judge of character and have many good friends. You do not like it when your decisions are challenged, and are impatient with people who criticize you. You hate people who are cruel to others. A negative Libraian (there aren't many) flirts and seems shallow. They also are impatient with a daily routine. 
astrology sign - libra
Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of all the zodiac signs, as it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.
They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.
Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.
Their cast of mind is artistic, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavour. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.
In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality. Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.
The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their over enthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle.
In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.
Physically the Libran has a well-proportioned, fundamentally strong physique of between average height and tall, a round skull and face. The hair is often fair, smooth, and fine rather than curly; the complexion is good and the eyes often blue and very expressive.

What it's Like to Date a Libra Woman:

Libra woman is enchanting and charming, she is the master of the art of seduction. The environment is important for Libra, make sure the first date is somewhere classy and elegant with posh surroundings, such as lunch at an elegant bistro then a walk along the tree lined pathways of a ravine in the summertime with the flowers blooming. Libra will feel at peace and love it. Give her compliments and tell her how much she is appreciated. She may reply bashfully but with each compliments, the radiant glow inside her will shine brighter and brighter. Once the initial seduction is over with and the relationship has become more stable, she will stop her sweet seductive ways, not because she has completely lost interest, but it is because she is lazy in love. She may need a few days away without you, this is like pressing the reset button on the relationship. Be romantic with her and she won't lose interest. Be dramatically romantic, sweet love notes tucked in her pocket, flowers, these things bring great joy to the Libra woman and they make her feel special, which is essentially important to the Libra woman.

What it's Like to Date a Libra Man:

The Libra man is very popular with women because he is charming, harmonious and can relate to women on their level - a characteristic of Libra is the ability so see the world through the eyes of others. Libra men do this to seduce the girl and it always works. He always seems to be on the search for the perfect women, unfortunately, that does not exist. The closest thing a perfect woman could do is appreciate and be in awe of his stardom. Look up to him, admire him, he is a sucker for flattery. Do not nag or pick on his inability to make a decision, it will simply put pressure on him. You make the decision if he cannot, he will happily go along with you and deep inside will be happy that you took control.

How to Attract Libra:

Libras are easy to attract, they probably have attracted you first with their easygoing nature. First and foremost, admire and flatter them. Treat them like a prince or princess. Libras love to talk, they can talk about anything but are especially interested in themselves. Want to leave a lasting impression on a Libra? Ask questions about them and talk about their interests, hobbies, anything regarding them. Even though Libras are diplomatic, they enjoy seeing things from other points of view. Engage in a light debate about an issue exploring both sides and the conversation will flow. Dress nice, keep the atmosphere posh and upscale and clean your house before they come over for the first time. First impressions are lasting for Libras. Have fun, be yourself, you are almost guaranteed a good time with the charming and intellegence, interesting Libra.

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