
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

Abandonment · Avoiding · Changes in lifestyle · Leaving / Going · Personal development
Eight of Cups
Eight of Cups Tarot card

Eight of Cups's Meaning

The VIII suggests that there is stability and security in your life, but at a personal cost. You are probably unfulfilled by your current life. Depending on the rest of your spread, it may be a strong push for you to move on, and find the courage to strike out in a new direction. You will have to look closely at your work, your relationship, and your own beliefs to identify the source of your ennui, and then decide if you are willing to set aside some of your life's stability in order to find happiness.


Your ability to earn money through determination and hard work will be necessary in the future. Your direction has been uncertain, but your heart tells you to keep seeking. The change you seek can take any form.


You are going to experience something completely new, travelling great distances either in thought or location. There are big changes coming.


Maintain an open mind and every journey that you take will yield life changing results. Personal success and accomplishing your goals will lead you to your greatest joy.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Eight of Cups shows some degree of change happening in your lifestyle. It brings feelings of despondency, indifference, and avoidance. It could indicate a need to give up, leave, or turn away from something in your current life. The melancholy feeling associated with this card suggests no.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.


Key dates: February 19 to February 28
The Eight of Cups
The Lord of Abandoned Success

Numerical Value: 8
Divinatory meaningUpright - A turning point, a severing of links with the past, which have become outdated.  A turning away from established relationships and objects of affection, to facilitate progress to newer and deeper things.  A change of perspective a change of viewpoint.  Security and attachment.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - 
Abandonment of that which has been well founded in order to pursue an impossible ideal. Fantasy and risk.  Restlessness and recklessness. 

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