
Sunday, June 30, 2013

3. Kepribadian Berdasarkan Bentuk Wajah- Physiognomy

Melihat kepribadian seseorang memang merupakan aktivitas menarik dan menyenangkan. Wajah seseorang seringkali dapat menggambarkan pemiliknya. Bila Anda mengenal seseorang yang sulit ditebak, mungkin ada baiknya Anda mulai menganalisa kepribadian orang tersebut lewat bentuk wajahnya.
Membaca kepribadian dari bentuk wajah ini cukup populer di Cina karena dipercaya dapat mencerminkan karakter seseorang. Bahkan tidak hanya wajah, bagian-bagian dalam wajah juga bisa memperlihatkan cerminan diri kita lho. Misalnya melihat kepribadian melalui alis, atau juga dengan melihat kepribadian dari bentuk bibirnya. Nah, mari kita telusuri makna di balik bentuk wajah seseorang,
1. Wajah Bulat
Seseorang yang memiliki wajah bulat dipercaya sebagai seseorang yang cukup perasa dan perhatian. Wajah bulat tergolong dalam wajah air. Wajah ini juga menunjukkan kepandaian, menyukai hal yang praktis dan tergolong dinamis. Wajah bulat tidak selalu milik orang gemuk. Psstt.. Pria dengan wajah bulat katanya memiliki imajinasi seks yang cukup tinggi. Meski begitu mereka dikenal sebagai orang yang konsisten dalam menjalani suatu hubungan.
Cara Mengetahui dan Membaca karakter, Sifat, maupun kepribadian melalui Wajah
Wajah Air wajah yang (berbentuk bulat atau lebar dahi relatif sama dengan lebar pipi/rahang).
Sifat air selalu mengalir dan wajah bulat tidak selalu ditemukan pada orang gemuk. Orang demikian memiliki karakter yang pandai, praktis, dinamis.
Contohnya Martha Tilaar, Jaya Suprana.
2. Wajah Kotak
Wajah kotak tergolong dalam wajah tanah. Orang seperti ini sangat ajeg dalam menegakkan prinsip sehingga tidak mudah terpengaruh orang lain. Mereka tergolong orang yang ambisius dan agresif. Sisi baiknya, orang seperti ini memiliki pemikiran yang analitis dan bisa diandalkan.
  • Wajah Tanah
    Cara Mengetahui dan Membaca karakter, Sifat, maupun kepribadian melalui Wajah
    Wajah Tanah ialah wajah yang (berbentuk kotak atau lebar dahi relatif sama dengan lebar pipi/rahang).
    Orang yang memiliki karakter wajah tanah ini lebih sering diam, tidak mudah dipengaruhi orang, membutuhkan suatu peristiwa yang mengguncang sebelum tergerakkan.
    Contohnya Thomas Alva Edison, Benny Murdani
3. Wajah Oval
Wajah oval tergolong dalam jenis wajah logam. Orang seperti ini dipercaya mampu menjadi solusi bagi banyak orang di sekitarnya. Orang berwajah oval sangat sistematis dan mau bekerja keras. Namun hal yang kurang menyenangkan dari orang berwajah oval adalah kemungkinan mereka menjadi narsis karena performa fisiknya yang bagus.
  • Wajah Logam
    Cara Mengetahui dan Membaca karakter, Sifat, maupun kepribadian melalui WajahWajah Logam (berbentuk oval).
    Logam sering dipakai sebagai sabit untuk membuka hutan. Karena itu orang logam memiliki karakter sering menjadi pelopor, pembuka jalan, tegas, disiplin, menuruti aturan, ber IQ tinggi.
    Contohnya Mark Zuckernberg, Sir Edmund Hillary.
4. Wajah Segitiga
Ada dua macam wajah segitiga. Wajah segitiga ke atas tergolong sebagai wajah api. Wajah seperti ini memiliki rahang lebih besar dari kepalanya. Orang seperti ini mampu mempengaruhi orang lain dan menyenangkan untuk dimintai saran atau solusi.
Cara Mengetahui dan Membaca karakter, Sifat, maupun kepribadian melalui Wajah
Yang dimaksud dengan bentuk Wajah Api ialah wajah yang berbentuk segitiga atau lebar dahi lebih kecil daripada lebar pipi/rahang.
Seseorang yang memiliki bentuk wajah api ini memiliki karakter yang mampu mengubah persepsi orang lain, memberikan pencerahan atau nasehat kepada orang, dan membutuhkan sesuatu untuk berkarya.
Contohnya karikaturis GM Sudharta.
Wajah bentuk segitiga ke bawah tergolong wajah kayu. Biasanya wajah seperti ini meruncing ke bawah. orang seperti ini biasanya suka belajar dan murah hati. Selain itu mereka merupakan orang yang kreatif. Sayangnya beberapa orang yang memiliki wajah segitiga sering memiliki temperamen yang mudah emosi.
Ketika bermaksud menjalin hubungan, langkah pertama yang diambil seseorang biasanya adalah mencari informasi seperti apakah sifat dan karakter mitranya itu. Mengetahui sifat dan karakter tentunya sangat penting. Salah menilai, bisa jadi keberuntungan menjauh, malah kegagalan yang didapat.

Penampilan luar mungkin oke, tetapi bagaimana penampilan dalam? Tidak dimungkiri, penampilan luar sering menjebak. Seperti kata pepatah "serigala berbulu domba", dari luar kelihatannya baik, namun ternyata hatinya kotor.

Banyak usaha yang dilakukan orang untuk memahami karakter calon kekasihnya, calon mitra bisnisnya, atau calon karyawannya. Salah satu upaya itu adalah melalui pembacaan karakter wajah. Melihat wajah merupakan cara yang paling aman dan cepat, karena wajah merupakan anggota tubuh yang biasanya pertama kali dipandang.

Lagi pula untuk melihat wajah seseorang, kita tidak perlu meminta izin dari yang bersangkutan. Berbeda misalnya jika kita ingin mengorek sifat dan karakter seseorang lewat garis tangan (palmistri) atau tulisan tangan (grafologi), kita harus berhubungan langsung dengan yang bersangkutan.

Karena berfungsi untuk mengamati "bagian luar dan dalam" seseorang, maka melihat wajah sering kali dianggap sebagai ramalan. Ramalan melalui wajah sebenarnya telah dilakukan orang sejak ribuan tahun lampau. Ada dugaan, ramalan wajah mula pertama muncul di Tiongkok dan India, kemudian dikembangkan dan dipopulerkan di dunia Barat.

Filsafat Praktis

Di dunia Barat, karakter wajah dipelajari lewat ilmu fisiognomi. Ilmu ini dianggap warisan kuno yang luar biasa ampuhnya. Banyak pakar Yunani purba mempelajari fisiognomi untuk menafsirkan berbagai sifat dan karakter melalui berbagai bentuk wajah, warna rambut, anggota badan, dan suara. Karya Aristoteles dan Hippocrates dianggap sebagai bagian dari filsafat praktis paling kuno yang secara sistematis membicarakan fisiognomi itu.

Pada masa klasik, studi fisiognomi lebih bersifat deskriptif. Perkembangan di abad pertengahan kemudian menunjukkan bahwa fisiognomi lebih mengembangkan sisi prediksi dan astrologi, bahkan sering kali masuk ke dalam sisi magis dan mitos. Saat itu, penulis-penulis bangsa Arab banyak memberikan kontribusi pada literatur fisiognomi Barat.

Pada abad ke-18 dan ke-19, fisiognomi digunakan oleh beberapa praktisi sebagai metode untuk mendeteksi kecenderungan kejahatan. Kemudian berkembang frenologi (phrenology), yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari bentuk kepala sebagai indikasi dari mental dan sifat seseorang. Franz-Joseph Gall berdasarkan analisanya secara empiris murni menyimpulkan adanya bentuk-bentuk batok kepala yang dikategorikan sebagai batok kepala "penjahat".

Demikian pula dengan Lambroso. Dia menduga ada hubungan yang erat antara sifat psikopat penjahat dengan ukuran batok kepala. Tahun 1920-an, Edward Vincent Jones, seorang jaksa, bahkan mempelajari fisiognomi untuk mencari indikator karakter penjahat lewat bentuk wajah.

Pada 1960-an, psikolog AS, Paul Ekman, menemukan bahwa wajah adalah instrumen yang sangat efisien untuk komunikasi. Dia pun beranggapan bahwa semestinya ada rumus-rumus yang mengatur cara menafsirkan wajah. "Ada pelajaran-pelajaran fundamental yang bisa dipelajari melalui wajah seseorang," katanya (Seni Membaca Wajah, Roos Woodrow dkk, 2006).

Di zaman kerajaan Romawi, membaca wajah merupakan profesi terhormat. Namun, di Inggris masa Ratu Elizabeth I, ilmu fisiognomi begitu dimusuhi, sampai-sampai Sang Ratu memberi titah, "Siapa saja yang menguasai ilmu fisiognomi atau 'imajinasi fantastik', harus ditelanjangi separuh dada dan dicambuk sampai tubuhnya babak belur," (Membaca Karakter Lewat Wajah, Lailan Young, 1997).

Senyum yang Sopan

Umumnya literatur-literatur fisiognomi yang beredar, didasarkan pada metode analisa karakter Barat yang mempertimbangkan masalah ciri-ciri fisik dan tingkah laku. Di India, pengetahuan fisiognomi seluruhnya bersumber pada kitab-kitab kuno, seperti Purana dan Samudrik Shastra.

Banyak ciri fisik wajah seseorang, termasuk bagian tubuh lain, digambarkan lewat syair-syair klasik masa Hindu, seperti dalam kitab kuno Ramayana. Sinta, misalnya, dikatakan wanita yang sempurna karena memiliki rambut yang bagus, lembut, hitam, dan seragam. Ini didukung alis mata yang tidak bertemu, gigi yang berjarak rata, serta tulang pelipis dan mata yang simetris dan berbentuk bagus. Ditambah kulit yang bercahaya dan senyum yang sopan, jadilah apa yang dimiliki Sinta itu menjadi pedoman fisiognomi India sampai sekarang.

Sedangkan suami Sinta, Rama, digambarkan memiliki wajah yang menyenangkan, leher berbentuk seperti siput, tulang lehernya sangat terbenam dalam daging dan tidak terlihat. Sementara sudut matanya mempunyai corak kemerah-merahan, suaranya dalam dan berbunyi seperti genderang. Dikatakan pula, roman muka Rama gagah berani, kulitnya halus, serta bagian da- ri tubuhnya simetris dan mempunyai tanda-tanda yang ba- ik (Menguak Rahasia Tubuh, Ashok Girish Mukherjee, 2006).

Meskipun setiap ciri-ciri fisiognomi yang beragam itu penting, tapi wajah dipandang yang paling utama dari semuanya. Wajah merupakan bagian dari anggota tubuh yang paling mudah diamati karena terlihat langsung dari luar.

Membaca Wajah

Di Tiongkok, seni membaca wajah sudah dikenal sejak zaman Confucius atau Konghucu. Namun, saat itu membaca wajah bukan untuk kepentingan ramalan, tetapi digunakan oleh para tabib sebagai alat bantu mendiagnosis suatu penyakit.

Praktik pembacaan wajah muncul pertama kali pada abad ke-6 SM. Dibandingkan metode Barat dan India, seni pembacaan wajah cara Tiongkok sangat rumit. Seorang pembaca wajah terlebih dulu harus mengklasifikasikan bentuk-bentuk wajah secara individual dengan menilai warna, ukuran, serta kecacatan tertentu pada areal wajah. Pada dasarnya, wajah dibagi menjadi 130 area. Setiap area merupakan situasi umur dan kehidupan tertentu. Dengan mengamati lima elemen siklus produktif dan destruktif (kayu, api, tanah, logam, air) dan teori yin-yang, maka seorang pembaca wajah yang terampil mampu memprediksi kejadian tertentu, mendiagnosa penyakit, atau memahami kepribadian seseorang.

Selain itu, wajah mencakup Dua Belas Istana, yakni daerah-daerah berbeda di seluruh wajah; Tiga Belas Posisi memanjang dalam satu garis dari dahi ke dagu; Dua Belas Cabang Bumi yang membentuk sebuah lingkaran di sekeliling wajah; dan Tiga Daerah Wajah berikut Lima Gunung dan Empat Sungai (Seni Membaca Wajah dan Garis Tangan, Man-Ho Kwok, 2002).

Dalam ajaran Feng Shu Tubuh, wajah dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni bagian pertama (dahi ke alis), mewakili langit; bagian kedua (alis ke ujung hidung) mewakili manusia (orang itu sendiri), dan bagian ketiga (ujung hidung ke dagu) mewakili bumi. Keadaan yang ideal adalah langit, manusia, dan bumi berada dalam keselarasan sempurna (Body Feng Shui, Chao-Hsiu Chen, 2003).

Pada dasarnya, pakar yang telah berpengalaman mampu menganalisa wajah seseorang dengan cepat dan akurat. Lewat wajah, kita dapat mengetahui kesombongan, keramahan, nasib, hasrat seksual, kejujuran, ambisi, kreativitas, kesehatan, ketekunan, kekejaman, dan lain-lain watak dari seorang manusia. Nah, jangan heran kalau ada orang yang menatap wajah Anda berlama-lama dengan serius. Mungkin dia sedang menganalisa sifat dan karakter Anda.

Ilmu fisiognomi mengenal berbagai tipe wajah. Banyaknya tipe wajah tergantung literatur yang digunakan. Fisiognomi Tionghoa, misalnya, mengenal lima tipe wajah sesuai elemen yang ada. Sebagian literatur justru membagi lagi tiap-tiap elemen menjadi dua bentuk. Maka keseluruhan tipe wajah berjumlah sepuluh.
Ada lagi yang membagi menjadi sembilan tipe wajah. Memang sah-sah saja karena ilmu fisiognomi berkembang di banyak negara, yang masing-masing memiliki kebudayaan sendiri.
Terlepas dari itu semua, mari kita mengenal 10 tipe wajah. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat buat Anda yang ingin menjalin pertemanan.
1.Tipe Bulan (Bundar)
Orang yang memiliki tipe wajah bulan adalah orang yang lebih menyukai kegiatan rohani daripada jasmani. Mirip dengan tipe wajah air menurut fisiognomi Tiongkok.
Contoh pemilik wajah bulan ini adalah Deng Xiaoping.
2.Tipe Besi (bujur sangkar)
Mereka yang memiliki wajah besi atau berbentuk bujur sangkar adalah orang yang di dalam dirinya terkandung kekuatan dan kejujuran luar biasa.
Salah seorang tokoh terkenal yang berwajah bujur sangkar adalah pemimpin Perang Dunia II dari Inggris, Winston Churchill.
3.Tipe Pohon (bujur)
Jika Anda memiliki bentuk wajah bujur, itu artinya termasuk orang yang cenderung bersikap tegas dan suka berkelahi.
Shah Reza Pahlevi dari Iran
yang digulingkan oleh Revolusi Ayatollah Khomeini, merupakan pesohor yang berwajah bujur.
4.Tipe Wajah Bumi
Termasuk ke dalam kategori orang yang memiliki wajah berbentuk bumi adalah mereka yang berdahi lebar dengan rahang kuat. Mereka bersifat agresif, suka mengeluh, dan mungkin pendendam.
Raja Henry VIII dari Inggris termasuk contoh tokoh dunia yang berwajah Bumi.
5.Tipe Batu Netrit (intan)
Orang yang memiliki tipe wajah ini adalah orang yang beruntung dan suka menolong, tetapi juga kasar. Mirip dengan tipe wajah kayu dari fisiognomi Tiongkok.
Contohnya adalah mendiang Lady Diana.
6.Tipe Wajah Api (segitiga terbalik)
Orang yang memiliki bentuk wajah api termasuk orang yang cerdas, sensitif, dan ambisius. Dalam fisiognomi Tiongkok termasuk tipe wajah kayu.
Ratu Elizabeth adalah salah satu pemilik wajah ini.
7.Tipe Ember (berdahi lebar dan lonjong pada sisinya)
Orang yang berwajah ember biasanya bersifat baik hati, periang, dan giat bekerja.
Maestro lukis Pablo Picasso termasuk kelompok orang berwajah ember.
8.Tipe Raja (dahi, tulang pipi, rahang yang menonjol)
Orang ini cenderung memerintah dan tidak dapat bersahabat.
Aktor terkenal Robet Redford termasuk orang dalam kategori berwajah raja ini.
9.Tipe Dinding (wajah lebar dan rendah)
Mereka yang memiliki wajah ini bersifat rendah diri, pemarah, dan tidak konsisten (tidak berpendirian).
Contohnya diktator Uganda Idi Amin Dada.
10.Tipe berubah-ubah (tidak seimbang)
Wajah seperti ini sifatnya bergantung kepada orang lain, pekerja keras, dan cenderung doyan menasehati.
                                                                                          Contohnya aktor Dustin Hoffman.

Karakter, keberuntungan, dsb bisa dilihat dari wajah seseorang. Makanya ada ilmu yang namanya membaca wajah atau face reading. Wajahku, karakterku, itu kata orang. Hoki ada di wajah, kata yang lain. Boleh baca tulisan berikut, iseng-iseng sambil menghibur diri.

Wajah golongan tipe kurus:Rata Penuh
Ciri: wajah memanjang, berdaging tipis, badan relatif kurus, dan struktur tulang kecil.

Dalam bekerja lebih mengutamakan kemampuan otak daripada otot. Jika mengandalkan tenaga akan menemui banyak kegagalan. Cocok bekerja sebagai perancang, seniman, programer, analis, dokter, ahli hukum, peneliti.

Percintaan: pria lebih suka pada perempuan yang lebih tua, perempuan tampak anggun.
Sifat: perasaan peka, kreatif, otoriter, radikal, keras kepala.

Wajah golongan kekar:

Ciri: wajah persegi, guratan atau garis wajah jelas, struktur tulang kekar, banyak urat yang tampak.

Bersifat jujur, setia, bertanggung jawab, tidak diplomatis, bertekad kuat, pantang menyerah, cenderung emosional. Cocok bekerja sebagai montir, teknisi, berniaga, tentara, politisi, pertambangan, petani, karyawan.

Percintaan: tidak terlalu romantis, tidak suka dirayu (perempuan), tidak terlalu rewel, tidak pemilih, bukan tipe penuntut. Dalam menghadapi cobaan akan lebih tabah.

Wajah golongan gemuk:

Ciri: penampilan fisik berwajah bulat, berbadan gemuk, sedikit lamban.

Biasanya ramah, pandai bergaul, dermawan, suka mengurus diri, menikmati hidup, hidupnya tidak selalu terprogram. Cocok menjadi pengusaha sandang pangan, restoran, guru, perawat, peternakan.

Percintaan: relatif penyabar, cinta keluarga, tidak mau menyusahkan orang lain. Kurang memiliki daya juang, lebih suka pasrah terhadap nasib yang menimpa.

Mengetahui karakter bisa juga dari warna wajah:

  • Berwarna putih: tidak pandai menyimpan perasaan, tidak dapat memegang rahasia
  • Kemerah-merahan: punya semangat tinggi, suka bekerja keras
  • Kehitam-hitaman: cepat tersinggung, mudah putus asa
  • Putih agak kekuningan: agak dusun, agak cuek, tidak punya pikiran tetap
  • Merah tapi halus: kurang inisiatif, kurang begitu cerdas
  • Putih kemerahan: kelakuannya tidak dapat diduga, suka selingkuh
  • Pucat agak berminyak: hidupnya selalu menderita, kurang bahagia

Nah, kalau menurut fisiognomi Barat, tapi khusus pria begini:
  • Bulat: beruntung, suka bergaul, sosial
  • Besar, tidak proporsional: tidak beruntung

Menurut fisiognomi Barat lainnya dan fisiognomi Tiongkok, karakter seseorang bisa dilihat dari bentuk wajah dan beberapa ciri lainnya:

a. Bentuk:
  • Persegi (sama lebar, sama dalam, sama panjang): reflektif, suka merenung, mengetahui kapan harus bertindak dan kapan harus berhenti
  • Berbentuk ember: pikiran teratur, mempertimbangkan pilihan dengan seksama, kemauan dan kemampuan besar untuk mempengaruhi orang lain
  • Bulat dengan garis rambut melingkar: percaya pada mistik
  • Bagian terlebar di antara kedua tulang pipi: kemauan keras, berhasrat besar untuk mencapai target
  • Sempit dengan mata, hidung, dan mulut besar: tidak bisa diandalkan, mudah dikuasai, tidak punya kekuatan, tidak mampu berkonsentrasi
  • Jika ditambah berwajah oval atau berdagu runcing: keadaan akan semakin buruk
  • Bulat seperti bayi: mudah merasa bosan
  • Besar (+ leher tebal): vulva besar
  • Persegi (+ mata, mulut, hidung yang besar): sangat energik, tidak mudah lelah
  • Berbentuk wajik, bagian dahi dan dagu lebih sempit (berdagu lancip), tulang pipi melebar: menderita akibat prasangka yang tidak tepat, cenderung diremehkan
  • Beku (+ berwarna kulit pucat): sensitif, mudah merasa terhina, tidak punya rasa humor
  • Mirip segitiga (berdagu lancip, berdahi lebar/tinggi): selalu curiga, jarang percaya orang lain
  • Berbentuk sangat persegi: suka mengambil keuntungan dari orang lain
  • Tidak beraturan: berhati-hati
b. Rupa-rupa:
  • Sering memerah: kurang berkuasa, pencemas, tidak mampu mempengaruhi keputusan
  • Lurus memandang ke depan: dominan, penuh percaya diri
  • Zona tengah (alis mata sampai ujung hidung) lebih panjang daripada zona atas atau zona bawah: ramah, mudah bergaul
  • Berpaling ke kanan: lebih berhasil di bidang matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan
  • Berpaling ke kiri: lebih cocok di bidang klasik dan kemanusiaan, lebih menonjol di bidang ekspresi verbal dan penalaran
  • Otot berwajah tegang: bersedia berhubungan seks
  • Tulang wajah sangat nyata, persegi, bertulang pipi, rahang dan hidung menonjol: militan, dengki, suka kekerasan

The Art Of Face Reading

                  The Art Of Face Reading

An Introduction to Face Reading:

Interpretation of character and fate from the study of a person's face is called 'Physiognomy' or 'Face reading'. It is obvious that when we meet an unknown person, we try to understand his feelings by looking at his face

Your face is the mirror of your personality. Statistical results have shown that there is a strong connection between facial features and personality traits. Since thousands of years people have been trying to study the relationship between facial features and personality traits.The findings that they have reached have proven that you can judge someone's personality through his face features with a high degree of confidence.
For example, you might have noticed that people who look alike tend to behave in the same way or at least have some common behavior or traits.You may have also noticed that all young babies act the same way and that all of their facial features are almost the same (Curved forehead which reflects creativity, big cheeks which reflects energy and wide eyes for sensitivity...etc).

The saying that “the face is the index of the mind” is true because we can make out the whole personality of a person through the science of Face Reading. According to this science, human face reveals all its personality traits if read by an expert face reader. Your face is just like an open book, comprising the most unforgettable and unique feature of your traits. A skilled face reader can read each facial feature and line on a face to develop an accurate profile of its owner. Face size, lines, skin colour, spots etc. can reflect its owner's personal history, mental attitudes, intimacy needs, ethics, emotional style, and verbal communication. Roughly, if you want to know about personality of a person, it can be easily discovered through reading his or her face.

Personology is the other name for face reading. What's more interesting about face reading or personology is that the personality/facial features relation is believed to be reversible.For example, if you changed your personality traits your facial features may change too over the years. You may have noticed how, after years of marriage, married couples start to look alike; this happens because their personalities come closer and so their facial features follows.

The one thing people don't know about face reading is that it can't tell you anything about the behavior. For example i can never know that you are a shy person through face reading because that's something that you acquired as a result of your past experiences but i can certainly tell you that you are a logical thinker who prefers practical facts over intuition through face reading.


Face Reading is essentially the art of divining something about a person’s character or health simple by looking at his or her face. We all read faces and have since we were babies. You will find stored in your mind a library of faces and characters all matched up. Initially this was an essential tool to help protect you from potential predators but later you might have naturally developed it into a powerful tool to help you in all kinds of social interactions.

Much of this happens subconsciously. You could be introduced to someone at a party and your mind might notice his mouth is similar to another man you know. Without realizing it you will instinctively make initial assumptions about this person based upon your previous experiences with the man with a similar mouth.

The reason we choose to do this with faces is that they are the most exposed part of our bodies and the most revealing. Not only does the face have five distinct features; its shape, eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth but two of these; the eyes and mouth are highly mobile giving out a huge amount of interesting information about the person inside. In addition the cheeks will change colour according to the immediate emotions in a pale skinned person.

The art of face reading is therefore to take something we do intuitively and to bring it up to our conscious mind so we can do it with some consistency whenever we want. This could be applied to character readings or to gain an insight into our own or other people’s state of health.Each facial feature corresponds to an organ network in the body. The feature’s size, shape, coloring and placement is thought to reveal information about one’s health as well as certain character traits. Face readers look at lines, scars and moles, and the difference between the left side of the face(your inner self) and the right side ( the self you show the world) to piece together a holistic mind/body picture.

The personality traits revealed in a face reading aren’t meant to be thought of as positive or negative. “Each tendency is both a gift and a challenge”  . “Anger, for example, creates healthy boundaries. People who have a lot of anger also have a lot of passion. They make wonderful leaders. People whose natural gift is fear, on the other hand, examine things carefully and are known for their wisdom.”                                                                                                

                                           FACE PARTS IN DETAIL

  • THE TEETH                                           
 The information below is general and a brief overview of what your brain processes when meeting someone. 
The shape of the forehead, which covers the frontal lobe of the brain, can indicate a great deal about one’s thought process and problem solving style.

Eyebrows are powerful visual cues that create a response based on their shape, position and type, and they provide insight into a person’s mental outlook.

Eyes reflect our outlook, attitudes and level of openness. The shape, depth, size and angle tell a lot about a person’s world view. Check each eye separately. They may have slightly different shapes.

Noses give insight about how people sustain themselves. It indicates the amount of energy a person has and their work style.
The tip of a person’s nose offers insight to their attitudes about money. The bigger the tip, the greater the concern with money.
The size of the nostrils gives clues about the flow of energy and how we spend money.

Ears are the “doors” to reality. They indicate our learning style, or how we take in and process information.

Cheeks indicate personal power as perceived by others. Often, the people unconsciously respond first to a person’s cheeks.

Mouths reveal styles of expressiveness and degree of sensuality. The mouth shape (when relaxed) reveals how people listen.

Chins indicate a person’s resilience and handling of criticism.

Lines and wrinkles are badges of honor. The deeper and more noticeable, the more pronounced the quality it indicates. Lines on the left side are about personal issues, while the ones on the right relate to the outer world, include professional life. Horizontal lines on the forehead are mental development lines, indicating developed mental abilities. Diagonal lines on the forehead are mental pressure lines, developed by years of intense effort.

The 3 Zones of the Face


A full on Face Reading can reveal hundreds of vital health, behavior and personality traits. But sometimes you need to make a quick assessment of someone – including yourself – to discover innate strengths and challenges for a particular situation.
In the study of Face Reading your face is divided into three sections, or Zones. Each Zone has a defining characteristic of either mentalpractical, or emotional / instinctive.

  • Zone 1, the top part of the face, is the Mental Zone.
  • Zone 2, the middle part of the face, is the Practical Zone.
  • Zone 3, the part of the face, is the Emotional or Instinctive Zone

How to Determine the Dominant Zone
The longest of the three zones is the dominant zone.

If you divide your face to three horizontal parts, you will find that one of the parts is relatively larger than the other two parts. This dominant part can tell some information about your personality and thinking style. 

How to Measure for the Dominant Zone

  • Zone 1: Measure from the Top of the Hairline to the Top of Eyebrows.
  • Zone 2: Measure from the Top of Eyebrows to the Bottom of the Nose.
  • Zone 3: Measure from the Bottom of Nose to End of the Chin.     

What the Three Zones of Your Face Reveal

Zone Attributes

Each of the three zones has distinct and unique physical, personality and behavioral attributees.

Zone 1 is the Mental Zone and is characterized by a high, broad forehead.
Thus, people with dominant upper parts will be more interested in facts and logical thinking than others. You can call people like that thinkers and deal with him on the basis of information and facts.

  • Zone 1 people need to think. They research, deliberate and analyze all details. They make lots of lists, with lots of pros and cons, and then they study and amend their lists carefully. Decisions are not made quickly. They can go back and forth on an issue forever, and can easily talk themselves out of things – and then right back in.
  • If you rush Zone 1 people for an answer, neither of you will get what you want. If you want their true answer, give them plenty of time to think it through.
  • The brilliant 20th Century scientist Albert Einstein is an example of someone who spent much time “in his mind,” as do most people who have a dominant Zone 1.
  • The best way to communicate with Zone 1 people is to ask them what they think. Notice that even when you ask them what they feel about something, they will often answer, “I think that…”
     Zone 2 is the Practical Zone and is characterized by high eyebrows, and long noses.
People with dominant middle parts are ambitious. They strive to be better and to improve the way their life is. Such people may sacrifice lots of things for the sake of reaching their ambition or making their dreams come true.     
  ·        Zone 2 people like to save. They save time, money, and energy. They are business-oriented, efficient and always practical.
·        If the high eyebrows are the dominant feature, these Zone 2 people are more action-oriented, and they like to save time. If their long nose is featured, they truly have ‘a nose for money’ – they like to make it and to save it.
·        Always appeal to Zone 2′s common sense and assure them that they are getting the most and the best for their efforts.
·        Barbra Streisand represents the typical Zone 2 person, as she is known for her efficiency and excellent business acumen.
·        The best way to communicate with Zone 2 people is to make sure that things make sense to them.  

 Zone 3 is the Emotional, or Instinctive Zone and is characterized by a prominent chin, and/or full lips and mouth.
 People with dominant lower parts may enjoy taking physical risks. You may find people from this category to be boxers or wrestlers. These people are practical and like to see how your ideas can fit in the real physical world rather than just hearing them.
  • Zone 3 people go by their feelings and instincts. They are fast decision-makers who will decide first, and figure out why later.
  • If a long chin is the prominent feature, they are instinctive. These Zone 3 people literally feel their instincts in their solar plexus. If the lips/mouth is prominent, they are emotional, and often impulsive. They need pleasure like others need water and air.
  • Appeal to their wants, rather than their needs, as they are driven by their desires and need to be constantly fulfilled.
  • Popular comedian Jay Leno’s humor is based on gut level, instinctive observations, which is a common trait among those with a dominant Zone 3.
  • To best communicate with Zone 3 people is to determine how they feel. Ask them what they think and they will invariably tell you instead what they feel.

12 Houses Method of Face Reading

There are numerous ways to read a face in Chinese physiognomy: 3 Quarters, 8 Trigrams, 108 Spots, examining the shapes, the colours, the wrinkles and the moles, just to name a few. A master of face reading usually employs the combination of several techniques to gain multiple perspectives and perform cross-examination.
By observing the face of a person as a whole, we can get a keen idea of how his life would be in general, starting from childhood till his old age. 

 Following is a brief introduction to the 12 Houses method.

1. Fortune House (Fude Gong) 

It gives an overview of your general fortune trend. An ideal Fortune House should be round, full and smooth with no visible marks, lines or scars. Flaws in these areas reflect problems in your life, which can be in the form of bad health, distressful relationships or money troubles.

2. Parents House (Fumu Gong)

It is associated with Heaven Luck; in this regard its state is quite a testimony to the situation that your parents were in and your relationship with them. If this area is smooth and shining, the person's parents are fortunate in matters of health and career and the person's childhood is filled with happiness. If this area is indented or with dull skin color then the person's parents face troubles during his childhood.
A forehead that is wide, round and shinning speaks of a good family inheritance, a comfortable upbringing and early achievement, while a small, bony or disfigured one illustrates an uneasy childhood.


3. Career House (Guanlu Gong)

Again, being broad, round and smooth is the basic criteria to identify a good Career House. If this area is indented or hollow and dark in color, it shows the person's intelligence will not help him in his career and misfortune from his 21st to 25th years.
If on the top of that, you also have prominent cheekbones and protruding eyebrows, you shall have a great chance to achieve a great success in your chosen field.

4. House of Travel (Qianyi Gong) 

If it is in any way disfigured with scars or deep lines, you might be better off saying put. Furthermore, jobs or businesses involving transportation, tourism or import/export are, understandably, not your best choice.


5. Life House (Ming Gong) 

The key to your fortune is deposited here. Naturally, being smooth and shinny is ideal, which suggests a trouble-free life journey. If it is receded, dimpled or scared; or there are permanent horizontal lines between the brows; or eyebrows meet in the middle, you may face a bumping road ahead.  If it is firm, bright, gently rounded, then it symbolizes a successful career after 27th year of age. It represents a friendly person with positive attitude towards life. If the space between eyebrows is wide and eyebrows are thick the person earn good money and his longevity is also good. If the eyebrows are closer and there is a hair line connecting the two eyebrows, it is a sign of negative mind who is obstinate and unforgiving. If this Life region is dull or any colors found there, it represents unhappiness in career and poor health.

6. House of Siblings (Xiongdi Gong) 

Eyebrows and the areas directly above them represent it, and it also oversees your relationship with your friends and colleagues. The state of your hair has a direct connection to the physical conditions of your parents at the time when you were conceived, which means it has a lot to do with your genetic make-ups. Brows that are dark, thick, long, smooth, orderly and located high above eyes indicate a healthy hormone level that gives rise to affection, calmness and courage. If they look sparse, thin, pale, short, or chaotic, or too close to eyes, or marked with a scar, you could be tormented by your own physical or emotional states.

7. Assets House (Tianzhai Gong) 

Your eyes betray your intelligence and temperament, and the very quality of these dispositions plays important role in your asset acquisition endeavor. Good Asset Houses are constituted with eyes that are long with large pupils and clear whites, and up-eyelids that are broad and full. Deep-set or dazed eyes disclose dumbness, while recessed or narrow eyelids exhibit impatience. If the whites are colored with red streaks, and worse, if the streaks pass through a pupil, you should brave yourself for a severe storm when your financial aspect is concerned.

8. House of Marriage (Qiqie Gong) 

Being full and smooth in appearance indicates a happy marriage. A receded House however rings alarm bell on extra marital affairs. If the area bears visible spots, scars, black moles or messy lines, your marriage could be in serious trouble due to some unscrupulous conduct.

9. House of Children (Ernu Gong)

This area is closely related to cerebellum and also governs your love and sex life, so again, being full and round is better than being flat or receded. Dim moles or slant lines across the area are especially undesirable, suggesting some problems regarding your own sex life or your children’s future development.

10. Health House (Jie Going)

If the House is broken or marked with horizontal lines, or if it is stained with spots, marks or discoloration, you shall pay extra attention to your health, especially your digester system.

11. Wealth House (Caibo Gong) 

A nose that has high and straight bridge, big and round tip, full and fleshy wings, and invisible nostrils, not only indicates sound physical health, a positive mental attitude, also denotes success in career and abundance in wealth. On the other hand, a nose that is low, or crooked, pointed, or narrow, bony, or with contoured bridge, upturned tip, visible nostrils, reveal a problematic personality, a troublesome financial situation or a difficult career path. If blood vassals are clearly visible, or a dim blue color tones the surface, an illness or a money loss is on the way. When a nose turns bloody red, which is dubbed Fire in Lounge in Chinese physiognomy, it should be viewed as a serious warning sign - an impending disaster is near.

12. Popularity House (Nupu Going)

This House rules your relationship with your colleagues, subordinates or younger generations, and foretells your situation in your old age. When they are round and full, you can expect to enjoy your popularity among your followers. But if it sharps off, or appears crooked or bony, you probably should forget your dream about being a politician. And what’s more, you’d better prepare for self-support during old age.

NOTE : This is just for FUN, okay ? don't take it too seriously

The 3 Zones of the Face


A full on Face Reading can reveal hundreds of vital health, behavior and personality traits. But sometimes you need to make a quick assessment of someone – including yourself – to discover innate strengths and challenges for a particular situation.
In the study of Face Reading your face is divided into three sections, or Zones. Each Zone has a defining characteristic of either mentalpractical, or emotional / instinctive.

  • Zone 1, the top part of the face, is the Mental Zone.
  • Zone 2, the middle part of the face, is the Practical Zone.
  • Zone 3, the part of the face, is the Emotional or Instinctive Zone

How to Determine the Dominant Zone
The longest of the three zones is the dominant zone.

If you divide your face to three horizontal parts, you will find that one of the parts is relatively larger than the other two parts. This dominant part can tell some information about your personality and thinking style. 

How to Measure for the Dominant Zone

  • Zone 1: Measure from the Top of the Hairline to the Top of Eyebrows.
  • Zone 2: Measure from the Top of Eyebrows to the Bottom of the Nose.
  • Zone 3: Measure from the Bottom of Nose to End of the Chin.     

What the Three Zones of Your Face Reveal

Zone Attributes

Each of the three zones has distinct and unique physical, personality and behavioral attributees.

Zone 1 is the Mental Zone and is characterized by a high, broad forehead.
Thus, people with dominant upper parts will be more interested in facts and logical thinking than others. You can call people like that thinkers and deal with him on the basis of information and facts.

  • Zone 1 people need to think. They research, deliberate and analyze all details. They make lots of lists, with lots of pros and cons, and then they study and amend their lists carefully. Decisions are not made quickly. They can go back and forth on an issue forever, and can easily talk themselves out of things – and then right back in.
  • If you rush Zone 1 people for an answer, neither of you will get what you want. If you want their true answer, give them plenty of time to think it through.
  • The brilliant 20th Century scientist Albert Einstein is an example of someone who spent much time “in his mind,” as do most people who have a dominant Zone 1.
  • The best way to communicate with Zone 1 people is to ask them what they think. Notice that even when you ask them what they feel about something, they will often answer, “I think that…”
     Zone 2 is the Practical Zone and is characterized by high eyebrows, and long noses.
People with dominant middle parts are ambitious. They strive to be better and to improve the way their life is. Such people may sacrifice lots of things for the sake of reaching their ambition or making their dreams come true.     
  ·        Zone 2 people like to save. They save time, money, and energy. They are business-oriented, efficient and always practical.
·        If the high eyebrows are the dominant feature, these Zone 2 people are more action-oriented, and they like to save time. If their long nose is featured, they truly have ‘a nose for money’ – they like to make it and to save it.
·        Always appeal to Zone 2′s common sense and assure them that they are getting the most and the best for their efforts.
·        Barbra Streisand represents the typical Zone 2 person, as she is known for her efficiency and excellent business acumen.
·        The best way to communicate with Zone 2 people is to make sure that things make sense to them.  

 Zone 3 is the Emotional, or Instinctive Zone and is characterized by a prominent chin, and/or full lips and mouth.
 People with dominant lower parts may enjoy taking physical risks. You may find people from this category to be boxers or wrestlers. These people are practical and like to see how your ideas can fit in the real physical world rather than just hearing them.
  • Zone 3 people go by their feelings and instincts. They are fast decision-makers who will decide first, and figure out why later.
  • If a long chin is the prominent feature, they are instinctive. These Zone 3 people literally feel their instincts in their solar plexus. If the lips/mouth is prominent, they are emotional, and often impulsive. They need pleasure like others need water and air.
  • Appeal to their wants, rather than their needs, as they are driven by their desires and need to be constantly fulfilled.
  • Popular comedian Jay Leno’s humor is based on gut level, instinctive observations, which is a common trait among those with a dominant Zone 3.
  • To best communicate with Zone 3 people is to determine how they feel. Ask them what they think and they will invariably tell you instead what they feel.


Your destiny can be read in your face and by having some insight into your future and your potential you can be guided to make wise decision as you walk along your life path. By the reading of your face potential obstacles and challenges can be revealed and prepared for. The Chinese believe to read the face on a deep level it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the 100 year face map. Your face has pinpoints each with a number from 1 to 100 and you read the face from whatever age you are, such as if you are 38 you begin at point 38, if you are 20 you begin reading the face at point 20, if you are 60 you begin at point 60, your face literally pinpoints each year of your life. The 100 year face map is different for men and women, for women the face reading begins on the right side of the face and for men it begins on the left side. The 9 month gestation period is counted and you are 1 year old from the day of your birth.

Grouping the 100 year map
The 100 year map is grouped into childhood, adolescence, middle age, senior age and old age.

Male Points (Click To Enlarge Image)
Female Points(Click To Enlarge Image)

Childhood ( Ages 1-14 )
You begin from the left side of the face for males, and from the right side of the face for females.

Youth ( Ages 15 – 30 )
Male and female numbers 15 – 30 are located on the forehead, starting from the left for the males and the right for the females.

Middle age ( Ages 31 – 50 ) The areas the eyebrows and eyes are calculated for the ages 31 – 50 and the nose and cheeks the areas for the ages 41 – 50.

Senior age ( 51 – 70 ) The ages 51 – 60 is governed by the lips of a person, and the chin and jaw is read from the ages 61 – 70.

Old age ( 70 – 100 ) This is the latter half of a person’s life, different points on the face relate to a particular phase of life and luck.

Childhood (1 – 14) Well developed ears represent a happy and balanced childhood, whereas and underdeveloped ear can mean difficulties in childhood.

Childhood ( 8 – 14 ) A very thin ear represents some difficult emotional issues that a child had to deal with during this age range, well developed ears represent a warm and happy childhood where the child was well cared for. There are seven point on the ear which represent the formation of a child’s character.

Youth ( age 15 ) The center of the hairline is referred to as the Fire Star it is located in the highest point on the forehead, a high set Fire Star is indicative of a studious personality who will do well academically, if the Fire Star is hidden within the hairline it is highly likely the person left school early and entered the workforce and they may also have had family burdens to contend with.

Age 16 ) This is called the Point of Nobility and is located directly under the Fire Star, this point relates to your standing in the world, any marks in this area represent some difficulties the person had to overcome at this point in their life, if the point is smooth and unmarked is reveals a studious and industrious time in the person’s life.

Age 17-18 ) This is called the Sun and the Moon, age 17 is the sun point and age 18 is the  moon point, the father and mother respectively and the quality a person’s relationship with their parents is represented by this point on the forehead. If this are on the forehead is well developed with no markings this represents assistance from the parents, if there are markings or scars the representation is of a self-made person who has not been given assistance from family.

Age 19 ) This area is known as The Heavens and is located one finger space beneath number 16 The Point of Nobility, The Heavens represent luck and the way you carry yourself in the world and whether you are dignified  in your demeanor a fleshy non scarred are represents someone who carries them self with grace and elegance, if the area is marked or scarred you will find the person possibly has a devil-may-care more robust journey through life.

Ages 20 – 21 ) Known as the left and right assistants, these points are represented to the left and right of the forehead and represent helpful people in a person’s life, if there is an indentation in the centre of the forehead which pulls on the left and right assistants causing them to droop, this reveals a person who is a lone sailor and does not receive assistance from family members, a smooth and well developed centre areas not pulling on the assistants reveals support from family if needed.

Age 22 ) The Confidence Point, this is located one finger space under point 19, the Heavens, this is to do with a person’s self-confidence and respect for self and others, those with a mark on this point find they have to work hard for what they attain and have a tendency to be presented with more than their fair chair of challenges which affects self-esteem, this point is the same for females and males, if the area is smooth and unmarked the person is very likely confident and capable and comfortable with their place in the world. If a woman has a mark in this area she may have some issues with her body and possibly have a tendency towards anorexia or be quite preoccupied with her looks. If this point bulges on a woman she may be an attention grabber and quite egocentric.

Ages 23 – 24 ) The Sky Horse, located at the two corners of the forehead, this are represents how daring a person is regarding travel and shows whether they will move and work in another country. Those with a fleshy looking are able to travel and gather abundance they also make good business partners, if there is a mark in this area or scarring, the person is more likely to stay close to home rather than venturing and working in another country.

Age 25 ) This mark is in the center of the head directly below 22 the Confidence point is surprisingly called Direct Center, this area should be smooth and unmarked and has to do with balance and an appreciation of life, those with bumps and marks could possibly struggle in their life and this can be to do with rather extreme views and outlook, they need to value the thoughts, feelings and
ideas of others.

Age 26 – 27 ) This area is called the Tomb and Grave these positions, the points are located in the temple area, this area is to do with the consideration towards others, these should be flesh and clear with no veins protruding, this area is to do with genealogy and what you have carried through this lifetime, an area that is marked or scarred reveals there may be some hereditary issues that are difficult and may need to be overcome.

( Age 28 ) This area is called the Resource Hall and is located directly beneath area 25 Direct center, it is located between the eyebrows, this is to do with the quality of life and if the area is flesh it promises a successful life, if marked and bony or bumpy there will be hurdles to clear and effort will need to be put in to have the quality of life you want.

(Age 29 – 30 ) Called the Forest of the Face and located just above the point of the ear, for the female the left ear, for a male the right ear and can represent how accident prone you are a smooth area represents a relatively accident free life, whereas a marked or scarred are means you may be accident prone, and have some health issues to be dealt with, if the area is sunken it denotes some health issues.

Ages 31 – 34 ) Known as Brow Luck, ages 31 – 32 are represented by the head of the eyebrow and the ages 33 – 34 are known as the tail of the eyebrow, remember it is the right for a female and the left for a male. Refer to the eyebrow section mentioned earlier, to do this reading.

(Ages 35 – 36 ) Referred to as Great Yang and Great Yin, Great Yang is the inner corner of the eye and Great Yang is the outer corner of the eye, remember the right for females and the left for males. Look into the eye and first note if there are red lines if there are this represents difficulty in dealing with day to day life situations and means you may not be functioning up to par and you need to revitalize yourself, and you have been, or depending on your current age are or will be going through a time in life where nothing seems to be working for you.

Ages 37 – 38 ) These points represent Middle Yang and Yin and represent the center of the eyeball, if the eye is moist and water you are looking at a very emotional person, if the eyes are dull, lack lustre and unfocused this person is not concentrating on what is going on around and is likely to be going through emotional difficulties and around the ages of 37 – 38 they were, are or will be going through a difficult or trying time within a relationship and diplomacy will be needed. A large pupil denotes someone who can be naive and struggles with emotional issues. If the eye whites have a yellow tinge there were, are or will be difficult changes around the ages ( 35 – 40 ) and the person will find them difficult to deal with, there could also be shifting career paths or a relationship ending. If the yellow is evident and the eye is bright the changes at this time will be for the better and well received, the necessary adjustments will be welcomed and there will be success.

Ages 39 – 40 ) Known as Lesser Yang and Yin ) located in the outer corner of the eye white, refer to eyes.

Age 41 ) Referred to as the Mountain Root, located in the center of the nose between the eyes, this area is the revealer of drive, determination and ambition and how you get to where you are going a high Mountain Root, reveals a very confident person, a low Mountain Root, reveals means a life full of challenges and a self made quality, a nicely place Mountain Root denotes someone who gets on with it and is capable of overcoming whatever is put in their way.

Ages 42 – 43 ) This area is called Windows to the soul and is located in the inner corner of the eye white, when reading you are looking for clarity and alertness, clear focused eyes are indicative of a clear and focused personality, while dull unfriendly eyes are indicative of someone who likely has difficulty in relationships, eyes with half open lids are secretive, and have a penchant for getting themselves into hot water.

Ages 44 – 45 ) This area is referred to as the Health Position and is located on the bridge of the nose just below the Mountain Root point 41, a straight slightly fleshy unbroken area suggests someone who is very healthy, any bumps or marks reveal some, possibly hereditary health issues.

Ages 46 – 47 ) referred to as the Power Bones, located on the upper tip of the left and right cheekbones, the area should be fleshy and without downward lines from the eye area, if there are downwood lines this means some money loss around this age, if there  is a mole the loss is to do with a business. Those with a nicely fleshy area are the business people of the world who handle large amounts of money deftly, people with defined cheekbones that protrude are more forceful than there fleshy sentimental counterparts. Sagging cheekbones represent someone who likes to hold onto what they have and find it difficult to share.

Age 48 ) The Point of Conscience, this point is on the tip of the nose, a pointed nose belongs to someone who is extremely ambitious, those with fleshy nose tips are easy to get on with and are fair and equitable business partners, and work well with others. If the tip of the nose is rounded the person can be sure to draw wealth to themselves. The best noses for success are those that suit the symmetry of the face as this ensures prosperity and happiness in love.

Ages 49 – 50 ) Known as the Wings of Wealth and located on the nose wings, this is the outer corner of the nose where it meets the face, the wings should sit nicely on the face in a balanced way and be easily defined ensuring an ease in life, if the wings are not clearly defined this age will present some challenges emotionally or financially or both, if you haven’t reached this age and this is shown in your face you can take steps especially financially to avoid any financial loss by being cautious around this time in your life.

Age 51 ) This point is called the Middle Path and is located directly beneath the nose and above the lip in the crevice that joins the two, this is the area that lets you know what to expect in mid-life. You are looking for an area that is well defined and deep this tells you that all that has been acquired to date, you will hold on to, if it is tight or narrow, you will face financial challenges at this point in your life and will have to use caution to hold onto what you have gained.

(Ages 52-53 ) This area is known as, Fairy Storage, and is located beneath either nostril in the center between the nostril and the lip, for men the left side is 52 and the right side is 53, for women the right side is 52 and the left side is 53, these areas are to do with what you have gained, or will gain at this point in your life and is a depiction of the joy you experience in your life, you want this area to be smooth and well defined with no marks or hair growth, thus revealing you experience or will experience joy in your life at this point. If there are marks or hair growth it means there will be challenges and unless you are cautious you may experience financial loss, if you have not yet reached this age, you are forewarned to take care of what you have worked for.

(Ages 54 – 55 ) This point is known as, Eating Storage, and is located above the outer corner of the lip, left and right and between the lip and the outer edge of the nose wings, these points depict how you settle into your midlife, and how you are able to enjoy this point in time and whether you are enjoying and appreciating the fruits of your labour. Take notice of the shape of the mouth is it well designed and does it have symmetry do the sides curve slightly upwards? This is considered very good and means you are or will experience a very comfortable mid-life. If there are lines or marks going up from the lips to the Eating Storage point, you have, will, or are experiencing some financial stress, a very dark mark on this point of a male or female reveals there will be some health matters at this point. A mouth that curves downward naturally denotes who doesn’t appreciate what they have gathered at this point in time, and they need to learn how to be thankful for what they have and appreciate their time in life.

(Ages 56 – 57 ) Laughter Lines,  these lines are located one centimeter out from the lip edge left and right and is the point halfway between the far outer corner of the lips and the extreme outer wing of the nostril. Lines in this area for males the left side, and right side, for females the right and left side, these depict a long life. This is one area of your face that lines should be welcomed because of the fortuitous depiction. If the lines are broken on the face of male or female the person needs to be careful with their health, and or, financially at this point in life. Well defined and unbroken lines depict well regarded social standing.

(Ages 58 – 59 ) Tiger Ears, are located at the outer jaw point read left to right for the male, and read right to left for the female if this area is very bony it can depict someone who doesn’t always recognize those who are supportive or helpful in their life, a nicely covered area depicts someone who appreciates what others do for them.

(Age 60 ) The Water Star, this point is the same for males and females and is located in the center top tip of the lip, you are also looking at the lips as a whole and what you want to see are nicely defined lips, you are looking for lips that are in proportion to the face if this is so the person is going to have good luck at this point of time in their life. Luck may be a little precarious if the lips do not meet at the point directly aligned with the outer wings of the nose. A mouth that has no clear borders depicts a person who is very emotional. Very thin lips belong to someone who can be a little harsh, fuller lips denote a more sensitive nature.

(Age 61 ) Cheng, Jiang Position located in the center at the bottom part of the lower lip and is the same for males and females you are looking again for a fleshy lower lip that is well defined which depicts a smooth  flow into your latter years, marks on the lip or indentation reveal a more difficult transition possibly a struggle with growing older.

(Ages 62 – 63 ) Earth Storage, the position of this point is just out from position 61 on the left to right for the male, and the right and left for the female, a thin and bony area indicates someone who doesn’t like being alone, well defined area means this person will be serene and financially secure at this age, it also depicts many family members being loving and supportive.

(Ages 64 – 65 ) Old Age Supporters, located next to positions 62 – 63, you are looking for a fleshy are which show family and extended family around you at this time and growing old gracefully, a bony area below the lip means be very careful of your finances at this time and do not jump at any get rich quick schemes.

(Ages 66 – 67 ) Lip Edge, the corners of the mouth left to right for males, right to left for females, the ideal lip edge is when the corners of the mouth point upwards naturally this show an optimistic person, the mouth that points downwards at the corners reveals someone with a more pessimistic nature, they are also overly emotional.

(Ages 68 – 69 ) The Dimple Point, a prominent dimple either side of the face is indicative of a worrier, no dimples reveal someone who is more optimistic about most things in life.

(Age 70 ) The Chin, this point is located in the center of the chin and is the same for both men and women, you are looking for a strong chin and clear eyes which is evidence of someone who is wearing their age well and is not succumbing to old age, but challenging it. It is also to be noted that those who are comfortable financially at this point in life tend to have less or no wrinkling in this area.

(Age 71 ) Earth Corner, located directly below The Chin area, this area should be broad and fleshy and this is indicative of financial and emotional abundance at this time in life, scars or lines show health issues, and a cleft reveals wonderful creativity and a very active person.

(Ages 72 – 73 ) Hired Help, located to the left and right of 71 Earth Corner, you are looking for an area that is smooth and unlined which means it is very likely that this person will be involved in business until their latter years, they will also be surrounded by family members, thin skin or lines indicate some difficulties in running a business at this point and help may be needed, this can also relate to some health matters.

(Ages 74 – 75 ) Jawbone, you are looking for a fleshy jawbone, which depicts prosperity and this is certainly the age when you want to be able to relax on your laurels, this should be a time of relaxation and dignity, a person with a protruding jaw line may be having age issues and rather than aging gracefully they are struggling with their age.

(Ages 76 – 99 ) The face at this time is divided into the twelve animal signs Snake, Horse, Goat, Rooster, Monkey, Dog, Pig, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon. For females the signs are read  clockwise, and for men they are read counter clockwise. At this age the face is read by considering the entire sector, not just one area, the main points of consideration at this point in the person’s life is often their health. The eyes can reveal much about a person’s health and well being, and can reveal their financial situation also.

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