
Saturday, November 9, 2013

0 / XXII / Unnumbered : The Fool

The Fool

Carefree · Foolish · Important decisions · New beginnings · Optimistic
The Fool
The Fool Tarot card

The Fool's Meaning

The Fool is a very powerful card in the Tarot deck, usually representing a new beginning -- and, consequently, an end to something in your old life. The Fool's position in your spread reveals which aspects of your life may be subject to change. The Fool portends important decisions ahead which may not be easy to make, and involve an element of risk for you. Approach the changes with optimism and care to gain the most positive outcome.


The risks you have taken and your original thinking have brought you success. By doing things in a new way, you have allowed for great potential.


At this moment, you are entering a new phase of life. The experience of this change may seem good or bad now, but its influence will be clearer in the future. Assessing the risks is crucial to making the right choice.


In order to succeed, you must find new ways to bring about the achievement of your goals. When the opportunity comes, you must be willing to shed old habits and if it never comes, it may be time to create it for yourself with new methods.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Fool represents new beginnings and carefree adventure. Though this card could indicate foolishness, it is more optimistic in the sense that it stands for pure actions and being free from the constraints of your present life. More than likely, there are important decisions coming your way, and the answer to your question is yes.

Key Dates, Timing, and Astrology.


No key dates: ruled by Uranus

Tarot Cards - The Fool

The Fool (Le Mat)
The Spirit of the Aether

Card Number: 0 / 22
Key Number: 11
Rulership: Air
Hebrew Letter: Aleph
Translation: Ox
Numerical Value: 3
Divinatory meaningUpright - Beginnings, most probably of journeys which may be possibly mental, physical or spiritual.  The beginning of a new life-cycle.  Energy, force, happiness and optimism.  The overturning of the status quo or existing states by unexpected happenings.  Innocence, naivety, and spontaneity.  Important decisions to be made.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Ill advised risks, impulsive action, choices and rash decisions.  Foolishness, gambling, instability and the wasting or frittering way of creative energy.  A bad time for commitments and can be an indication of someone who starts many new things but never finishes them.  They may also consistently seek changes in their environment or job.

Fool Card Symbols

The fool in colorful motley clothes, pack tied to a staff, a small dog, a cliff.

Fool Tarot Story

With all his worldly possessions in one small pack, the Fool travels he knows not where. So filled with visions, questions, wonder and excitement is he, that he doesn't see the cliff he is likely to fall over. At his heel a small dog harries him (or tries to warn him of a possible mis-step). Will the Fool learn to pay attention to where he's going before it's too late?

Fool Tarot Card Meaning

At #0 (or, in some decks, #22, the last card as much as the first of the Majors) the Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he needs to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning.
But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. While it's wonderful to be enthralled with all around you, excited by all life has to offer, you still need to watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.

Thirteen's Observations on the Fool

As a card, the Fool ultimately stands for a new beginning often involving a literal move to a new home or job. The querent (meaning the sitter, or the one asking the cards for advice) might be starting to date again, or trying out some new activity. There's more than just change here, there is renewal, movement, and the energy of a fresh start.
In the Tarot, cards like The Magician or The Hermit can often stand for the querent or for someone in the querent's life. The Fool, however, usually stands for the querent, himself. They are back at zero, whether that be in romantic affairs, or career, work or intellectual pursuits. Far from being sad or frustrated by having to start over, however, the querent feels remarkably *free*, light hearted and refreshed, as if being given a second chance. They feel young and energized, as excited as a child who has discovered a new toyshop. Who knows what they will find on the shelves?
In addition, they likely have no idea where they're going or what they're going to do. But that doesn't matter. For the Fool, the most important thing is to just go out and enjoy the world. To see what there is to see and delight in all of it.
Unfortunately, this childlike state can make one overly optimistic or naive. A Fool can be a Fool. That business opportunity might not be so surefire or amazing as it seems, and that new lover might not be so flawless.
Like the Fool, you might be so busy sightseeing and imagining the possibilities that you completely miss the fact that you're about to go right off a cliff! The card advises that one listen to that watchful little dog, which might be a concerned friend, a wise tarot reader, someone harassing you from the sidelines, or just your instincts. However exciting new beginnings may be, you still have to watch your step.

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