
Friday, November 8, 2013


Birthstone List

january birthstoneJanuary Birthstone 
January Gemstone: Garnet 
January Birthstone Color: Deep Red

february birthstoneFebruary Birthstone
February Gemstone: Amethyst
February Birthstone Color: Purple

march birthstoneMarch Birthstone
March Gemstone: Aquamarine, Bloodstone
March Birthstone Color: Pale Blue

april birthstoneApril Birthstone
April Gemstone: Diamond
April Birthstone Color: White, Clear

may birthstoneMay Birthstone
May Gemstone: Emerald
May Birthstone Color: Green

june birthstoneJune Birthstone
June Gemstone: Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite
June Birthstone Color: White or Purple

july birthstoneJuly Birthstone
July Gemstone: Ruby
July Birthstone Color: Red

august birthstoneAugust Birthstone
August Gemstone: Peridot, Sardonyx
August Birthstone Color: Pale Green

september birthstoneSeptember Birthstone
September Gemstone: Sapphire
September Birthstone Color: Deep Blue

october birthstoneOctober Birthstone
October Gemstone: Opal, Pink Tourmaline
October Birthstone Color: Multi-color, Pink

november birthstoneNovember Birthstone
November Gemstone: Citrine, Yellow Topaz
November Birthstone Color: Yellow

december birthstoneDecember Birthstone
December Gemstone: Blue Topaz, Turquoise
December Birthstone Color: Blue

January's birthstone, the garnet, is thought to keep the wearer safe during travel.
February's birthstone, the amethyst, is said to strengthen relationships and give its wearer courage. At one time, only royalty could wear the gem. Ancient Greeks thought that the amethyst guarded against intoxication. In fact, amethyst comes from amethystos, a Greek word meaning "sober."
March's birthstone, the aquamarine, was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases—all one had to do was drink the water in which the gem had been soaking. Early sailors believed that aquamarine talismans, etched with the likeness of the sea god Neptune, protected them against ocean dangers.
April's birthstone, the diamond, in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is called "vajra," which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra, the king of gods.
May's birthstone, the emerald, was one of Cleopatra's favorite gems. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. Ancient Romans went so far as to dedicate this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, it is thought that emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience.
June's birthstone, the pearl, has long been a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
July's birthstone, the ruby, was regarded by ancient Hindus as the "king of gems." It was believed to protect its wearer from evil. Today, the ruby's deep-red color signifies love and passion.
August's birthstone, the peridot, symbolizes strength. It is sometimes called the evening emerald for its light green color. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares.
September's birthstone, the sapphire, was once thought to guard against evil and poisoning. It was believed that a venomous snake would die if placed in a vessel made of sapphire. Traditionally a favorite stone of priests and kings, the sapphire symbolizes purity and wisdom.
October's birthstone, the opal, symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning "precious jewel." Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight.
November's birthstone, the topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect.
December's birthstone, turquoise, is regarded as a love charm. It is also a symbol of good fortune and success, and it is believed to relax the mind and to protect its wearer from harm. Turquoise rings, in particular, are thought to keep away evil spirits.

Modern and Traditional Birthstones list

Birthstones Jewelry is an all time favorite Gift with Women. Be it a Birthday or a Valentines Day it is one of the best gifts you can give someone you love. By gifting Jewelry with Gemstones by Birth date you are not only fulfilling her love for jewelry you are also giving her something which can help her improve her positive qualities as these stones have healing powers. Every month of the year are assigned Gemstones which can be worn on the basis of the month born. Birthstones can be worn based on either the Modern Birthstone List approved by the American National Association of Jewelers of America or the Traditional Birthstone list containing the older birthstones and is sometimes combined with the modern birthstone list.
Given below are Pictures and details of Modern and Traditional Birthstones for different months of the year from January to December.

Modern Birthstones

Gemstones based on Birthmonth are popularly known as Birthstones and very month of the year are assigned birthstones which can be worn to improve the positive qualities of the individual wearing it.

January Birthstones

The Modern and Traditional Gemstone for those born in the month of January is Garnet. The name of this Gemstone comes from the Latin name of pomegranate, granatum. This is an extremely beautiful gem and is said to bring successful friendships and popularity. This gem is also the wedding anniversary gemstone associated with the 2nd and 6th year of marriage.
Read more on Garnet

February Birthstones

The Modern and traditional Gemstone for those born in the month of February is Amethyst. The name Amethyst comes from the the Greek word ‘amethystos’ which means ‘not intoxicated’. Amethyst Gem is a protective stone and used for calming emotions and reducing stress. This stone is used as a substitute for Blue Sapphire, the Gemstone of Planet Saturn.
Read more on Amethyst 

March Birthstones

The Modern Birthstone for the month of March is Aquamarine. The name of this stone is derived from Latin words which mean sea and water. Aquamarine has the reputation as the stone for love and bringing harmony in relationships. This Gemstone is the wedding anniversary stone for the 16th and 19th years of marriage. The Traditional Birthstone for March isBloodstone which seems to have received its name because of the distinctive red spots resembling that of blood spots on the surface of the stone.
Barbie April Diamond Birthstone
Barbie April Diamond Birthstone
Amazon Price: $5.95

April Birthstones

The Modern and Traditional gemstone for the month of April isDiamond. This gemstone is also known as heera and is associated with the Planet Venus which is representation of love, marriage, beauty and comforts.The name of this stone is derived from the Greek word ‘adamas’ which means ‘hardest stone’. This gemstone is also referred to as the ‘King of Gems’. This gem  is said to lead one towards love and devotion in relationships and increase passion and sexual desires. Diamond is also the wedding anniversary gemstone of 30th and 60th year of marriage.

May Birthstones

The Modern and Traditional Gemstone of May is Emerald. Emerald is the gemstone representing Planet Mercury which is representation of business, communication, intelligence, education and intuition in Vedic Astrology. Emerald is a mined gemstone of green color belonging to the Beryl family of Gemstones. The name of this stone comes from the Greek word smaragdos which means green gemstone. This stone is said to bring happiness and harmony in married life and improve finances and concentration power.

June Birthstones

The Modern Birthstones for the month of June are Moonstone andPearl. Pearls are obtained from the Sea and are available in different shapes and colors. Pearl is the Queen of Gems and also an emblem of purity, innocence and elegance.Wearing this Gemstone reduces anger and unwanted thoughts. Both Moonstone and Pearl are gemstones of the Moon and is said to bring happiness and stability in ones life. The Traditional Birthstone for the month of June is Alexandrite. This gemstone is believed to draw luck and good fortune.

July Birthstones

The Modern and Traditional Gemstone for the month of July isRuby. The name of this stone seems to have come from the Latin word rubens which means red. Ruby is obtained from the mines and available in different shades of red. Ruby is the Gemstone of the Sun and is said to give stability and remove the fear of the wearer. Ruby Gemstone is said to increase the wearers self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect and optimism.

August Gemstones

The Modern Birthstone of August isPeridot. This Gemstone is also known as ‘Chrysolite’. Peridot Stones are said to protect the wearer against negative feelings. The name of this gemstone seems to have derived from the Greek word 'peridona' which means 'giving richness'. Romans nicknamed this Gemstone as  'Evening Emerald' because of its close resemblance to the Precious Gemstone Emerald, the stone of Planet Mercury. Sardonx is the traditional stone for August.

September Birthstones

The Modern Gemstones for September are the Sapphires andIolite which belong to the Corundum family. Iolite Stone is said to stimulate the Third Eye Chakra leading to clairvoyance. This gemstone is said to enhance the wearers leadership ability, inner strength and self confidence. Iolite gemstone is also said to bring harmony in relationships.The Traditional Gemstones for the month of September are the Sapphires and the breathtakingly beautiful Peridot.

October Birthstones

The Modern Gemstone for the month of October is Opal. The name of this Gemstone seems to have come from the Sanscrit word 'upala' which means precious jewel. Another modern stone used as birthstone for the month of October is Tourmaline. This gemstone is also referred to as ‘Rainbow Gemstone'. This stone is also said to enhance knowledge, responsibility, communication, self confidence, creativity and sleep of the wearer. This stone is used to remove negativity, fear and nervousness. It is also the traditional gemstone for the month of October.

November Birthstones

The Modern Gemstone for November is the beautiful Yellow Topaz Gemstone. Citrine is both the modern and traditional gemstone for the month of November. Citrine is a beautiful translucent gemstone which seem to have derived its name from the word "citron", the French name for lemon. This gemstone symbolizes light-heartiness, joy and happiness. This is also an extremely popular but inexpensive substitute to yellow sapphire gemstone which is the gemstone representing Planet Jupiter. Citrine is also the wedding anniversary gem associated with the 17th year of marriage.

December Birthstones

The Modern gemstones for December are Tanzanite, Blue Topaz and Turquoise. Tanzanite is a bluish purple colored gemstone which is quite rare and unique and gained popularity mainly based on the marketing efforts of the reputed Tiffany Company. Tanzanite is the Wedding Anniversary Gemstone associated with the 24th year of marriage. The other birthstone of thr month Turquoise is the Wedding Anniversary Gemstone associated with the 5th year of marriage. The Traditional Gemstones for the month of December are Zircon, Turquoise and Lapis Lazuli.

Birthday (day of the week) stones

While this word has also been used as synonym of Birth stone, there is a separate list of assignment according to the day of the week of the recipient's birth:

Month15th- 20th centuryU.S. (1912)[U.S. (2013)[Britain (2013)Hindu
Januarygarnetgarnetgarnetgarnetserpent stone
MarchheliotropejasperheliotropeaquamarineaquamarineheliotropeaquamarineheliotropeGold Siva-linga
Aprildiamondsapphirediamonddiamonddiamondrock crystaldiamond
Junecat's eyeturquoiseagatepearlmoonstonepearlmoonstone,
Septemberchrysolitesapphiresapphiresapphirelapis lazulizircon
Decemberheliotroperubyturquoiselapis lazuliturquoisezircontanzanitetanzaniteturquoisetopaz

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