
Thursday, November 21, 2013


Angel n : a spiritual being that is believed to be much more powerful than a human. Angels are composed of ethereal matter, thus allowing them to take on whichever physical form best suits their immediate needs. In Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other theologies an angel can be one who acts as a messenger, attendant or agent of God.


The angel A'albiel serves beneath Michael.


Please see Ariel.


The angel Aba has power over human sexuality.


Invoked during Kabbalistic rites, Ababaloy is referenced in the 'Grimorium Verum'.


Abachta is one of the angels of confusion, of which there are seven.


Abaddon is often confused with Satan, and he is the destroyer. He is also known as the Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse, and he is chief of the demons in the hierarchy of Hell. Abaddon is also the name the Jews use for Apollyon, the Greek God. Apollyon is an angel of wrath, and Moses instructed him to bringe the rains that swept across Egypt. Some view Abaddon as the dark angel, in charge of the death of evil people, and others see him as a place and not a spirit.


Another name for Abachta.


Abalidoth is similar to Aba, in that he oversees sexuality in humans.


An alternative known for the Thrones, an order of angels.


An angel of ancient Persian lore, Aban is the angel of October and he rules over its tenth day. It's believed that Aban sends an angelic guardian to children on their tenth birthdays, and to all ten months before their death.


Abariel's name was discovered etched into the second pentacle of the moon, according to 'The Greater Key of Solomon'.


Another name for Armaros.


Abasdarhon is the highest angelic ruler of fifth our of the night.

Abathar Muzania

Abathar Muzania is an angel of the North Star. He is a Mandaean angel who presides ov er the scales which weigh the souls of the dead.


Abay is one of the angels of the Dominations, and his name can be invoked during Kabbalistic rites.


Please see Abadon.


Abbadona is a fallen angel who once belonged to the Seraphim. He was Abdiel's closest friend before he fell, and he is known as the 'penitent angel', although Catholic doctrine deems him incapable of anything other than evil thoughts.


Abbaton means death, and he is the guardian angel of Hell's gates. He is also a holy angel who is invoked during magic rituals to control demons. He is referenced in 'The Greater Key of Solomon'.


The Abdals are seventy mysterious spirits found in Islamic lore. Oly God knows their names, and it's believed that they ensure the world's existence. Although they are not immortal, when one dies, another is secretly appointed by God. Forty of the Abdals reside in Syria.


According to the Kabbalah, Baabiel is an angel who serves in the first of the seven Heavens. Angels from the Kabbalah (of Cabala are sometimes known as Cabalistic angels).


Baal is a spirit worshipped throughout much of the ancient Near East. The word derives from the Semitic for ‘lord’and Baal became the chief God of fertility and lord of the rain. Baal’s supply of moisture was believed crucial to the survival of crops. Baal was also believed to represent the lord of Israel, and was a well-established deity in the area’s belief systems when the Israelites arrived.
Christians believe Baal to be a demon, and this is a separate entity that the one above.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Balam was once an angel of the order of dominations before becoming a fallen angel in hell. He is now ‘a terrible and powerful king, with three heads and the tail of a serpent’. The heads are those of a bull, a man and a ram. Balam is said to ride a bear and appear naked. He leads 40 regions of infernal spirits.
(Davidson. G., 1994. A Dictionary of Angels. USA. The Free Press).

Baal Davar

Baal Davar was the name given to Satan by the Chasidic Jews of the eighteenth century.


Baalesbul is one of the names for Beelzebub. Beelzebub is second to Satan in hell.


Baal-Peor is another name for Belphegor, who is a fallen andgel and the infernal ambassador to France. He appears as a young woman when invoked, and is the demon of discoveries and inventions.


Babel is often referenced as an angel of Wednesday and sometimes as one of Friday. To invoke Bable, one must be facing south or west and the Kabbalah describes him as an angel of the third Heaven. Babel is a messenger of the planet Jupiter.


Babhne’a is a powerful angel invoked to protect against evil. For example, Babhne’a’s name would be etched in Hebrew on Babylonian devil traps in hope of protection.
(Davidson. G., 1994. A Dictionary of Angels. USA. The Free Press).


Another name for Babel, Babiel refers to the angelic messenger of Jupiter and angel of Wednesday.


Also known as Bachanoe, Bachanael is an angel of the first Heaven, as well as ruler of Monday.


Another name for Bachanael, Bachanoe is one of the angels of the first Heaven and ruler over Monday.


Bachiel serves the fourth Heaven and is an angel of the air. Bachiel must be invoked from the East and is one of the angels of the planet Saturn. The Ozar Midrashim lists Bachiel as one of the West Wind’s guardian angels.


Bachliel is one of the guardian angels of the South Wind.


Also known as Bachiel, Baciel is one of the angels of the air and a servant of the fourth Heaven. Baciel is also one of the angels of Saturn, and a guardian of the West Wind.


Badariel is a fallen angel, and one of two hundred in total.


Called upon for protection against evil, Badpatiel’s name was found written on an oriental Hebrew charm (also known as a kamea).


The angel Bae is invoken for protection from demons and for their exorcism, according to the Testament of Solomon.


From the word ‘Baal’ meaning ‘lord’ or ‘possesor’, Baal appears in the ancient grimoires and Wierus Pseudo-Monarchia as a powerful king in the underworld. He is said to rule over the East of hell, and is served by 60 or 70 legions of devils. When invoked, Bael appears as a three-headed creature, with the head os a cat, a toad and a man.
The Zohar equates Bael with the archangel Raphael.


Ba-En’Kekon is an aeon, and is known as ‘The Soul of Darkness’. He first appeared in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and is also mentioned in Pistis Sophia gnosticism.


The angel Bagdal oversees Taurus, the zodiac sign of the bull along with Araziel. Transcendental Magic claims that Bagdal is a genius.


The angel Cabiel is one of the angels who preside over the 28 mansions of the moon, and he is one of 28 in total.


The angel Cabriel has dominion over the zodiac sign Aquarius. He is one of 6 guardian angels of Heaven's 6 cardinal points, according to Heywood's 'The Hierarchy of blessed angels'.


Often invoked in magical rites, Cadat is a pure angelic being.


An angel of the sword, Cadulech is described as a most holy angel.


Is a regent over the sign of Cancer.


Please see Zephon.


An angel found in Jewish mysticism, Cahethel is a Seraphim who presides over agriculture. He is also one of the 72 angels who bear the name of God Shemhamphorae. He can be called upon to help increase crops.


The angel Cahor is an angel of the third hour and a genius at deceit. He is referenced in Apollonius of Tyana, The Nuctemeron.


The angel Caila can be invoked to encourage the appearance of archangel Uriel. Caila is also one of four words spoken b God to Moses, along with Josata, Agla and Ablati.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Caim now resides in Hell, although he is a former member of the order of angels. He is a powerful figure in the underworld who, according to the Dictionnaire Infernal, manifests in the form of a thrush.


Invoked in ceremonial rites of magic, Cadulech is a most pure angel.


Please see Calliel.


Used in conjurations, Calizantin is a good angel.


Calliel is a throne angel and serves in the Second Heaven. Calliel can be invoked to deliver promt during times of adversity. He is also one of the 72 angelic beings who bear the name of God Shemhamphorae. Calliel's corresponding angel is Tersatosa.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Caluel is a Wednesday angel who resides in either the second or the third Heavens. He can be invoked from the south. It's believed that Caluel may be a variant of Calliel, as his corresponding angel is Tersatosa.


Please see Caluel.


Calzas is a Tuesday angel who serves in the fifth Heaven. Calzas must be invoked from the east.


Camael is a powerful angel, and chief of the order of the powers. Camael is found in occult lore and his name means 'he who sees God'. He is the chief of the order of Powers as well as one of seven archangels.
Camael is the angel of war, and presides over 120,000 angels of destruction. He is also the supreme regent of Mars and Aries. Camael tried to prevent God from giving the Torah to Moses. The Kabbalah identified Camael with Severity – the fifth Sephira of the Tree of Life. Occult lore views Camael as one of the fallen angels, although he is often confused with Samael.


Meaning 'to desire God' in Hebrew, Camalis one of the cabala's archangels.


Camaysar is found in occultism and is an angel of 'the marriage of contraries'. He is also a genius of the fifth hour.


Cabalistic beliefs claim that Daath is the concealed Sephira, between the firt and second spheres. Daath represents knowledge and has sexual links of a spiritual nature. 'Daath' is a Hebrew word meaning 'knowledge'.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Dabariel is another name for Radueriel.


The angel Dabria is one of five transcribers responsible for the Book of Ezra. The others were Sarea, Ecanus, Selemiah and Asiel.


The angel Dabriel is a scribe residing in Heaven and equal to Vretil. Dabriel is an angel of Monday found in the first Heaven. He must be invoked from the north.


Dadel is a spiritual being said to reside in the sixth Heaven.


Another word for Demon. Daemon is one of two pairs of guardian angels referenced in Works and Days by Hesiod.Greek lore portrays daemons as caring beings.


Daeva are unkind Zoroastrian spirits. They were created by Ahriman. Hinduism and Theosophy portray them as passive, and in Theosophy the form an order of spirits that 'rules the universe under the deity'.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Please see Dagiel.

Dagiel (Daghiel, Daiel)

The angel Dagiel is found in The Magus, and is a powerful Friday angel. He rules over fish and is an angel of Venus.


Milton described Dagon as a fallen angel in Paradise Lost. Ancient Phoenicians saw him as a god, and he was portrayed with a fish's body.


The angel Dagymiel governs the zodiac, according to Cornelius Agrippa.


Ahriman, the Satan of Persia.

Dahariel (Dariel)

Dahariel is an angelic guardian of the first Heaven. He is sometimes referenced as a guard of the fifth Heaven.


The angel Dahavauron is a guardian of the third Heaven.

Dahaviel (Kahaviel)

Dahaviel is one of the guardian angels found in the first Heaven.


The angel Dahnay can be invoked during magical rituals, but is also referenced as ' a holy angel of God'. Dahnay appears in the grimoires.

Dai (Dey)

Dai is found in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses and is an angel of the order of the powers. Persian lore describes Dai as an angel of December.

Daiel (Dagiel)

Please see Dagiel.

Daimon (Daemon)

Please see Daemon.


The Vedic religion includes seven shining gods, and Daksha is one of them.


Please see Taurine Angel.


Eded is one of the many alternative names for the angel Metatron.

Eblis (Iblis, Haris)

In Islamic and Persian lore Eblis is Satan. It's believed that he was once a treasurer in Heaven and that he was known as Azazel before falling. He became fallen after refusing to worship Adam.


Ebriel is one of the ten unholy Sephiroth. He is the ninth of ten.


Ebuhuel is one of the angels of omnipotence, there are eight in total. He can be invoked during magical rituals.

Ecanus (Elkanah)

Ecanus is one of the five angels who wrote the texts dictated by Ezra. Seventy of the books were concealed and others were for general use. There were ninety four in total.

Efchal (Efchiel)

It's thought that Efchal is an alternative name for the angel Zophiel.


Efniel is a Cherub.


Egibiel is an angel of the mansions of the moon.


Egion is an angelic guardian of the Seventh Heaven.

Egoroi (Grigori)

Please see Grigori.

Egregori (Grigori)

Please see Grigori.

Egrimiel (Egrumiel)

One of the guardians of the Sixth Heaven.


The angel Eheres is invoked during the exorcism of wax.


The angel Eiael rules over the occult sciences and has the power to lengthen life. One of the seventy two Shemhamphorae, he can be invoked by reciting the fourth verse of Psalm thirty six.

Eighth Heaven

Known as Muzaloth in Hebrew lore and referenced in 2 Enoch. Some believe that it's home to the 12 signs of the zodiac.


The angel Eirnilus presides over fruit, and is also an angel of the sixth hour.

Eisheth Zenunim (Isheth Zenunim)

An angel of prostitution and married to Smal, according to the Zohar.


Eistibus is an angel of divination, as well as one of the angels of the fourth hour.


El if the singular of Elohim and can refer to God or an angel. El is also an angel who had two children with a mortal woman. They were named Shalim and Shahar.


The angel Fabriel serves in the fourth Heaven.


Faith is one of the theological virtues, there are three in total and they were portrayed as angels by Florentine artists of the fifteenth century.


There are seven archangels in Yezidic religion religion, and one of them is Fakr-Ed-Din. He can be invoked through prayer.

Fallen Angels

Fallen angels appear in the New Testament, and it claims that they were cast out from Heaven along with Satan. Enoch estimates that 200 angels fell in total,, but other sources say it was in fact, a tenth of all the angels.


Famiel is a Friday angel and an angel of the Third Heaven. He must be invoked from the south, and is an angel of the air.

Fanuel (Phanuel)

Fanuel is one of the angels of the divine presence – there are four in total.


Arris is a governing angel and an angel of the second hour of the night.

Farun Faro Vakshur

Farun Faro Vakshur is the angelic guardian of mankind.


According to ancient Persian lore, Farvadin is an angel of March, and he ruled the nineteenth day of every month. He is known as one of the Cherubim.


Zoroastrians believe that Favashi are the celestial prototypes for all beings, and the angelic guardians of all believers. They are angelic beings yet have human traits and thoughts.


Please see Silat.

Female Angels

There aren't a great many female angels in Jewish traditions. Gnostic lore includes a mighty female aeon called Sophia. There are also female angels in Islamic lore, known as Bead Hasche (Daughters of God).


Please see Favashi.

Fiery Angel (Angel of Fire)

Please see Angel of Fire.

Fifth Heaven

God and his angels are believed to live in the Fifth Heaven, according to Ptolemy. Giant fallen angels known as Grigori are said to crouch in the northern ergions in 'silent and everlasting despair'.

Fire-Speaking Angel

Please see Hashmal.

First Heaven, The

Islamic beliefs view the First Heaven as the home to the stars, and each one has its own guardian angel.

Five Angels Who Lead the Souls of Men to Judgement.

These are Remiel, Uriel, Arakiel, Aziel and Samiel.


Flaef is a cabalistic angel concerned with the sexuality of humans.

Flame of the Whirling Swords

A title used to describe the cherubim who stood guard over Eden.

Gaap (Tap)

Gaap is a fallen angel once of the Order of Powers. He is now a powerful prince in Hell and king of its south. He rules over infernal legions.


Gabamiah is a mighty angelwho can be invoked using Uriel's name.


The angel Gabriel is one of the most powerful angels in the celestial hierarchy. He is the angel of mercy, revelation, death, vengeance, annunciation and resurrection. He and Michael are the only two angels named in the Old Testament.


The name of the angel Gabuthelon was given to Esdras as one of the nine who would govern "at the end of the world".


The angel Gadal can be invoked during rites of magic, according to 'The Book of Ceremonial Magic'.


Please see Hagiel.


According to hechaloth lore, Gader is a guardian angel stationed at the fouth hall of Heaven.


Gadiel is a "most holy angel" and he resides in the fifth Heaven. He is one of the many guardian angels of the gates of the south wind. He was probably thought of as a protector against eveil, as his name was inscribed on an oriental charm.


Gadreel is a fallen angel found in Enoch lore. He is said to have led Eve astray and he familiarised men with weapons of war.


Gadriel presides over the fifth Heaven and rules over war between nations. He follows prayers to the sixth Heaven and crowns them, according to The Zohar.


A guardian angel of hechaloth lore, Ga'ga resides in the seventh heavenly hall.


One of the guardians stationed at the sixth Heaven.


Galdel is an angel of Tuesday of the fifth Heaven, he can be invoked from the south.


Galearii are the lowest rank of angels.

Gale Raziya

One of the many names for the angel Metatron.

Galgaliel (Galgliel)

Galgaliel is a chief angel of the sun and is said to rule the wheel of the sun. He leads the order of Galgallim.


The Galgal(l)im are a superior order of angels. In rank, they are equal to Seraphim. They are sometimes known as 'the wheels of Merkabah' and equate to the order of Ophanim.


Please see Galgaliel.


Another name for the angel Metatron.


Galizur is a powerful angel found in Talmudic lore, and he met Moses in Heaven. He gave 'The Book of the Angel Raziel' to Adam and is now the ruling prince of the second Heaven. Galizue is Hebrew for 'revealer of the rock'.


There are 72 angels of the zodiac in total, and Haael is one of them.


72 angels have the name of the God Shemhamphorae, and one of them is Haaiah. The angel Haaiah is a member of the order of Dominations and a regent of diplomats and ambassadors.


Haamiah is one of the angels of the Powers, reigning over cults and offering protection to 'those who seek the truth'. He is another of the angels who bear the name of God Shemhamphorae.


Haarez is an angel of the Seal, according to the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.


The angel Haaten conceals treasures. Apollonius of Tyana, The Nuctemeron also claims that he is a genius.


Please see Habbiel.

Habbiel (Habiel)

A Monday angel, Habbiel resides in the First Heaven and can be called upon for help with love and romance. Habbiel is referenced in The Sword of Moses.


Another name for Raum.


Habriel belongs to the angelic Order of Powers, and he can be invoked through conjurations. He appears in the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.


In Occultism, Habudiel is an angel of the Lord's Day. He resides in the Fourth Heaven and must be invoked from the south.


Habuhiah is the angel of agriculture, and is another of the 72 angels who bear the name of God Shemhamphorae.


Hachashel is one of the angels of the zodiac, there are 72 in all.

Hadakiel (Chadakiel)

The angel Hadakiel rules over the sign of Libra, alongside Grasgarben.


Hadar is a Sephira of the Tree of Life.


Please see Hadraniel.


This archon appears in lesser hechaloth lore. According to The Sword of Moses he can be invoked during magical rites.


Hadarmiel is used in Solomonic rituals, and he is a holy angel.


The guardian angel Hadasdagedoy protects the sixth hall of Heaven.


The angel Hadiririon can be invoked during magical rituals.


Iabiel is an evil angel who can be called upon during ceremonial magic to split up husbands and wives. He is referenced in 'The Sword of Moses'.


The name of the angel Iachadiel was inscribed on the fifth pentacle of the moon.


Iacoajul is one of the angels of the eleventh hour of the night.

Iadalbaoth (Ialdabaoth, Jaldabaoth, Ildabaoth)

Iadalbaoth is an angel found in the Kabbala, and he is the first archon of darkness. He is equal to Sammael as a fallen angel, and he is the highest member of the order of thrones.


Iadara presides over Virgo, the sign of the virgin.


Meaning 'hand of God', Iadiel is one of the angels listed in Schwab, 'Vocabulaire de l'Angelogie'.


The angel Iaeo can be invoked to exorcise demons.


Iahel is an angel of the Kabbala, and an archangel who rules over philosophers. He is also one of the 72 angels who bear the name of the God Shemhamphorae.


The angel Iahmel rules over the element of the air.


This divine spirit's name was usedby Moses to kill the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho.


Ialcoajul is an angel of the eleventh hour of the night.


Please see Ialdalbaoth.


Iamariel is an angel of the ninth hour of the night, and he serves beneath Nacoriel.


Iameth is the only angel capable of overcoming Kunospaston, who is a demon of the sea referenced in Enoch and 'Testament of Solomon'.

Iao the Great

The master of the seven Heavens, Iao the Great is the Demiurge. His assistant is Little Iao, who bears the name of the angel Metatron.


Iaoth is one of seven archangels, and he is found in 'The Testament of Solomon'. His name helps protect against the demon of bowel pain (Kurteel).


Iaqwiel is an angel of the moon.


When invoked, Iax is powerful enough to overcome Roeled – the demon of envy. Roeled also gives mortals stomach problems.

Iblis (Eblis)

Please see Eblis.


Iboriel is an angelic guardian of the seventh Heaven, and he is a Hebrew angel.


This name means “Jehova causes to be built”, and belongs to a presiding angel of the Third Heaven. He appears in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.
(Davidson. G., 1994. A Dictionary of Angels. USA. The Free Press).


Please see Jibril.


There are many angelic guardians of the gates to the South Wind, and one of them is Jachniel.

Jael (Joel)

Jael is one of a pair of Cherubim (the other twin is Zarall) who were carved into the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. In Occultism, Jael is the ruler of the sign of Libra.


Please see Jehoel.


This angel offers a cup of oblivion to sinners just before they are judged to help their soul forget. The Gnostic work ‘Texts of the Saviour’ notes that Jaluha is the “receiver of Sabaoth Adamas”, which is an evil power.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


Jamaerah is the Angel of Manifestation.


This angel is found in the First Heaven and he rules on a Monday. He can only be invoked from the East.


This is an angel of the Fifth Heaven and he presides on a Tuesday. He is also a guardian stationed at the gates to the East Wind.


Please see Jevanael.


Please see Jazeriel.


Jariel is an Angel of the Divine Presence. He is also known as Raziel, Suriel or Sariel.

Javan (Yavan)

Javan is Greece’s guardian angel.


Jazar is an angel or genii of the seventh hour, and according to ‘The Nuctemeron’ he compels love.

Jazeriel (Jareriel)

Jazeriel is an angel of the mansions of the moon.


Meaning ‘praising’ or ‘judgement’, Jeduthun and he is a lord of the evening choirs of Heaven. He is known as the “Master of Howling” and leads myriads of angels in their chants and praise of God at the end of every day. He was once a human and directed music in a temple, but during the Middle Ages he was changed into an angel by the Zoharists.

Jehoel (Jehuel, Jaoel, Yahoel, Shemuel, Kemuel, Metatron)

A prince of the presence, Jehoel is a chief Seraphim who presides over seven angels. He is the keeper of the ineffable name of God and a prince of elemental fire. In Jewish lore, he he controls the devil Leviathan. In the ‘Apocalypse of Abraham’, he is depicted as the heavenly choirmaster and ‘the singer of the eternal’. It’s said that he went with Abraham when he visited Heaven.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


The angel Jahova is referenced in Genesis 48:16.


Jehudiam ‘keeps the accounts of righteousness and carries the 70 keys of all the treasures of the Lord.’ He is found in The Zohar.


Kabchiel is a Mandaean angel.


This is the name for the angels who created the world, according to Phoenician beliefs. There were seven in total, and in Gnostic lore their equivalent is the angels of the presence.


The angel Kabniel can be invoked to help cure stupidity.


Please see Cabriel.


Kabshiel is an angel of Jewish lore who can be called upon to deliver grace and power. His name has been found etched onto amulets.


Kadal is one of the childbed amulet angels, and there are 70 in total.


The angel Kadashiel is a guardian stationed at the gates to the South Wind.


Please see Kadishim.


Kadi(el) is one of the Friday angels, and he serves in the Third Heaven. He must be invoked from the west.


This name means "power of mercy" and Kadir-Rahman is one of seven archangels. They are invoked during prayer and used for Yezidic devil worship.

Kadishim (Kadasim or Qaddisin)

These angels are stationed in either the Sixth of Seventh Heaven and they continuously praise God. They rank higher than the Merkabah angels and constitute the beth din (the seat of judgement). The chief of this angelic order was "made from hail, and he was so tall, it would take 500 years to walk a distance to his height". Jewish lore states that Moses encountered the Kadishim when he visited Heaven.


Kadkadael is one of the guardian angels stationed in the Sixth Heaven.


Kadmiel is an amulet angel, and there are 70 in total.


Kadosh is a guardian angel of the fourth hall of Heaven.


Kadriel is one of three Kabbalistic angels of prophecy. They are known as 'mouths' and were formed by God on the eve of Creation.


Kafkefoni is one of the fallen angels and one of the seven unholy Sephiroth. He is also the king of the Mazzikin and the husband of "the little leprous one".
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


The angel Kafziel governs the death of kings. The Gnostics believed him to be of the seven archangels that rule over Saturn. He is described in 'The Zohar' as Gabriel's chief assistant in battle, alongside Hizkiel.


Please see Dahaviel.


Kakabel is a powerful angelic prince who rules over the stars and constellations. He is referenced in 'The Book of the Angel Raziel' as a high and holy angel. Enoch claims that he is a fallen angel, but all agree that he is very powerful and rules over 365,000 spiritual legions. He also teaches astrology.


Labarfiel is one of the guardian angels of the Seventh Heaven.


This was the original name of the powerful angel Raphael. When he accepted the choice of God to create humanity, his name was changed to Raphael. The angels of peace and the angels of truth refused to support Creation, and they were burned.

Labe Erin

Labe Erin serves in the second hour of the day, and he is the talismanic spirit of success.


Labezerin is the genius of success in talismanic magic. He serves in the second hour of the day.


There are eight angels of omnipotence, and one of them is Labusi.


This is one of the angel Metatron's numerous names, and it is Hebrew for "tender age".


The angel Lahabiel rules over the first day alongside Raphael. He was once invoked as an amulet for protection against evil, along with Rahabiel, Phaniel, Ariel and more. His role as a protector is documented in a Hebrew charm.


There are 70 childbed amulet angels, and one of them is Lahariel. He rules over the second day, along with Michael.


Lahash is a powerful angel. Along with Zakun he led 184 myriads of spirits in their attempt to intercept the prayers of Moses before they reached God. As punishment, they were chained up with fire and given 70 lashes with a whip of fire. They were banished from Heaven by Samuel.
(Faber. L. 2010. The Book of Angels. London. Arcturus Publishing Ltd.)


There are seven angels of punishment, and one of them is Lahatiel. He rules over the gates of death, the second of the seven lodges of Hell. He is one of the fallen angels, and is responsible for the punishment of ten nations.

Laila(h) (Leliel, Lailahel,Layla)

Laila(h) is an angel of conception and appears in 'The Zohar'. It states that he was "appointed to guard the spirits at their birth". It's unclear whether or not he is a good angel or a bad one. Jewish lore believes him to be a demon of the night, as well as the equal of Lilith and prince of conception. However in Judaism, he is viewed as a good angel who fought with Abraham in battle.


Lama is one of the air angels and he rules on a Tuesday. He lives in the Fifth Heaven and must be invoked from the west.


The angel Lamach presides over Mars.


Please see Nirgal.


Lamassu is an angel of Assyrian lore. This benevolent spirit can be called upon to exorcise evil at the end of invocations. It's believed that Lamassu have a lion's body and a human head, and they are compared to the Cherubim.


Lamechalal rules over the planets, and is unique in that he is powerful enough to overcome the demon, Deceit.


Please see Lamechala.

Lameck (Lamideck)

A pure angel, Lameck is often invoked during rituals of black magic. In particular, Lameck is called upon for the conjuring of the sword.


Lamediel is an angel of the fourth hour of the night, and he serves beneath Jefischa.


Metatron pointed out two large stars to Moses in the Fourth Heaven, and one of them was Maadim. Maadim “stands near the moon in order to warm the world from the cold” according to ‘The Revelation of Moses’.


Maccathiel is an angel of Hell.


The angel Mach is conjured during rituals of Solomonic rituals for granting invisibility to the invocant.


The angel Machal is invoked in the exorcism of the bat.


The angel Machasiel lives in the Fourth Heaven and can be invoked from the south. He rules on the Lord’s Day.

Machatan (Machator, Macoton)

Machaton is one of the angels of the air, and along with Uriel, Seraquiel and Cassiel he rules on a Saturday.

Machidiel (Malchidiel, Malahidael, Malchedael, Melkeial, Melkejal)

In grimoire, the angel Machidiel can be called upon by men trying to secure the love of women. In addition, he is one of the tenth Sephira and an angel of the Earth – as well as prince of the month of March. He rules over the sign of Aries too.


Machal is referenced in ‘The Greater Key of Solomon’ and is invoked during the exorcisms of bats.


Machasiel is an angel of the Fourth Heaven who rules on a Sunday. He must be invoked from the South.

Machatan (Machoton)

Machatan is an air angel, who rules alongside Uriel, Seraquiel and Cassiel on a Saturday.

Machidiel (Melkajel)

Machidiel is the angelic ruler of the month of March and the sign of Aries. He belongs to the tenth Sephira and is an angel of Earth. He is sometimes called upon by men to help them gain the love of a woman, according to grimoire.


Mach(k)iel is a guardian angel of the Sixth Heaven.


Serving beneath Mendrion, Machmay is one of the angels of the seventh hour.

Machnia (Machniel)

There are 70 amulet angels, and one of them is Machnia. This angel aso guards the gates to the South Wind.


Please see Machatan.


This is an angel of the first Sephira, and he is sometimes described as the “God of concealed form”.


Madagabiel is one of the many guardian angels stationed at the gates of the North Wind.


Madan is the angelic ruler of Mercury, and he is referenced in ‘The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels’.


In Occultism, Madiel is the angelic rules of the zodiac’s three water signs, He is also an angel of the First Heaven and can only be invoked from the East.

Madimiel (Madiniel, Madamiel)

This angelic name is one of four discovered etched on the first pentacle of Mars. The other three angelic names were Barzachia, Ithuriel and Eschol. According to Mosaic lore, Madimiel is one of the seven princs “who stand continually before God and to whom are given the spirit-names of the planets”.


Naadame is “a prince over all the angels and Caesars” according to ‘The Greater Key of Solomon’.


There are found dark angels of prostitution, and Naamah is one of them. They are all wives of Sammael, and they include Lilith, Agrat bat Mahlat and Eisheth Zenunim. Lilith infects children with leprosy, while Maanah mothers demons. Lilith also corrupted Uzza and Azael (the sons of the biblical patriarch Isaac) by seducing them and is now known as “the great seducer of men, spirits and demons”. She is also mother to the demon Asmodeus (his father is Shamdan, a demon. Naamah is described as a mortal in Genesis, the daughter of Tubal-cain and Lamech.


Naar is one of the many names for the angel Metatron.


Meaniong ‘lad’ in Hebrew, Naaririel is an angelic guardian of the Seventh Heaven.

Nabu (Nebo)

Found in Babylonian lore, Nabu is the prototype of the Judaeo-Christian archangel. His father was the god Marduk and in Sumerian theosophy he is known as the Angel of the Lord.He is a recording angel – responsible for inscribing man’s deeds in the Book of Fate, and his symbol is the lamp.
To the Akkadians he was a deity and the ruler of Mercury along with Metatron. According to one source, he gave Enoch to the Palestinian Jews, Metatron to the Jews of Babylon and caused the two to merge into Enoch-Metatron.

Nachiel (Nakiel, Nakhiel)

Nachiel is the angel of the sun when it is in the sign of Leo. Sorath is his corresponding spirit, and his Kabbalistic number is 111.


Nachmiel is a guardian angel of the gates to the South Wind.


Nacoriel is one of the angels of the ninth hour of the night.


As well as the ruler of December, Nadiel is the angel of migration.


Nafriel is one of the guardian angels stationed at the gates to the South Wind.

Nagrasagiel (Nasragiel, Nagdasgiel, Nagazdiel)

Nagrasagiel is an angelic guardian found at the gates of Hell. When Moses visited the Underworld it was Nagrasagiel who guided him.


In Hebrew beliefs, Nahaliel is the angel who watches over streams.


Please see Nahuriel.


Nahuriel is an angelic guardian of the First Heaven.

Nairyo Sangha

In Persian lore, there are three angelic princes who guard the three upper gates of Hell, and one of them is Nairyo Sangha. In addition, he is one of Ahura Mazda’s messengers and he is responsible for the souls of the righteous.


Please see Nachiel.


Please see Nachiel.


There are two black angels found in Islamic lore, one is Nakir and the other is Monker.


Nakriel is a guardian angel found at the gates of the South Wind.


Nanael is an angel found in Kabbalism, and he watches over the great sciences. He also has an influence over ecclesiastics and philosophers. Also, he is one of the 72 angels who bear the name of the God Shemhamphorae.


Naoutha is is an angel who presides over the south west. He is said to have “a rod of snow in his hand” which he “putteth into his mouth” and as quenching the fire “that cometh out of his mouth”.


Obaddon is a variant of Abaddon. According to ‘The Messiah’ by Klopstock, Obaddon is a seraph and Ithuriel’s companion. Obaddon is named “the minister of death”.


Obizuth is a female dragon with wings. She was put to flight by Bazazath, an archangel.


Och is found in Occultist beliefs and he rules the sun. When invoked, Och can grant 600 years of wellbeing and health. He also rules 28 of the 196 Olympian provinces in which Heaven is divided. He is said to be a mineralogist and a “prince of alchemy”.

Octinomon (Octinomos)

Octinomon is “a most holy angel of God” and he is invoked in the conjuration of the reed.

Odd, Angel of the

The Angel of the Odd is a fictional angel who appears in Poe’s tale.


Oertha is an angel of the north who resides in the fifth Heaven. The ‘Gospel of Bartholomew’ claims that “he has a torch of fire and putteth it to his sides, and they warm the great coldness of him so that he not freeze the world”.


There are nine angels that “run together throughout heavenly and earthly places”, according to ‘The Gospel of Bartholomew.

Ofaniel or Ofan (Ofniel, Ophan, Ophaniel, Yahriel)

Ofaniel is the chief of the order of ofanim or thrones. He is believed to rule over the moon and is occasionally called “the angel of the wheel of the moon”. According to Enoch 3 he has 16 faces, 100 pairs of wings and 8466 eyes. He is also “one of the 7 exalted throne angels who carry out the commands of the powers”.

Ofanim (Auphanim)

The Ofanim are equivalent to the order of thrones and Enoch once spoke of the “ofanim of the fiery coals”. The ofanim are ranked higher than the seraphim in ‘The Zohar’. However, in the Italian philosopher Mirandola’s scheme they were ranked sixth out of the nine celestial hierarchies. Ofaniel is the chief of this order, but some view Raphael or Rikbiel as the leader.


Ofiel is one of the amulet angels, there are 70 in total.


Please see Ofaniel.


Og descended from the fallen angels and is Ahijah’s son, as well as Semyaza’s grandson and Sihon’s brother. According to Jewish lore, Og was an Amorite giant who Moses killed with a blow to the ankle. The Bible depicts him as the King of Bashan who was sent to Israel by God. Another tale states that Og survived the Flood by sheltering on the roof of the ark.


Ogdoas is the highest ranking Gnostic order of angels. The ancient Greeks believed that Ogdoas was the eighth Heaven where divine wisdom resides.


Ohazia is a guardian angel of the Third Heaven.


The Olrin are the angels who preside over the Earth’s kingdoms, and they are found in Chaldean cosmology.


Ol is a prince of the sign of Leo, as well as one of the fiery triplicities.


Once a prince of the order of archangels, Olivier is referenced in ‘Admirable History of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman’ by Michaelis.

Olympian Spirits

According to the 16 century text of magical rituals – ‘Arbatel of Magic’, there are seven powerful Olympian Spirits. They are sometimes known as Stewards of Heaven and they live in the air and space. Each of the Olympian Spirits rules over several of the 196 Olympic provinces that comprise Heaven. These spirits are Bethor, Araton, Och, Phaleg, Phul and Ophiel.


This is another of the many names for the angel Metatron.


Pabael is one of the angelic messengers of the moon.


Pabel is an angel of Sunday. He must be invoked from the west and resides in the fourth Heaven.


Pachdiel is one of the chief angelic guardians stationed in the fourth Heaven.


Pachriel is a great angel who rules one of the seven Heavens. He also presides over 496,000 myriads of angels.

Padael (Phadihel)

Please see Phadihel.

Padiel (Phadihel)

Please see Phadihel.

Padre Pio

Padre Pio was a Roman Catholic priest who became famous for suggesting that those in need of spiritual guidance who were unable to reach him send their angelic guardians instead. So many people followed this advice that often Padre Pio was awake throughout the night communicating with the angels. He sometimes sent his own guardian angel to offer help.


Paffran serves beneath Samax, and he acts as a ruler of the air on a Tuesday.


Pagiel is often invoked during rituals prayer to fulfil desires. He is referenced in ‘The Secret Grimoire of Turiel’.


Pahadiel is a chief angelic guardian of the fourth Heaven.


Pahadron is the angelic ruler of the Hebrew month of Tishri (September to October). He is viewed as an angel of terror in Jewish mysticism.


Pahaliah is invoked to help with the conversion of heretics to Christian beliefs. Also, he is one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae and he rules over morality and theology. His corresponding angel is Sothis.

Paimon (Paymon)

Once of the order of Dominations, Paimon is a fallen angel. He is a powerful regent in Hell and only answers to Lucifer. He has command of 200 legions of demons. He manifests as a female with a crown on her head, astride a camel.


One of the angelic guardians at the gates to the West Wind.


This is an order of angels, and is sometimes used to refer to the Powers. Palatinates can grant invisibility when invoked.


This is the name used for Michael in Jewish lore. It was used at the time when he fled from Satan while he was being cast out.


One of many names for the angel Metatron.


The angel Paltellon in invoked in the benediction of the Salt.


This is the singular form of Qaddisin.


Along with the two Irin, these two angels comprise the council of God. They are ranked even higher than the Seraphim “greater than all the children of Heaven” and appear in ‘The Book of Enoch’.


This angel is invoked in the conjuration of Ink and Colours.

Qafsiel (Qaspiel, Qaphsiel, Quaphsiel)

3 Enoch states that this angel is the guardian of the Seventh Heaven. He is used in ancient Jewish magic for protection from enemies using kameas. The words of the charm must be written in bird’s blood and tied to the foot of a dove. The dove is then set free and will take the enemy with it. If the bird does not fly, the enemy will not leave.


A guardian angel of the gates to the South Wind.

Qamamir Ziwa

A Mandaean angel of light.


Qamiel is a guardian angel of the South Wind.


Please see Qafsiel.

Qangiel Yah

This is an alternative name for Metatron, according to 3 Enoch.


Qaniel is one of the many guardian angels stationed at the gates of the South Wind.


There are 72 angelic rulers of the quinaries of the zodiac, and one of them is Raahel.


Meaning “trembling before God”, Raamiel presides over thunder. He is believed to be a fallen angel in some Occultist circles.

Ra’asiel X

This angel appears in ‘The Sword of Moses’ and is invoked during magical rituals.


Racacyel is a prince of the Third Heaven.


The angel Rabdos has the power to stop and alter the paths of the stars. He is now a fallen angel and a demon who strangles humans. Brieus is the only angel with the power to prevent him.


There are ten uthri in Mandaean lore, and one of them is Rabia. They guide the sun through its daily course.


Rab-un-Naw is an angel of Islamic beliefs and an angel of light. His equivalent is Parvardigar, an ancient Persian angel.


Please see Rahab.


Rachel is found in the Kabbalah, and when she dresses as the Celstial Bride for her wedding to God she is the Shekinah.


Rachiel rules over Friday and the sphere of Venus. She is concerned with human sexuality and belongs to the order of Ophanim.


Rachmiah is an amulet angel, and one of 70.


Please see Rahmiel.


Rachsiel is an amulet angel.


Rad’adael is a guardian angel of the sixth hall of Heaven.

Radueriel / Radweriel

According to Enoch lore, Radueriel is the keeper of the Books of Life and Death, and he is a recording angel and Heaven’s registrar. He is also chief among muses and a prince of poetry, and he is superior to Metatron. He is identified with Vretil, Pravuil and Daryoel. Enoch claims that a new song-uttering angel is created every time he speaks.


Raeil is an angel of Occultism and lives in the Third Heaven. He is a Wednesday angel and also an angel of Venus. He must be invoked from the north.


An Islamic angel, Raftma’il can be invoked during exorcisms.


The angel Ragat can be conjured during rituals of magic and appears in ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.


Please see Raguel.


Found in either the Second or Fourth Heaven, Raguel is an archangel who punishes other angels when they do wrong. The Gnostics equated him with Thelesis and it’s said that he transported Enoch to Heaven, but some believe this is Anafiel.


Sa'adiya'il is an Islamic angel who resides in the Third Heaven. He oversees a group of angels who worship Allah in disguise as vultures.


According to the 'Sefer Yetzirah', Saaphiel is an angel of hurricanes.

Saaqael (Sarakiel)

Saaqael is an angel of presence.


There were 7 angels reprobated at a trial in Rome during 745 C.E, and one of them was Sabaoc.

Sabaoth (Tsabaoth, Ibraoth)
Dabaoth is one of the angels of the presence, and there are 7 in total. In Gnostic lore he is one of 7 archons who created the universe.

Sabaoth Adamas

According to the 'Texts of the Saviour', Sabaoth Adamas is an evil power who rules wicked aeons.

Sabathiel (Sabbathi)

This spirit appears in the Jewish Cabala and he rules over Saturn. He receives the holy spirit's divine light and then communicates it to the residents of his kingdom. Mosaic lore states that he is one of 7 regents "who stand continually before God, and to whom are given the spirit-names of the planets".


This angel sits on the throne of glory in Heaven, while the chiefs of the celestial orders bestow honour on him.


Please see Sabathiel.


Sabiel is one of the angels of the first Sephira and he can be invoked during magical rituals.


The angel Sablil is a spirit of the ninth hour and he catches thieves.

Sabrael (Sabriel)

Sabrael is an archangel. Along with Tarshiel he is the chief of the Tarshishim. He is the only angel powerful enough to defeat the demon Sphendonael and he is a guardian of the hall of the First Heaven.


The angel Sabtabiel was invoked during rituals of black magic in 'Transcendental Magic'.


Meaning 'covering of God', Sachiel is a Cherubim of the First Heaven although some believe he resides in the Sixth. He is an angel of Monday, Thursday or Friday and can be invoked when facing South or West. He is also a ruler of Jupiter and a servant of Hell's four sub-princes.


Sachiel-Melek is a king of the Underworld according to Kabbalistic lore, and he reigns over priesthoods and sacrifices.


According to 'The Nuctemeron', Sachluph is an angel of the second hour and plants.


Sacriel is an angel of the Fifth Heaven and he rules on a Tuesday. He can be summoned from the South.


Sadayel is one of three archangels inscribed on a pentagram on a ring used to ward off evil. The others are Tiriel and Raphael.

Sadial (Sadiel)

An angel who rules over the Third Heaven.


Please see Sadial.


Ta’aniel can be invoked during magic rituals, according to ‘The Sword of Moses’.


One of the numerous names for the angel Metatron.


Tablibik is one of the angels of the fifth hour and an angel of fascination.

Tabris / Tabbris

An angel of Occultism, Tabris is the angel of free will and of the sixth hour.


One of the angels mentioned in ‘The Book of the Angel Raziel’.


These Islamic creatues are similar to fairies and they are “beautiful, winged, minor angels who secure man against the wiles of demons and reveal the future”. They are referenced in ‘Dictionnaire Infernal’.


It’s claimed that this angel stopped the sacrifice of Isaac. However in Genesis it’s stated that Metatron, the angel of the Lord and Zadkiel performed this act.

Tafel X

Tafel X can be invoked in rituals of magic, according to ‘The Sword of Moses’.


This order of Merkabah as mentioned in 3 Enoch. This order ranks higher than “all ministering angels who minister before the throne of glory”.


One of the names for the angel Metatron.

Taftian (Taphi)

This angel of the cabala works wonders and is a servant to Alimon.


Tagas is a powerful angelic prince and the conductor of the Song-Uttering Choirs.


Tagriel acts as chief of the guardian angels of the second or seventh Heaven, as well as of the twenty eight angels who rule the mansions of the moon.


Tahariel is one of the 70 childbed amulet angels and an angel of purity.


One of the names for Metatron.


This angel can be invoked in Syriac magical rituals. He is also a spellbinding angel as well as Gabriel, Michael and Sahariel.


An angel found in Mandaean lore and one of those who accompany the sun on its course each day.

Taliahad (Talliud)

The angel of water.

Tall Angel, The

Moses encountered this enormous angel when he toured Heaven. He had 70,000 head and many believe that he is Sandalphon.


A fallen angel often summoned in the conjuring of the reed.


The angelic ruler of the sign of Capricorn.


Ublisi is an angel found in Occultist beliefs, and one of the angels of omnipotence (there are 8 in total). He can be invoked during conjurations.


Please see Ucirmiel.

Ucirmiel (Ucirnuel)

Ucirmiel resides in the Second or Third Heaven, and he is an angel of Wednesday. He can only be invoked from the North.


According to ‘The Book of the Angel Raziel’, Udrgazyia is one of 70 amulet angels.


Udriel is one of the 70 amulet angels.


There are ten unholy sefiroth, and Ugiel is the second of them.


Uini is referenced in ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’ and he is a ministering angel. He can be invoked during conjurations.


The angel umabel presides over astronomy and physics, and he is also one of the 72 angels bearing the name of the God Shemhamphorae.


Umahel is an archangel.


Umeroz is an angel of the second hour of the night, and he serves beneath Farris. He is mentioned in ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’.


Umiel is a spellbinding angel.


According to Jewish mysticism, Umikol is an angel of the seal.


Unael is one of the angels of the First Heaven, whose name is inscribed on a kamea. He appears in the ‘Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.


Undines are a spirit associated with water, and similar to fairies. It’s said that they appear as sea horses and have human faces.


This means “fire” or “light” in Hebrew, and is a king of the Underworld in Mandaean lore.


A leader of the fallen angels, Urakabarameel appears in the poem ‘The Lovers of the Angels’.


Urfiel rules the angelic order of Malakim.

Urian (Uryan)

Please see Uriel.


Uriel is an angel of vengeance, responsible for the punishment of sinners in Hell. He is also the guardian of the gates to the Garden of Eden and a prince of the Seraphim. In addition, he is a prince of the Cherubim, the Divine Presence and he rules over the sun. He protects against terror, thunder and lightning, earthquakes, volcanoes and cataclysms. He is sometimes called the “prince of lights” and he is an angel of repentance.
He can be invoked to help cure eye problems and he provides advice to prophets – and he rules over money and wealth. He is also a spirit of peace and ministration, and he is a patron angel of literature. He has the ability to bestow the power of prophecy.

Vacabiel (Vacatiel)

Vacabiel rules over the sign of Pisces along with Rasamasa.

Vacatiel (Vacabiel)

Please see Vacabiel.


Vachmiel rules over the fourth hour of the day, and he is served by ten chief officers and one hundred inferior spirits.


Vadriel is the angelic ruler of the ninth hour of the day. Like Vachmiel he is served by ten chief officers and one hundred inferior spirits.


Vahoel is one of the 72 angelic rulers of the signs of the zodiac.


Vaij is one of the angels of the seal, and he is referenced in ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.


Valiants is another term for angels.

Valiant Ones

A term used to describe angels.


These maidens of Norse mythology were said to be the handmaidens of Odin, and they were immortalised in Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyrie’.


Valnum is a Monday angel found in Occult lore, and he lives in the First Heaven. He can be invoked from the North and is an intelligence of Saturn.


Vametel is one of 72 angelic rulers of the zodiac.


Vamona(h) is the Vedic Dwarf Avatar.

Vanand Yezad

Vanand Yezad is the only angel allowed by the Magians to rule over all seven Hells.


This angel’s name appears on the firth pentacle of the moon.


This angel is invoked in the benediction of the Salt.


This angel rules over the sun, according to ‘The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels’ by Heywood.


The angelic ruler over Leo or Pisces.


One of 70 amulet angels.


Varuna is the chief of the seven Vedic gods equated with the angels of Judaeo-Christianity.


This cabbalistic angel presides over justice, lawyers, magistrates and nobility.


Wall is one of the fallen angels, and he once belonged to the order of Powers. He commands 36 legions of demons and manifests as a camel.


Wallim resides in the First Heaven, and appears in ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.

War in Heaven

A poem from ‘Paradise Lost’ by Milton.

Warrior Angel, The

The Warrior Angels are an angelic order referenced in ‘Paradise Lost’. They comprise part of a larger order who protect God’s servants during times of turmoil. Saint Michael is a significant warrior angel.


Another term for the Warrior Angels from Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’.


This exalted order of angels is alternatively known as the Grigori. Like the Irin, the angels of this order do not sleep. God originally sent them to command men, but ‘Enoch 1’ states that they fell. Some believe that there are both good and evil Watchers, and that the good live in the Fifth Heaven and the bad in the Third.


Weatta is one of the angels of the seal, and he is mentioned in ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.

Week, Angels of The

The angels who rule over the seven days of the week. These are Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Camael (Tuesday), Raphael (Wednesday), Sachiel (Thursday), Anael (Friday) and Cassiel (Sunday).

Weighing Angel

Please see Dokiel.


This ministering angel is found in cabbalistic beliefs.


This is an alternative name for the ofanim or “many-eyed ones”. Rikbiel is the chief of the order and they are sometimes identified with the cherubim.


This is another term used to describe angels, and appears in Hebrews 1:7.


According to 2 Enoch, on the sixth day of Creation God ordered Wisdom to make man of seven substances. He is the divine agent by which everything was created.

Woman Clothed with the Sun

According to a passage from Revelation, “and there appeared a great wonder in Heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of stars. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth and pain to be delivered”. She is the celestial form of the Virgin Mary according to some sources.

World-Supporting Angels [Omophorus; Splenditenes]


Wormwood is the name of a star that fell from Heaven on the sound of the blast from the third angel. S

Wrath, Angels of

Another term for the angels of anger, a group of fearsome angels. Moses encountered them during his visit to Heaven.

Xaphan or Xaphon (Zephon)

Xaphan is a fallen angel ranked second in Hell. Satan welcomed him into the rebellion because of the inventiveness of his imagination. It was his suggestion that the rebels set alight to Heaven, but they were thrown into the abyss before they could do it. They will fan the furnaces for eternity.

Xathanael (Nathanael)

Please see Nathanael.


Xexor is a benevolent angel often invoked during conjurations, according to ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.


According to ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’, Xomoy is a benevolent angel invoked in conjurations.


A benevolent angel invoked during conjurations, according to ‘The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses’.


Yaasriel is an angel found in Jewish beliefs who rules the “seven holy pencils”. He is constantly engaged in writing the Ineffable name of God.


Yabbashael is one of the angelic princes of the Earth – there are seven in total.

Yadiel (Yadael)

Please see Yadael.

Yael (Yale, Yehel)

Yael is one of the angels of the throne, and he can be invoked during rituals at the close of the Sabbath.


Yahadriel is one of the mouths created the night before the Sabbath. The other are “the mouth of the lord” and Kadriel.


Yahala is an angelic guardian of the gates to the West Wind.

Yahanaq Rabba

Yahanaq Rabba is an angelic guardian of the gates to the East Wind.

Yahel (Yael)

This angel’s name was inscribed on the fourth pentacle of the moon. He is also listed in “The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses” as one of the fifteen throne angels.

Yahoel (Yaho, Jehoel, Jaoel)

The angel Yahoel is equated with the great angel Metatron. He taught the Torah to Abraham and guided him on Earth and in Heaven.


This powerful angel of Occultism is often equated with Yahoel.

Yahriel (Yehra, Yarheil, Zachariel)

The angel Yahriel rules over the moon, and his name translates to “moon” in Hebrew.


One of the angel Metatron’s many names.


An angelic guardian of the Seventh Heaven.

Yalda Bahut

Sometimes known as Ariel, Yalda Bahut is one of seven Gnostic archons.


Yamenton can be invoked in the blessing of the salt, and he is an angel of Kabbalistic beliefs.


An angel of Mandaean lore.


An angelic guardian of the gates to the East Wind.


Please see Yahriel.


Yaron is a Seraph or a Cherub invoked in the consecration of the Salt, according to ‘The Greater Key of Solomon’.


The name of this angel is inscribed on the first pentacle of the moon.

Za'afiel (Za'aphiel)

Za'afiel is an angel of destruction. God appointed him to handle mortal sinners, and he rules over hurricanes. He is also the fifth of the unholy Sephiroth, and some believe that he is good as well as evil.

Zaamel (Za'amiel)

Zaamel is the sixth of the unholy Sephiroth, and he presides over storms.


This name described lesser angels of Arabic lore who serve the Malik.


The surname of this angel is Kunya, one of the fourteen ineffable names of God, according to 'The Sword of Moses'.


Zabesael is one of the angels of the seasons.


The angel Zabkiel rules over the Hashmallim.


One of seven archangels, Zacharael is a regent of the order of Dominations and a ruler of the Second Heaven. He is listed in the Kabbalah as belonging to the order of Powers and as one of Jupiter's rulers. He was described as an Egyptian spirit and a ruler of Thursday by Paracelsus.


Zacharel is an angel of the seventh hour of the night, and he serves beneath Mendrion.


Please see Zacharael.

Zachiel (Zadkiel)

Zachiel is one of the rulers of the Sixth Heaven.


Zacjriel is an angelic ruler of memory.

Zaciel Parmar

Zaciel Parmar is the leader of the fallen angels.


This angel can be summoned during the exorcism of the bat, according to 'The Greater Key of Solomon'.


Zada is a ministering angel used in conjurations, as referenced in 'The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses;.


Please see Zadkiel.


Zaday is one of the angels of the planets.


Zades is an Occult angel who can be invoked in the exorcism of wax, according to 'The Greater Key of Solomon'.


This angel can be invoked in Syriac conjurations.

Zadkiel (Tzadkiel, Zidekiel, Zadakiel, Zedekiel)

Zadkiel is the angel of mercy. He is a prince of both Sagittarius ad Jupiter, as well as prince of Dominations. Alongside Gabriel he rules the Shinanim and he is also an archangel. He is one of Heaven's nine regents and 'The Zohar' describes him as one of the chiefs who assists Michael in battle. He can be invoked to give good memory.

Zadykiel (Zadkiel)

The angel of Jupiter.

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