
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

146. Ojibwe syllabary



James Evans, a Wesleyan missionary working at Norway House in Hudson's Bay, invented a syllabary for the Ojibwe language in about 1840. He had tried to produce a Latin-based orthography for Ojibwe, but eventually gave up and came up with a syllabary, based partly on Pitman shorthand.
Evans' syllabary for Ojibwe consisted of just nine symbols, each of which could be written in four different orientations to indicate different vowels. This was sufficient to write Ojibwe, but Evans' superiors were not keen on his invention and would not allow his to use it. He later adapted it to write Cree.

Notable features

  • Each sign can be written facing four different directions which indicate the vowel attached to it
  • The finals are used to write stand-alone consonants
  • There are considerable variations in the way the symbols are written
Ojibwe is an Algonquian language spoken on by about 50,000 people in the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and by about 30,000 people in the US states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota. The Ojibwe syllabary is used mainly in Canada, while in the USA the Latin alphabet is prefered for writing Ojibwe.
The Ojibwe langauge has a number of names, including Anishinaabemowin (ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ) and Ojibwemowin (ᐅᒋᐺᒧᐎᓐ). The Ojibwa people call themselves Anishinaabeg (ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒃ)

Ojibwe syllabary

Ojibwe syllabary

Sample text (unpointed)

Sample text in Ojibwe (unpointed)

Sample text (pointed)

Sample text in Ojibwe (pointed)


Kakinawenen kapimatisiwat nitawikiwak tipenimitisowinik mina tapita kiciinetakosiwin kaye tepaketakosiwin. Otayanawa mikawiwin kaye nipwakawin minawa tash ciishikanawapatiwapan acako minowiciwitiwinik.
Source (pointed text):


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Tower of Babel in Ojibwe


Introduction to Ojibwe
Ojibwemowin Zagaswe'idiwin (Ojibwe Langauge Society)
Information about the Ojibwe language and orthography
Ojibwe writing systems
Ojibwe language
Ojibwa people

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