
Sunday, June 30, 2013

5. Kepribadian Berdasarkan Bentuk Hidung

Hidung juga tak hanya sekedar bagian tubuh saja. Hidung yang memiliki berbagai bentuk itu dapat membantu seseorang membaca karakter orang yang ditemui.
Saat berkenalan dengan seseorang yang baru saja dikenal, biasanya sikap was-was akan terasa. Untuk menebak bagaimana karakter orang tersebut, mari kita lihat kepribadiannya berdasarkan bentuk hidung

Bentuk hidung besar
Orang dengan bentuk hidung yang besar biasanya cepat tersinggung. Ia sangat sensitif dan mudah berpikir negatif terhadap orang lain. Nafsu seksualnya sangat besar dan biasanya pemalas. Ia lebih suka tidur ketimbang bersosialisasi atau melakukan kegiatan di luar rumah.
Bentuk hidung besar di bagian bawah
Biasanya orang yang memiliki bentuk hidung seperti ini tidak pandai menyimpan uang. Ia cenderung suka berbelanja dan sangat royal pada keluarga maupun sahabat-sahabatnya. Ia juga sosok yang pemimpi dan suka berkhayal dan berandai-andai.
Bentuk hidung agak besar dan mancung
Punya bentuk hidung seperti ini biasanya ia cenderung angkuh dan pemilih saat berteman. Ia seringkali memikirkan diri sendiri dan tega melakukan banyak hal untuk kepentingan dirinya.
Bentuk hidung agak besar dan pesek
Biasanya orang seperti ini pelit dan tidak punya inisiatif. Ia selalu menunggu dan mengandalkan orang lain dalam berbagai hal. Ia tidak mandiri dan umumnya ingin enaknya sendiri.
Bentuk hidung agak besar dan bulat di bagian ujung
Orang ini gengsinya besar. Tidak suka dianggap remeh dan tidak suka direndahkan. Ia ingin selalu dihargai dan dihormati oleh siapapun. Terkadang ia menunjukkan sikap angkuh dan tidak mudah meminta maaf.
Bentuk hidung agak kecil
Ia orang yang cerdas dan pintar. Sayangnya hidupnya banyak menderita dan bertemu dengan masalah. Ia kerap menangis dan bersedih karena banyak hal yang terjadi di dalam hidupnya.
Bentuk hidung sedang
Kepribadian mereka yang memiliki bentuk hidung sedang ini tulus hatinya. Ia orang yang suka menolong dan mudah iba pada orang lain. Ia cenderung tidak tegaan dan akan melakukan berbagai hal untuk orang lain bahagia.
Bentuk hidung mancung agak runcing
Biasanya orang ini pandai bicara dan memiliki banyak teman di mana-mana. Ia tak pernah takut bepergian sendiri karena ia akan dengan mudah menemukan teman di perjalanan. Ia orang yang sportif, tidak suka membicarakan keburukan orang lain dan suka hal-hal yang sederhana.
Bentuk hidung lubang hidung lebar
Orang ini cenderung sirik dan suka menginginkan milik orang lain. Ia adalah orang yang kurang bersyukur dan selalu melihat orang lain itu lebih dalam segala hal. Ia sulit sekali bahagia karena hidupnya tidak tenang.
Bentuk hidung lubang hidung kecil
Biasanya orang ini pikirannya berubah-ubah. Ia mudah tergoda akan berbagai hal termasuk dalam hal asmara. Ia juga termasuk orang yang boros dan tak bisa menyimpan uang. Ia akan gelisah jika tidak melakukan hal yang membuatnya puas.
  • Hidung pendek menunjukkan bakat kerja keras.
  • Hidung panjang menunjukkan keterampilan perencanaan dan strategi yang istimewa.
  • Hidung lurus menunjukkan sistematis.
  • Hidung melengkung mengungkapkan kreativitas.
  • Hidung berjendul menunjukkan pekerjaan anda maju mundur.
  • Hidung besar menunjukkan kemampuan mencari uang.
  • Jika lubang hidung lebih tertutup daripada terbuka, orang ini berkemungkinan lebih besar mempertahankan kekayaannya.
Ahli kepribadian percaya bahwa bentuk hidung dapat mengungkap kepribadian Anda dikutip Dari Simon Brown, penulis buku The Secrets of Face Reading, mencoba menganalisis apa kata bentuk hidung mengenai Anda. 

Cute ... Marilyn Monroe's turned-up nose

Ciri-ciri : Tulang hidung panjang, lekukan jelas hampir seperti cekungan, dan mencuat di ujung tulang hidung. 
Analisis : Tipe hidung yang imut ini menandakan Anda orang yang baik hati, optimis, dan perhatian. Pribadi Anda juga penuh dengan antusiasme dan sangat suportif pada keluarga dan teman. Tidak lupa Anda juga menyimpan jiwa petualang dalam seks. 
Contohnya : Aktris Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, dan Victoria Beckham. 

Ciri-ciri : Tipe hidung ini memiliki benjolan kecil mulai dari pertengahan tulang hidung yang mengarah ke ujung bawah hidung. 
Analisis : Tipe ini merupakan sinyal kepribadian yang kuat, tapi tidak selalu impulsif. Anda orang yang memotivasi orang lain, berpengaruh dan penuh perhitungan. 
Contohnya : Presiden Perancis, Nicolas Sarkozy, Penyanyi Bono (U2). 

Ciri-ciri : Tulang hidung panjang, lurus, dan terkesan kuat. Jika dilihat sudut yang terbentuk antara ujung hidung dan bibir atas membentuk sekitar 80 derajat, atau mendekati sudut siku-siku. 
Analisis : Anda adalah orang yang efisien, pekerja keras, dan orang yang menjaga emosi sehingga sulit untuk dimengerti. Anda adalah orang yang dicari saat terjadi krisis. 
Contohnya : Mantan perdana menteri Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher. 

Ciri-ciri : Tipe hidung ini menyerupai kaitan atau paruh burung elang yang melengkung di punggung hidung. 
Karakter : Tipe ini yang paling peduli dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain tentang Anda. Berjiwa pemberontak, tidak membutuhkan persetujuan orang lain, dan paling bahagia ketika mengejar tujuan pribadi. 
Contohnya : Paris Hilton, dan penyair Dante Alighieri. 

Ciri –ciri : Tipe ini sama dengan hidung pesek. Bertulang pendek, dan tidak ada bagian yang menonjol. 

The nose is especially believed to reveal crucial clues about your character.

The physical construction of the nose, including factors such as elevation, depression, elongation and diminution, can be interpreted to reveal your potential, intention and behaviour.

Physiognomist Dr Prem Gupta talks about the different types of noses and the personality traits associated with them. ► Pig nose 

As the name suggests, it appears to be like that of a pig’s

Personality Traits

A pig nose is generally associated with greed. You have an insatiable desire to acquire materialistic things and live the good life.

You are selfish at times but can be duped easily by others.

You also have an intellectual bent and are a perfectionist at work.
► Parrot nose 

Hooked in shape, it looks like that of a parrot’s beak

Personality Traits

If you are an owner of a parrot nose, you are lucky. You have the potential to rise with your own effort. You are an opportunist and a quick-thinker. You think differently from others and often appear the rebel. But you are sensitive about what others think of you.
► Straight nose 

It’s the perfect nose that runs straight from forehead to tip without indentation

Personality Traits

If you have a straight nose, you are smart and clever. It’s easy to impress you with logic. Foolhardiness doesn’t go down with you well.

You like to play innocent in front of others but are not. It takes time for people to know the real you. You prefer harmony and feel out of place in a discordant atmosphere.
► Arched or Aquiline nose 

Many of the Mughal rulers of India had an arched nose. It has a prominent bridge and is long in length with an outward curve, neither pointing inwards nor outwards

Personality Traits

The nose denotes a strong will power and the ability to take decisions independently. You have a very influential personality and an artistic temperament.

You are not impulsive and elegance appeals to you. But you are also a snob by nature.

You often look down upon others for their incapacity to match with your standard of living and thinking.
► Downward-pointed nose 

This one is sharp and pointed at the tip. The tip of the nose points towards the lips. It almost looks like an arrow head.

Personality Traits

You are short-tempered and do not settle for anything without an argument. You are prone to think that the world is conspiring against you.

You are a sharp observer but because of your suspicious nature you draw skewed conclusions from situations. You are impatient and impulsive.

You are dexterous at your work but become jealous if someone does better than you.
► Upward-pointed nose 

It has a concave curve and is turned up at the tip. It looks like a ski-jump.

Personality Traits

You are a very moody person. It’s difficult to predict what you will like and what you won’t. You might say yes to something but the next moment you will change your mind.

You are intuitive by nature and a good judge of character.

You are also adventurous and friendly. With money, you are carefree and spend without thinking.

► Snub or Short nose 

Everything about the nose appears small including the length of the bridge, narrow nasal passage and small nostrils

Personality Traits

You are an amiable person. You like to do everything the tried and tested way.

Taking risk doesn’t fall under your umbrella.

Sometimes you can be a bad listener and find it hard to see another person’s point of view.

► Plump or fat nose 

It is big and fleshy and broad at the base. Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s nose fits this description

Personality Traits

You are dominating and do not like to take orders. You live life on your terms and think big. Doing small tasks is not your thing.

At times you can become too controlling and can get easily offended. Your luck with money is good. You like to splurge and indulge in luxuries.
► Flat nose 

It looks like it’s been squashed, like the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali’s.

Personality Traits

You are brave, aggressive and trustworthy.

Your brain functions faster than the average person. On the flip side, you may fall into controversies because of your aggressive nature and may have to struggle to reach you goals. 
►Bump nose 

Has a speed-breaker like bump in the middle

Personality Traits

This type of nose signifies you have a strong personality. You are a good negotiator. However, you are not respectful of other people’s opinion.

You can become aggressive to put your point across.

• Physical construction of the nose can be interpreted to reveal your potential and behaviour

Noses give insight about how people sustain themselves. It indicates the amount of energy a person has and their work style.The tip of a person’s nose offers insight to their attitudes about money. The bigger the tip, the greater the concern with money.The size of the nostrils gives clues about the flow of energy and how we spend money.

Located in the middle of our face, the nose is also in the center of our emotional life. While the eyes can see very far away and the ears can hear also from long distance the nose though it can smell from a certain distance is more focus in gathering middle distance information. (The mouth catch intimate information as well as the skin does). The nose is less mobile that the eyes or the mouth, its activity is limited to the aisles.

The nose of an individual includes the nose-bridge which is used to determine his ego. An ego is what the person thinks about himself, and is judged by either a higher or lower level. The size of the nose along with its width is also used to determine the "self image" a person may have in his mind. Therefore, people with short, small, wide, large, long, thin, turned up and turned down noses are all analyzed in different ways.

The attitude and the wealth of a person is revealed by the size of one's nose. According to face readers, the size of the nose is the indication of wealth and also the attitude of a person with regards to financial issues. An ideal nose has a high and straight nose bridge and a fleshy nose tip.The ages of 40 to 50 are ruled by the nose. 

The Nose Consists of Several Features.

 Size of Nose:
  • A Big Nose                      
  • Small Nose
  • Long Nose
  • Short Nose
Shape of Nose:
  • Straight Nose
  • Turned-up Nose
  • Hooked Nose
  • Roman Nose
  • Wavy Nose
Size of the Nostrils:
  • Flat and wide Nose
  • Nubian Nose
  • Snub Nose
Tip of the Nose:
  • Pointed Nose
  • Rounded Nose
Big Nose: Big noses can have short or long bridge for the nose. These have wider tips with larger nostrils. If you think that your big nose makes you look bad or if you don't really like its shape then cheer up because according to face reading your big nose can help you leave a better impression!
The bigger the nose, the more power, ego, drive, leadership, and desire to work independently. People with big noses hate receiving orders and like being their own bosses. They don't like doing small tasks and prefer making bigger contributions than others. That's why these people will hardly ever be your bar tenders or your receptionists. People with big noses like to move higher in ranks and may fight for them.
 People with big noses get bored easily from systematic and repetitive work. If you are a manager then handing off donkey work to these people would be a great mistake.   

Small noses as the name suggests are smaller in length and width. The tip in this case is neither flat nor round. People with small noses don’t care to be leaders. They are best in group activities where they use their creative imaginations and spontaneity. Their challenge is that they can be naïve visionaries, impatient for results. This leads to frustration, which can lead to temper outbursts. Even so, they do think of others and are always willing to help out for the greater good, usually making the task fun. They love to play and have to love what they do in order to work hard.A person with a small nose does not have problems dealing with repetitive and systematic work. You are most likely to find secretaries and people who work in similar jobs having small noses. Of course they may get bored of routine work but not as fast as a big nosed fellow will.

Long Nose: The person with the longest nose or whose nose sticks out the most is usually in control of the money. The longer your nose, the prouder you are, and for good reason. You have a good nose for business, common sense, a healthy sense of ambition, great instincts, and people respond positively to your leadership. Your biggest problems are often derived from your greatest strengths. Your tendency to resent those who do not show appreciation for all of your tireless efforts can cause dissension in the workplace. Be careful not to look down your lovely long nose at those who do not have the same natural sense of fairness and justice that you have. And remember, family life does not need to run with the same efficiency as your work life. In fact, it shouldn’t. Trust that having fun is good for you and your family.

Short-nosed people are loyal and compassionate, but generally short on drive and ambition. They just don’t have the emotional stamina to thrive in competitive conditions and are often wary and overwhelmed by those who have strong egos and drive. They like the results that the aggressive types get, and this can lead to frustration, even resentment, and a rough time committing to anything.
You're idealistic, extremely kind and highly sensitive. Your emotional sensitivity and child-like sweetness endear you to people. Because you're often on the defensive, you're not easy to get to know well. You have a dislike of anything that's different, and in times of trouble you close in on yourself (even though the problem is often in your head!). 

Straight Nose: Such a nose has basically no curvature or any form of depression in the center and usually has a pointed tip. These are also known as the Greek nose. These generally have narrow nostrils and are considered to be very appealing!
People with straight noses are considered to be very clever and helpful in nature. A straight nose shows methodical discipline. A straight nose is linked with success in life. A woman with a straight nose indicates she is intelligent, witty, wise as well as full of perseverance. These people respect logic. When communicating with them, avoid everything that is not clear and logical and stick to the facts. Try avoiding emotional appeals and have good answers when they question something.

Turned-up Nose: It’s a long, curved, almost-concave slope with a slight upward peak at the tip.People with these types of nose shapes are often very optimistic, kind and have a character that is full. Friends and family of people who have a turned up nose shape will enjoy the love, support and nurturing personalities of these people. They have much enthusiasm that does not seem to end for new things as well as experiences. This is a characteristic of sexual adventures people though they still take marriage very well. An upturned nose indicates someone of a sentimental nature. You are very affectionate and caring and you love being appreciated and cared for in return. You also tend to be very generous.

Hooked Nose: This type of nose has a deep hook at the tip, pointing downwards towards your lip. The shape of the ridge is often curved. If you viewed such a nose from a profile view, you will notice it is much like the beak of a hawk.A person with a nose like this one has the same characteristics as that of a big-nosed person but with a bit of exaggeration. To get along with such a person make sure you respect him and make him feel important. They don’t seek approval, are often rebellious and are most happy when pursuing their own goals.People who have hawk type of a nose shape always follow their own path and they are not influenced by masses. This is one of the unique things about personalities with these types of nose.People with this kind of nose are most happy when pursuing their own projects or goals.

Roman Nose: An aquiline nose has a prominent bridge. The bridge is either curved or bent. This is also known as the Roman nose and appears like a hook because of the bridge of the nose. People with an aquiline nose are said to be very headstrong and ambitious in nature. People with this type of nose shape are often great leaders. The nose types signify people who do not do things impulsively and they have a very strong personality. Though they are good at influencing other people, they do not rush to making decisions. They easily rally people to take action and efficiently organize things. They are not aggressive.People with this type of nose are carefully measured. They don't rush into decisions and are very good at influencing others. It signals a strong personality but not an impulsive one. Often efficient organizers, they are good at rallying people to take action. They are very rarely aggressive.

Wavy Nose: A wavy nose can be noticed because it has a typical bump at the tip of the nose. These therefore appear larger at the tip. People with wavy noses are considered to be very fun-loving in nature. Wavy type of nose shape mainly results from deformities or injuries. They are characterized warped shapes if viewed from view or bumpy or humpy shapes if you used lateral view. Other than injury, wavy nose type could be as a result of genetics and it is at times called the boxer or saddle. Check out the nose type Owen Wilson has. It is wavy. People with way nose are considered to be fun loving when it comes to their personalities.

Flat and wide Nose: This type of nose shape is commonly found in the African American and the Asian. The nose type has nostrils, which are flared and wide with a bridge that is very short and a tip that is round. Around this features their might be some small variations though the mentioned features are the most striking. It does not have contours that are sharp and has a bridge that is very short.Though the people who have flat nose are said to be very helpful, they are a little hot tempered and you need to be careful when dealing with them. This is what their personalities are, when it comes to money they like to spend, the wider the nostrils the more self-reliant the person is.

Nubian Nose: This type of nose shape is often very long and has a base that is very wide. It is the kind of nose that Barrack Obama has People with Nubian nose are always seeking for new ways to approach issues, are very curious and open minded.

These make them to be charismatic and they often draw people to themselves when it comes to their personalities. They are very expressive emotionally and at times the emotions can be overwhelming. If you have been looking at people who have the Nubian type of nose, you must have surely noticed some of the discussed personalities in them.
Those with Nubian noses are always thinking of new ways to approach problems and are instigators of change.

Snub Nose: These types of nose shapes are generally smaller in size and they tend to be turned up too. In most cases, the tip of the nose is neither flat nor round and their tip that is slightly upturning brings an impression of a very snobbish person. 
Wayne Rooney and Muhammad Ali are perfect examples of people who have Snub nose. People with this type of nose are often quick-witted and more street-wise than your average person. They react quickly — sometimes too quickly, which can sometimes lead to aggression. If, from the side view, the nose is concave with a round tip, then this person has a helper's nose. He is called the helper because he has a natural tendency to help others. He may join charity groups for the satisfaction he feels when he does these kinds of activities. The only draw back is that he is sometimes taken advantage of by his friends. Chinese face readers believe snub-nosed people make attentive partners. Prefers romantic sex in traditional positions, rarely tries erotic experiments.

Pointed Nose: Do you have a thin nose that is particularly sharp and pointed? Then you have a great nose for news. With your natural inquisitiveness and probing nature, you would make a great investigative reporter. Or at least a popular person in your social and work groups because you know all the stories and fine details about everyone and everything. People with pointy tipped noses tend to be very curious individuals. They are fascinated by learning new things and love asking "why?" You will usually go a long way to understand things in great detail. It also can potentially indicate a less trusting nature in some people.

Rounded Nose:

If the nose tip is round when this person observed from a front view then is nosy!! He likes to know about everything that is going on and he may try to get all information out of you. Don't make him feel like you are hiding something if you want to get along with him. What's pretty funny is that the word nosy here is related to the nose which shows that this word may have had a face reading origin.
rounded nose belongs to the material girls or boys. They are not greedy, but they appreciate things of quality. They would rather go without than put up with an inferior substitute 

Different Types of Noses

Each of us is born with a nose shape that is possibly unique from another, with a lot or a few people in the world who carry the same type. Studies have identified about 14 kinds of nose shapes that varied ethnicities carry, where some are a rare kind. Let's take a deeper look at the different types of noses that we have.
We all have a different body shape and size, where our noses are just one such feature that stands out. While many of us ignore what our noses look like, there are many people who can't take their eyes off this most prominent part of their face. For this, there's a surgical procedure known as rhinoplasty, where professionals alter the contours of a nose to make it less unappealing. Many of us are familiar with how Rachel from the hit sitcom Friends drastically alters her beak-like nose. Similarly, those who can afford to put themselves through such a surgery are altering how their noses look.

It's no secret that the nose apart from our other features, highlights the face in a way that can either make one look good, or not. Our features come together in unison to create a look that is either stunning or less attractive. While some of us have pretty eyes and a strong jawline, others have enviable nose shapes that are perfectly proportioned.

How to Judge One's Personality by Nose Shape

How your nose dips and twists says a lot about who you are (apparently). Let's take a look at how your nose can reveal your true self; a little bit if not entirely.

 Large: Materialistic, energetic
 Small: Timid, loner
 Straight: Systematic, good leader
 Slightly upturned: Social butterfly, lucky within social circles
 Wide (with a slight bump or flat): Independent, expressive
 Hook-shaped: Powerful, gutsy
 Long: Stressed, respectful
 Pointed: Self-assured, inquisitive
 Snubbed: Immature, friendly
 Thin: Finicky, out-of-control

Different Types of Noses Among Men and Women

The Lenin nose is broad (much like an inverted triangle) with flared nostrils. Example: Samuel L. Jackson

'The Aquiline' nose gently slopes along the middle, with nostrils that are perfectly shaped. Example: Daniel Radcliffe

The Snub nose is small and button-like, with a slight widening that gives it an adorable look. Example: Wayne Rooney

The Celestial nose is a pretty one, with a subtle upturned tip. This Tinkerbell-like nose is quite an angelic feature. Example: Carey Mulligan

The Redknapp nose is large but not the kind that attracts unwanted attention. It's sturdy and just the right size to complete a strong-featured face.

The Rumpole nose is imposing and quite large. It has a protruding end that borders on fleshy. It is said that only one in 200 have such a nose.

The Hawk nose as the name suggests, is beak-like and slightly curvy towards the end. It isn't an attractive feature, but for a pretty face, it can be.

The Mirren nose gets its name from the famous actress Helen Mirren. It's a pointed feature that is usually long and straight.

The Roman nose is one of the most attractive kinds among both men and women. It is straight, almost flawless, and ends with a soft curvy tip.

The Nixon nose is a feature that spells extraordinaire with its straight bridge, curvy edge and wide nostrils. It is named quite aptly after the prolific ex-president of the US, Richard Nixon.

The Fleshy nose is a large feature with an excess of 'flesh' that makes up its bulk. It is one of the most common noses spotted in research. Example: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The Tara nose is a rare sight to behold where it is uneven-looking at first sight. The bumpiness of the nose's contours is what makes it a unique feature. Example: Owen Wilson

The Greek nose tops the list as the most beautiful of nose varieties. Models usually have this powerful feature that complements the rest of their face. Example: Cesc Fàbregas

The Duchess nose is a striking feature that sets off a kind of aural beauty. The straight-edged nose is rightly named so after Kate Middleton.

The Face Reveals All

For centuries, philosophers like Aristotle and Socrates including world-renowned astronomer Pythagoras and Swiss pastor Johann Kaspar Lavater, believed that one's facial features governed an individual's personality traits. This was (and is still) known as physiognomy and was the basis for many years, in judging the character of a person when it came to varied instances. One such incident supports this belief between the years 1936-1945, where a physiognomist named Yoshita Mizuno was hired to examine candidates that he thought was worthy to join the Naval Air Corps. He was able to predict their efficiency with an astounding 80% accuracy.

Today we have what is known as personology where researchers from companies like The International Center of Personology and the Personology Research & Development Center, Inc., strongly believe the power of one's facial features as the foundation of their characteristic roots. It is an in-depth science that reveals certain aspects of one's nature that will stun, baffle, and illuminate those who wish to know more about themselves, in great detail. Many researchers have extensively studied the correlation between the two, concluding that there is indeed a link. While others squash such claims, such companies are going strong with their findings.

The nose may seem like an insignificant feature to us all, but it is actually a very important part of our face. There are ways on how to take attention away from a nose that one isn't happy with, like using makeup or styling hair in a particular manner. While rhinoplasty is an extreme alternative, it is nonetheless a reliable option.

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